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hillary 2016

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Carson is just as crazy as the others. He equates homosexuality with beastiality and pedophila. If he believes that he is an idiot, if he does not believe it he is selling out. He has compared the people who voted for Obama with Germans who did not stand up against the Nazis. He does not know jack about what happened in Nazi Germany. He think people who go to prison come out gay and that is proof that homosexuality is a learned/chosen path. He said that AP history curriculum would make a person sign up for ISIS. In 2014 he said if the GOP did not win Congress he was not sure there would be an election in 2016.

His ignorant comments go on and on. Whether ot not be believes them is up for debate but if he does, he is truly ignorant, if he does not then he is a sell out who will say what ever he has to in order to get elected. Just like any other politician.

He supports a ban on abortion after 20 weeks. Wants to ban abortion for any reason other than the life of the mother. In 2012 he said deregulation paved the way for the meltdown but in 2014 he said the free market is the best way to go. He has absolutely no understanding of science (how he became a neurosurgeon is beyond me) as evident when he said that both evolution and creationism require faith. He believes the earth is only 6,000 years old. blah blah blah
Civil Liberties has nothing to do with Liberal or Conservative. It has to do with Liberty versus Tyranny. Bernie understands this, Mrs Clinton does not.
Regardless of personal points of view and the ad hominem attack above on Dr Ben Carson. When it comes to being intellectually Honest, principled with honor and integrity, you have to search pretty far and wide to find anyone remotely close to Sanders, Carson or Paul.
My favorite demonstration of hypocrisy in action has been Governor Christies anti-drug rant about self discipline. This from a guy who is morbidly obese. Talk about self discipline there Governor Cheeseburger.
Would you prefer Governor Cheeseburger or someone intellectually honest even though you might disagree on some things?
SparrowHawk said:
Civil Liberties has nothing to do with Liberal or Conservative. It has to do with Liberty versus Tyranny. Bernie understands this, Mrs Clinton does not.
Regardless of personal points of view and the ad hominem attack above on Dr Ben Carson. When it comes to being intellectually Honest, principled with honor and integrity, you have to search pretty far and wide to find anyone remotely close to Sanders, Carson or Paul.
Rand Paul, really. The only thing holding that guy up is the starch in his shirt.
Rand is getting more and more Republican and less and less Libertarian by the day, or at least by the "issue of the day"
"Rand Paul has previously said that “he is not a legal authority” on whether clerks can deny marriage licenses.

In addition, the situation in Rowan County is exactly the kind of uncertainty that could result if the so-called First Amendment Defense Act (FADA) became law. Going far beyond protecting the rights established in the First Amendment, this offensive anti-LGBT legislation would undermine the rule of law and promote taxpayer-funded discrimination. If passed, FADA could create a breakdown of government services and runaway litigation.

A federal employee could argue, for example, that they refuse to process tax returns, visa applications or Social Security checks whenever a same-sex couple's paperwork appears on his or her desk.

So far, Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, John Kasich, Bobby Jindal and Donald Trump have not taken a position on FADA. While Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Rick Santorum and Scott Walker have said they support it.
If you read what he said in it's entirety I don't think he said that blacks cannot become citizens. What he said and what it means is that he has no understanding of the US judicial system. He does not understand that the 14th amendment, which was passed after the Dread Scott decison, invalidates the SCOTUS decison.

There is the possibility that he understands this and is just trying to make headlines and remain relevant but when you take everything elese he has said into account, the likely hood of him understanding this seems very remote.
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