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hillary 2016

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700UW said:
And yet head to head with any republican she is beating them in all the polls.

She is strong against Democratic challengers, but weaker against Republicans
Six weeks after setting her candidacy into high gear, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers are continuing to fall, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday.
Starring Hitlery Clinton and coming to a theater near you!
The New York Times had a bombshell on its hands the other day: The paper of record reported that government investigators had asked the Justice Department to investigate possible criminal charges in relation to the emails Hillary Clinton kept on a private server. But the Times' scoop was way off. The government investigators had actually asked the Department of Justice to look into whether Clinton's emails that contained classified information might have been inadvertently released by the State Department. The story played right into the hands of Clinton's legion of enemies, who now had a cudgel to bang over the head of the presumptive Democratic nominee. The Times ended up changing its story, but that wasn't enough for the Clinton campaign. The campaign fired back at the Times on Tuesday with a nearly 2,000-word open letter to the paper's executive editor. It then posted the letter on hillaryclinton.com. Read the whole thing below:
Glenn Quagmire said:
I would rather see Joe Biden or Jim Webb.
Biden? Are you serious? Brahahaw..........America will become the laughing stock of the world. But, then again, BaRack has already sent us down THAT path!
southwind said:
Biden? Are you serious? Brahahaw..........America will become the laughing stock of the world. But, then again, BaRack has already sent us down THAT path!
I guess you don't realize that Joe Biden is well respected for his foreign policy experience. He does have a way of saying what is on his mind, a trait that many conservatives seem to like right now.
You do remember southwind was pushing Herman Cain last time, he had no room to talk.
traderjake said:
EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton's camp fears a new 'bimbo eruption' will put the kibosh on candidacy - especially from Gennifer Flowers who claimed Bill liked to be blindfolded and tied up with silk scarves and called his wife 'Hilla the Hun'

pretty hard to hate on ol Bill for calling her that
traderjake said:
That is funny tj. +1

He is a hands-on, slap you on the back, give you a hug, kind of guy. LBJ was another that was known for that.

He is a real stand up guy. I would take him over Hillary in a second.
I have to agree with you Glenn if those are the choices it's a no brainer
Emails taking their toll?  I find her polling numbers hard to believe in light that some 60% give or take feel shes not trustworthy as a president.
Money man seen with Joey last week.....
Now this:
Howard Schultz, the chairman and CEO of Starbucks, is being urged to challenge Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Schultz, 62, is getting encouragement from supporters because they believe "the time is right for someone who's not a political lifer," New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd said on Saturday. "It may be a tempting proposition."
I bet bill is laughing his as off that he got the job and she never will
delldude said:
Emails taking their toll?  I find her polling numbers hard to believe in light that some 60% give or take feel shes not trustworthy as a president.
Money man seen with Joey last week.....
Now this:
And she still polls above the Republican Party.
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