hillary 2016

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700: "She will be fine, was at an event last night that raised over $300,000 for her campaign in NC."
700UW said:
Better than any of the bought and paid for politicians.
Liberals...Forever extending any and all limits of previously unimaginable willful ignorance and out right stupidity...
" Trump has his own and he can spend it by the bushel basket with no strings attached. This makes him a dangerous man for the establishment political structure. Part of the reason IMO that he is getting traction is way way down deep people know this and are drawn to the fact they can through Trump give the Oligarchy the middle finger. Not so sure they have thought through what a Trump Presidency would look like."

True enough, as for the political machinery losing their pull with the oligarchs.

Thing is, They don't have to even bother to buy Trump

He is One of Them, Their Boy

I'm sure the Parties are in denial over the possibility of losing their relevance.

I'm pretty sure the Big Money is ecstatic that Trump is able to tap into the populist, base, and fearful feelings of a big ass chunk of the Republican base.

That Fear Mongering they've been doing trying to win is going to reach right up and smite them upside their collective elephant ears.
what should have her quaking is some guy with no chance in hell of winning is within 7 points of her in Iowa and some polls say is ahead in New Hampshire
well that and 50% think liar as the first word to come to mind on her
I have always preferred Bernie over Hillary, but whomever gets the democratic nomination will get my vote and support.
Voting for the "Lesser of two evils" mean you support evil.
You support the EVIL of the current regime who's leader IMO isn;t worth a pinch of poop in a manure pile.
You've got a maximum of Three choice out there and none of them are named Christie, Walker, O'malley, Chaffee Clinton, Graham, Jindal, Fiorina and a few I missed. You've got Bernie Sanders, Dr. Ben Carson and by virtue of being his Father's Son, Rand Paul.
You have over 15 people running as of now who collectively don't possess the principles, honor, integrity or intellectually honesty of one of the three mentioned.
PLEASE pick one of these three and send a powerful message that your vote can not be bought no matter how much money the Koch Brothers, Soros or Tom Steyer throw around.
I don't think Bernie has the answers, but I'll tell you two things he does have. He asks the right questions and he's only had his point of view for 30 years.
I will not waste my vote and the great thing is that it's my choice and not yours.
Rand bailed on his principles and left his integrity at the podium at his announcement.

That leaves two.

Voting for the least worst of the choices they give you is every bit as much a waste as voting for an independent you support, or not voting at all.

It also sends the message that you are ok with the choices they give you.
I don't disagree 100% with your assessment of Rand Paul. Always been skeptical of him. Not sure why either.
However the rest of your post is spot on. EVIL is EVIL and if you vote for it you condone it. I've voted Libertarian EVERY time. My conscience is clear, what about the rest of you?
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