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hillary 2016

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La Li Lu Le Lo said:
When they are not aborting the miracle because it would be too "inconvenient".
Indeed. It's been my experience that the only "lives" liberals ever truly care about are their own...and what pitifully fear-driven and generally sad excuses for "lives" most of those are...always looking to others to protect and somehow "validate" them in the process.
EastUS1 said:
A typically moronic "liberal" response. Per "educate themselves"? ....Call me back when you've ever bothered to even begin to do so for yourself. Suggested first readings would be the Koran, the Bhagavad Ghita and what teachings of the Buddha your clearly unimaginative and apparently feeble little "mind" can manage.
"Let me ask you this.  Do you live your life according to the bible word for word?" No. The bible is a written (and often edited) product of a great many human beings. I've yet to see God Allmighty put up a particular printing press which was always and only touched by divinity. I believe in a prime force/first cause/God/whatever one wishes to term such, and have little use for any/all politically perverted/"convenient" collective tribal fantasies of humankind's making written up by mere mortals....which is what any/all established "religions" actually offer, most often completely missing the point entirely. We humans have an unfortunate capacity to miss the obvious miracles around us everyday, not to mention the miracle of even being alive and more or less sentient to start with. Hold a newborn child or dying loved one in your arms and see if you really need any book to tell you how to feel...
As for the societally practical value of religions though: Perhaps you can offer up something/ANYthing against "Love thy neighbor" and "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"? Now then; kindly place before us all comparatively "nurturing" quotes from the Koran, just for laughs (you clearly being a true "scholar" that's well-studied in religions, of course) ...You might want to edit out any/all commands to conquer, subjugate and enslave or kill all "infidels", of course. 
Mindlessly "embracing diversity" and "respecting other"...umm..."cultures" isn't always much of any "good thing" for supposed "civilization" to do, and any espousing such childish nonsense merely exhibit both their wholesale lack of even the slightest knowledge of human history and the darker aspects of human nature.
"People such as yourself who resort to name calling usually don"t bother to educate themselves"...? Umm...What sort of title should I "respectfully" offer the likes of at best court jesters if not ufter fools? No matte. Let's jsut begin with: Your liberally "enlightened" study of the world's religions and spirtuality in general includes exactly WHAT even slight efforts on your own part? C'mon...I'm sure we could all use a few good laughs here....?
For starters: When's the last time you ever even looked deeply up into a clear night's sky and, for even the briefest of moments, actually realized that "Whoa!....This really isn't ALL about MEE!"...? .."A whole lot more's going on here than I can even begin to understand or ever imagine!"...?  😉 Don't overly strain yourself. It'll come to you, or it won't.
Uh Oh!...Two mighty minus votes already! Sigh!...How will I even live through the day?  Umm...would/even could any of you "liberal" half-wits care to actually debate any of what was posted?....No? How 'bout if we just keep it sufficiently "simple" and you offer up whatever feeble argument you can against the following: Bottom Line: Hillary's just a pathetic bought-and-paid-for-and-fully-owned-little-beyotch of among others, most certainly arab oil money...? Not even able to argue against that?....Oh well. Have fun in Fantasyland for so long as you can.
777 fixer said:
Simple question.  Was the invasion of Iraq worth the lives of over four thousand Americans god knows how many Iraqi's and almost trillion dollars spent on it?  Mind you the whole pretext was based on a lie.  So what is it, yes or no.  Can't be to hard to answer.
So what is it, yes or no. 
“My mama always said, ‘Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.’”-Forrest
You can prove it was based on a lie?
delldude said:
You can prove it was based on a lie?
Eyewitness testimony here. Just past mid-January 1991. After two incoming SCUD explosions on a northernmost airfield in Saudi Arabia, "Condition Black" was announced on the base, meaning the determination of chemical weapons from the enemy missiles (two impacted) being found and present....Just sayin'....But what do I know? That's the same period when CNN was feeding Americans back home the wholesale BS that all enemy missles were being "shot down" by the Patriot batteries....neglecting the small fact that the Patriot missles largely failed to destroy the actual warheads of said missles, which naturally hit the earth anyway. The enemy's missles were being so "successfuly" shot down that the highest single action loss of American life in the whole war came from one of those F#^kers hitting a barracks...but heck!..Neither the "news" sources nor guv-mint would ever lie to anyone...would they?
One "might" also ask just why so many "unexplainable" sicknesses overtook many from that theater of ops after returning home, even to the extent of deformed babies being born, but...Oh well...not part of the political agenda, so it simply "didn't happen" apparently.
Don't mind me. Let's all, forever and always, just trust the "news".....and whatever the azzhats/politicians in DC say, of course.
Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons, and had been eagerly seeking nuclear ones. What stopped him from gaining nuclear weapons was the willingness of the Reagan regime to support Israel's attack on the Iraqi reactor at Osirik, and what stopped him from attaining personal control over pretty much the whole middle east's oil supply was the US of A.
Fast-forward to the pathetic present...and NOTHING is now in place to prevent Iran from gaining nuclear weapons and then ascendency over the whole middle east. WTF does anyone imagine the Saudis will do now?....Let me just guess: "Holy Jihad!..We must get nukes too!"....There, there, nothing to see here "liberals". Just move along, pet your precious little unicorns and look for some more pretty little rainbows to ride under. 😉
delldude said:
I read somewhere, you go to war with the best intel you have at that moment.
And we knew Saddam had chemical weapons. I'll never personally forget the true "joys" of donning a chemical warfare "ensemble" many times myself. The good part about "Intell" being at all wrong in '91 was that they projected 2,000 - 10,000 American dead/KIA, and we had hospital ships and facilities in place to care for as many as 60,000 critically wounded...with many thousands of "body bags" and even 6,000 "HR Containers" = transporting caskets placed in theater......
Who then knew for sure that arabs were so utterly worthless on any actual battlefield? 😉  But Hey!....Since we now have enough spineless and utterly clueless "liberal" village idiots around...maybe if we just give them nuclear weapons and respect their..umm.."culrture",  it'll all be "fair" and OK...and the next fight with these goat-fuggin' scum can result in the deaths of millions of Americans as well....just to be "fair" and embrace everyone's "diversity" and not hurt anyone's "feelings" of course.....
"Liberalism" is nothing more or less than a virulent insanity, only possible to even exist within the most "innocent" and always-sheltererd,....or just otherwise, wholly brain-dead to start with.
777 fixer said:
Iran would not have a base of operation in Iraq, which riles up the Sunni's to no end, since Saddam would not have allowed them in the country in the first place.
In the end the catalyst that sent these events in motion is the invasion of Iraq.  No invasion, no Al Queda in Iraq, no pissed off Sunni's to start ISIS, no one thrown into Abu Grhaib to make connections with and start ISIS.
ISIS simply filled a void left by the premature removal of USA troops. Military experts warned about this.

Had there been no response by the USA to the 9-11 attacks, Al Queda would not have been in Irag but maybe already in Indiana or Illinois instead. If you don't believe me look at the situation in certain European countries.

While war is terrible and costly (money and especially human lives), to pretend that all would be great & dandy only if those men that are a part of Al Queda and/or ISIS had been provided job training or small business start up grants is lunacy.
777 fixer said:
Simple question.  Was the invasion of Iraq worth the lives of over four thousand Americans god knows how many Iraqi's and almost trillion dollars spent on it?  Mind you the whole pretext was based on a lie.  So what is it, yes or no.  Can't be to hard to answer.
So what is it, yes or no.
Was the early removal of USA troops from Iraq and Afghanistan for political reasons worth it?
Just who are the Generals in Iraq and Afghanistan?
General Motors?
General Electric?
General Dynamics?
We interrupt this Billary moment with this announcement...If her majesty wants this...


Why do some have a problem with Scott Walker?


Please enlighten me. One is a perceived union buster while the other will bring the job replacements for lower wages.

Truth hurts, huh?
signals said:
We interrupt this Billary moment with this announcement...If her majesty wants this...


Why do some have a problem with Scott Walker?


Please enlighten me. One is a perceived union buster while the other will bring the job replacements for lower wages.

Truth hurts, huh?
Little Hillary kick in the balls ala 2003?
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just another reason only 25% of the general populace trust her and hell half them are probably lying.
cltrat said:
just another reason only 25% of the general populace trust her and hell half them are probably lying.
Notice they're pumping BS about her numbers being unaffected by neg publicity?
Circling the wagons for the stupid uninformed kiddie voters.
Congressional Black Caucus has gone off the reservation with comments on oBama a while ago.
FrugalFlyerv2.0 said:
ISIS simply filled a void left by the premature removal of USA troops. Military experts warned about this.
ISIS exists because we were there in the first place.
FrugalFlyerv2.0 said:
 Had there been no response by the USA to the 9-11 attacks, Al Queda would not have been in Irag but maybe already in Indiana or Illinois instead. 
Are you saying if we hadn't invaded Iraq Al Queda would be in Illinois and Indiana?  If you are that makes no sense what so ever.  Most of the Al Queda in Iraq members were Iraqi Sunni's that prior to the invasion had little interest in killing American's.  So to try and imply that they would have started showing up in the mid-west were it not for the invasion flies in the face of reason.
FrugalFlyerv2.0 said:
 Was the early removal of USA troops from Iraq and Afghanistan for political reasons worth it?
We still have troops in Afghanistan.  In the case of Iraq it was worth it because we no longer had guys coming home in body bags.  Now that I answered your question care to answer mine.
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