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hillary 2016

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700UW said:
And yet head to head with any republican she is beating them in all the polls.
Hillary Rodham Clinton would lose or tie for the presidency against three leading Republican hopefuls if the election were held today in three key swing states, according to a new poll.
A Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday found that Clinton has strikingly negative favorability ratings among voters in Virginia, Iowa and Colorado, especially compared with where she stood in the spring.
In matchups with Bush, Walker and Rubio, Clinton would lose by as many as 9 points in Colorado and Iowa. In Virginia, where Gov. Terry McAuliffe, her longtime friend and fundraiser, has enthusiastically endorsed her, Clinton would edge out those Republicans by only 2 or 3 percentage points, making the hypothetical races too close to call.
Her favorability ratings are upside down. In Colorado: 35 percent favorable to 56 percent unfavorable; in Iowa: 33 percent to 56 percent; and in Virginia: 41 percent to 50 percent.
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