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House raises our gas prices bigtime...


This topic is laughable even by right-wing standards (i.e. - very low).

When W took office, gas prices were $1.47/gallon, national average (source: US Dept of Energy).

Today, the national average is $2.84/gallon, national average (same source).

Earlier this year, the national average was as high as $3.21/gallon, national average (same source).

Yeah, that's right, gas prices have doubled on W's watch.

After all that's already been done by the oil companies, only a fool would think that this would do anything even approaching what the oil companies have already done.

Oh....I'm so sorry....I somehow missed the part about W conspiring with all the futures traders to bump up world oil to record levels.....oh and I forgot the part about all the tree hugging liberals with the NIMBY thing conspiring with W about stopping those nasty refineries....and yes....the Dem's for stalling/stopping any drilling in ANWR.He he he he.....hey ,anyone want to buy some oil stock?? :lol:
I would....except for one minor problem...no shower facilities at the office. Riding to work when it's 80 degrees and humid in the morning wouldn't win me any popularity contests....

C'mon KC, the chinese do it everyday!

Are'nt you lefty tree huggers telling us we need to conserve and save the planet all the time, and your worried about what the ladies may say? Get yourself a bottle of BOD 'really ripped abs' fragerance spray and carry a change of clothes....Heck you just might lose a few pounds and impress the gals!!!! 😉

If your just flat lazy and can't bear the thought of a good workout, then they have gadgets for guys that get over 200 mpg...I think they may even make these things sturdy enough for that 'SICKO' lard ass!

http://www.hotguygadgets.com/blog_9.shtml B)
Oh....I'm so sorry....I somehow missed the part about W conspiring with all the futures traders to bump up world oil to record levels.....oh and I forgot the part about all the tree hugging liberals with the NIMBY thing conspiring with W about stopping those nasty refineries....and yes....the Dem's for stalling/stopping any drilling in ANWR.He he he he.....hey ,anyone want to buy some oil stock?? :lol:

Dell... that argument might hold some water if we didn't see gas prices increase nearly 40 cents/gallon in the first half of this year while the price of a barrel of oil dropped by more than ten dollars.

Of course, the oil companies said it was because they got caught by unexpected demand (in a mild winter?) when they had an unusually high amount of refining capacity offline for mtc. Of course, that was all just another unfortunate coincidence for the AMERICAN public - but another great windfall for the oil industry! Isn't it funny how they claim to have made a mistake (oops!) and their profits soar as a result?

The tired old tree-hugger argument doesn't hold any water, either. Yes, there are plenty of NIMBYs (across the entire political spectrum) in this country. Let me know when you see a new refinery go up near any wealthy neighborhood anywhere in the USA, either liberal or conservative. Frankly, I don't want a refinery in my backyard, either. Do you?

Having said that... during the early BRAC rounds, the Clinton administration offered up a fast-track approval process for any company that wanted to build a refinery on an old military base. This program was continued by W. To the best of my knowledge, there has not been a single taker. Fact is, the oil companies like to complain about not being able to build new refineries, but they really don't want to build any new refineries. New refineries are expensive to build and they only serve to weaken a choke point (that they control) in the process of getting product to the public. The oil companies have no incentive to do anything that would hurt their own pricing power.
The tired old tree-hugger argument doesn't hold any water, either.

Well get someone to agree to build one on an old base and I guarantee your tree huggers will line up in court.

Fact is, the oil companies like to complain about not being able to build new refineries, but they really don't want to build any new refineries. New refineries are expensive to build and they only serve to weaken a choke point (that they control) in the process of getting product to the public. The oil companies have no incentive to do anything that would hurt their own pricing power.

No profit in too much gas......
Right Left, Left Right what does it really matter, where is the real difference?

There is none whatsoever! Both sides are mostly lost souls whose only true interest is SELF resulting in only helping those that help them. In their minds they come first. This is the natural condition of the lost.

It doesn’t matter what side they are on, GOP or DEM, DEM or GOP because one is as lost as the other.

We live in a lost world, it’s just that simple. Nothing you see should surprise you, nothing. The regenerated mind expects such behavior from the lost, it’s only natural.

Of course if you yourself are lost then it’s the other guy, the other side and certainly not your lost state.

Sadly most are helplessly lost which has them blind to this world’s realities. Satan is indeed alive and well on planet earth as he convinces everyone to point the finger at everyone else EXCEPT themselves.

The Bible calls these souls fools. We live in a world overflowing with them and have some perfect examples right here on aviation arguing about nonsense while they are accelerating directly into eternal hellfire completely unaware of that fact.

Satan is indeed the master which is the only respect I give him. His most deadly tool/trap is convincing everyone he is a fantasy in a tortured mind. He is good in a very bad way.
I think that is Revelation somewhere...that once Armegeddon is done, gas prices will return to pre 1970 levels for those souls who were saved.
Well get someone to agree to build one on an old base and I guarantee your tree huggers will line up in court.

That was the point of the program. If it's put on one of these bases, the "tree huggers" and "Chad & Ashley" from the Country Club (conservative NIMBYs) are cut out of the process. They can't line up in court to stop it. With the NIMBYs out of the picture, the oil companies could build new refineries, if they wanted to, but they clearly don't want to do it.

Which brings us back to the original point... you're only kidding yourself if you think that taking away this tax break is going to have any impact on whether prices at the pump go up or down.
That was the point of the program. If it's put on one of these bases, the "tree huggers" and "Chad & Ashley" from the Country Club (conservative NIMBYs) are cut out of the process. They can't line up in court to stop it. With the NIMBYs out of the picture, the oil companies could build new refineries, if they wanted to, but they clearly don't want to do it.

Which brings us back to the original point... you're only kidding yourself if you think that taking away this tax break is going to have any impact on whether prices at the pump go up or down.

Never quite said that.......what I am saying is it WILL be passed down the pike to you and me.Will reflect in the wholesale price and then guess what happens?
Never quite said that.......what I am saying is it WILL be passed down the pike to you and me.Will reflect in the wholesale price and then guess what happens?

Kinda like when Bush's big oil baron friends over at Exxon Mobil blamed the rise in gas prices not on the crude oil itself, but rather on the cost to refine said crude oil into gas. The only problem with that excuse is that Exxon Mobil has their own refineries. I guess they're charging THEMSELVES more money to refine the crude, and then pass on the added "expense" to the consumer.
Kinda like when Bush's big oil baron friends over at Exxon Mobil blamed the rise in gas prices not on the crude oil itself, but rather on the cost to refine said crude oil into gas. The only problem with that excuse is that Exxon Mobil has their own refineries. I guess they're charging THEMSELVES more money to refine the crude, and then pass on the added "expense" to the consumer.
Does anybody have the number of "new jobs" created by the oil companies tax breaks? I mean, they are postponing refinery upgrades and not building more (the threat of Ethanol is SOOOOO great)...just curious that if tax breaks create jobs, is there a number of new jobs that can be cited as being created because of the tax breaks to big oil???
Kinda like when Bush's big oil baron friends over at Exxon Mobil blamed the rise in gas prices not on the crude oil itself, but rather on the cost to refine said crude oil into gas. The only problem with that excuse is that Exxon Mobil has their own refineries. I guess they're charging THEMSELVES more money to refine the crude, and then pass on the added "expense" to the consumer.

So you infer all the Exxon/Mobil workers refine for free?Live in company housing and drive company cars bought at the company store??

Dude,you just shot yourself in the foot and don't even know it.
Does anybody have the number of "new jobs" created by the oil companies tax breaks? I mean, they are postponing refinery upgrades and not building more (the threat of Ethanol is SOOOOO great)...just curious that if tax breaks create jobs, is there a number of new jobs that can be cited as being created because of the tax breaks to big oil???

Couldn't tell you but jobs in that industry seem very bleak......

Never quite said that.......what I am saying is it WILL be passed down the pike to you and me.Will reflect in the wholesale price and then guess what happens?

The savings from the oil industry tax breaks were never passed on to us. Taking them back to their old tax levels won't make one penny's difference, either. Remember they were already paying the tax rate proposed by the House back when gas prices were under $1.50/gallon.
So you infer all the Exxon/Mobil workers refine for free?Live in company housing and drive company cars bought at the company store??

Dude,you just shot yourself in the foot and don't even know it.

I shot myself in the foot??? Unlikely. Seriously delldude, don't act so naive when it suits your cause. Of course i wouldn't infer that Exxon Mobil refinery workers live hand-to-mouth. The point i was making, and which you pretended to not grasp, was that when the big oil companies weren't able to make the type of return on the crude oil itself, of which there is an abundant supply, in fact the U.S. has more on hand right now than at any time since 1999, when the average cost of a barrel of crude was $24, they elected to begin charging themselves more money to refine their own product. Yes, i will say it again, Exxon Mobil was "charging" itself more money to refine its very own crude oil. Here's some more damming evidence against Bush's slave masters, aka Big Oil...

"In the Bush economy it pays to be a CEO-but life is not as easy for the rest of America's workers. Wages for the vast majority of American workers are stagnant, while CEOs and other top executives take home larger and larger payouts. Pension plans for the rank and file are frozen and terminated, while CEOs grab giant multi-million dollar pensions and retirement packages."

Exxon Mobil, with the nation's largest pension for a CEO, also has a record underfunded pension plan for its regular employees-to the tune of $1.2 billion. Nice, huh? Their CEO rakes in over $350 million and they can't even fully fund their employee pensions.

Lee Raymond of Exxon Mobil has an annual pension of $8.2 million, hist total retirement package will cost $351 million!!!

At Exxon Mobil, executive obligations account for 12% of total liability

I'm not against companies making money, oil companies included, but don't shaft me and tell me its out of your control when your the ones who have created artificial supply problems.

Exxon Mobil makes profits at the rate of $75,000 a MINUTE!!!

Sorry delldude, the facts speak for themselves, your responses paint you as a simpleton or an apologist for big oil, which is it?

And instead of simply calling people tree huggers or a nimby, try bringing facts to this argument.

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