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hillary 2016

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EastUS1 said:
"Simple" is right wherever your questions are concerned. The pathetic conduct/Rules of Engagement demanded in Iraq by fools in DC made those thousands of deaths happen, not the invasion and initial conquest of Iraq.easy slaughter on a daily basis by any half-wit with a road-side bomb.
What rules of engagement are you talking about?
EastUS1 said:
The invasion was the right thing to do....
Right thing to do based on what?  In what parallel universe did this make sense? 
EastUS1 said:
....but any actually lasting conquest of Iraq was made utterly impossible by spineless scum in DC, and the needless deaths of our thousands of youngsters AFTER they'd kicked the crap out of Saddam's military lies entirely on the blood-soaked hands of the vilest forms of "life" possible = "politicians"....
And the politician who sent them there was named George W. Bush.  So save your vitriol for him.
EastUS1 said:
(By "us" of course, I certainly don't mean you or any other "liberal", since your sad sorts generally like to stay at least thousands of miles away from so much as firecrackers popping..well...unless "heroically" umm...."landing under sniper fire" of course)...
Let me remind you that it was the reactionary/conservative who were cheer leading this whole thing from the comfort of their easy chair.  Not the "liberals".  
And what is it with you and name calling?  Is this the result of a steady diet of talk radio and Fox News or were you always this nasty?  By the way just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they are a "liberal" or "libtard".  There were a handful of Republicans who voted against the war.  In your world they're "libtards".
EastUS1 said:
"Let me ask you this.  Do you live your life according to the bible word for word?" No. The bible is a written (and often edited) product of a great many human beings. I've yet to see God Allmighty put up a particular printing press which was always and only touched by divinity. 
So your saying that not everyone lives their lives strictly to what ever religion they believe in.  I was going to try and explain the point I was trying to make but I have a feeling I would be wasting my time.
EastUS1 said:
Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons, and had been eagerly seeking nuclear ones. 
What Saddam Hussien had in 2003 was a handful of chemical weapons leftover from the Iran/Iraq war buried in the desert that were more dangerous to anyone who found them than any intended target.  Probably would have come apart upon firing.
If chemical weapons and a desire for nuclear weapons is reason for invasion then why aren't you calling for the invasion of North Korea?
EastUS1 said:
 What stopped him from gaining nuclear weapons was the willingness of the Reagan regime to support Israel's attack on the Iraqi reactor at Osirik,
The Reagan Administration did not support the strike as the were no informed of it.  They also supported a UN resolution condemning the attack and briefly suspended delivery of F-16's to Israel
“I am adamantly against illegal immigrants,” 
“people have to stop employing illegal immigrants.”
“Stand in the street corners in Brooklyn or the Bronx. You’re going to see loads of people waiting to get picked up to go do yard work, and construction work, and domestic work.”
“A country that cannot control its borders is failing at one of its fundamental obligations,”
[SIZE=17.6000003814697px]Just another day of Hillary lying to the public.[/SIZE]
777 fixer said:
  Mind you the whole pretext was based on a lie. 
Is this the same 'lie' that has no merit, except in liberal circles?
Is this the same 'lie' that was shown to have been proven false even after the results were classified by DOD instead of released?
Is this the same 'lie' that has maimed many soldiers who find out the the 'lie' was false?
Is this the same 'lie' that now has up to 2500 sarin rounds now in the hands of ISIS got hold of in IRAQ?
Is this the same 'lie' that found 1.77 metric tons of low grade uranium in IRAQ?
Is this the same 'lie' that shipped 550 metric tons of yellow cake on 37 secret flights from IRAQ?
delldude said:
Is this the same 'lie' that has no merit, except in liberal circles?
Is this the same 'lie' that was shown to have been proven false even after the results were classified by DOD instead of released?
Is this the same 'lie' that has maimed many soldiers who find out the the 'lie' was false?
Is this the same 'lie' that now has up to 2500 sarin rounds now in the hands of ISIS got hold of in IRAQ?
Is this the same 'lie' that found 1.77 metric tons of low grade uranium in IRAQ?
Is this the same 'lie' that shipped 550 metric tons of yellow cake on 37 secret flights from IRAQ?
Once again dell was it worth the lives of 4000+ Americans, a couple hundred thousand Iraqi's and over a trillion dollars?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
“I am adamantly against illegal immigrants,” 
“people have to stop employing illegal immigrants.”
“Stand in the street corners in Brooklyn or the Bronx. You’re going to see loads of people waiting to get picked up to go do yard work, and construction work, and domestic work.”
“A country that cannot control its borders is failing at one of its fundamental obligations,”
[SIZE=17.6000003814697px]Just another day of Hillary lying to the public.[/SIZE]
-2 from quotes?
Libtards are nothing if not petty.
I guess the truth hurts.
777 fixer said:
What does Aegis have to do with this?
What does this have to do with Hitlery being a liar? Start your own thread if.going to go off topic!
he's sourcing other things he believes to be lies to justify Hillary s  constant lying .
pretty standard liberal playbook really like Hillary just ignoring everything figuring it will just go away. Classic Clinton
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