hillary 2016

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700UW said:
You need to fact check that liberal lie Dude.
Hillary was on tape on CBS national news at 6:30p    yesterday, and I noticed that the whole news segment had been recorded (DVR).  I watched as HILLARY said the following ;     " I (Hillary) have NEVER ...  S  E  N T...... classified info to anyone"
She then said,......... " I (Hillary)...have...NEVER RECEIVED Any Info.... " " M A R K E D..... C L A S S I F I E D " "......from ANYONE" !
( How'm I doing   ' southwind ' .  Are you still with me, or did I  LOSE YOU.....after....." NEVER SENT "  ??????
I replayed it...Over...and...Over...and....Over again just to make sure that I  had heard what she said.
An intelligent person could easily surmise (  'southwind.  Surmise means  GUESS / SUSPECT / CONCLUDE ) ........................................ that if Hillary was wrong, that said tapes would prove so, wouldn't you think ?
Is 'this'...." It all depends on what the definition of  I S .......I S .....part II "  ?    :rolleyes:
700UW said:
700UW said:
Don't let the facts get in your way.
WASHINGTON — Computer technicians have found 22 million missing White House e-mails from the administration of President George W. Bush and the Obama administration is searching for dozens more days' worth of potentially lost e-mail from the Bush years, according to two groups that filed suit over the failure by the Bush White House to install an electronic record keeping system.
Former Bush White House spokesman Scott Stanzel said the 22 million e-mails already had been recovered while Bush was still in office and that misleading statements about the former administration's work demonstrate "a continued anti-Bush agenda, nearly a year after a new president was sworn in."
cltrat said:
you believing her says alot
unfortunately the FBI may not
And you have already charged, tried and convicted her in your own mind.
cltrat said:
you believing her says alot
unfortunately the FBI may not
You do a Shiit load of Trash talking on here... ' Rat, sooooo as the old saying goes,....... PUT UP, or SHUT UP,........meaning that  IF the feds don't find that she broke the law, then you'll...SHUT UP by saying that she was Not Guilty   ????
Well all be WATCHING citRAT, to see who's FULL of Shite   !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Right or wrong, Hillary strikes a nerve with some, both Democrat & Republican who is untrustworthy and blindly ambitious to the point of thinking she is above the law. Nixon had the same affliction and it ultimately destroyed him.
Now, like then it comes down to "What did she know and when did she know it" with Benghazi. The personal server/email fiasco comes down in a similar fashion except why was the server wiped clean? The old "If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear" argument leaps out.
The above are just the recent legal issues. Throughout her career we have heard story after story, some true some less true about her arrogance and blind ambition, questionable business dealings and the list goes on. Maybe she is a victim of circumstance and all this wild crazy stuff she is involved in is a bunch of hot air. OR, it's just the tip of the iceberg. It boils down to who do you believe?
SparrowHawk said:
The old "If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear" argument leaps out?
Point of order Mr. Libertarian. Is that the line you use when pulled over by the jack booted thug (cop)?

The one who has pulled you over for changing lanes without a signal, and now determines that you may have something to hide? He/She then orders you out if your vehicle to search it just because.

Hey, if you have nothing to hide, why not have regular checkpoints all over the place just to keep us safe. Why not?

If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.
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