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Haven't Heard About the Extra 4% in Equity to be Held Aside?

WeAAsles said:
Let me ask all of you readers on this forum one question.

Where are your work shoes or boots made? Pull back the tab and take a good look.

If you're not a part of the solution, then you're a part of the problem!
What a joke.  Look, your bumkin TWU misdirection off topic might work on some of the sheeple who you surround yourself with; however, those of us who can see the TWU for what it is, are not so easily brainwashed. 
None of us have any unreal expectations once the AMFA is put in place at AA as the AMTs & related representative union.  The main difference will be during OPEN negotiations.  Where observers are permitted!  No lifetime positions to the international level will be awarded to sellouts.  In fact, AMFA negotiators will eventually be on the floor working under the terms they helped negotiate.
Then there is just the stigma we have, of being stuck paying dues to such a lame union.  It is embarrassing being in the TWU.  The laughing stock of the industry.
Where are your shoes made?  Really?
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Haven't Heard About the Extra 4% in Equity to be Held Aside?
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Vortilon said:
What a joke.  Look, your bumkin TWU misdirection off topic might work on some of the sheeple who you surround yourself with; however, those of us who can see the TWU for what it is, are not so easily brainwashed. 
None of us have any unreal expectations once the AMFA is put in place at AA as the AMTs & related representative union.  The main difference will be during OPEN negotiations.  Where observers are permitted!  No lifetime positions to the international level will be awarded to sellouts.  In fact, AMFA negotiators will eventually be on the floor working under the terms they helped negotiate.
Then there is just the stigma we have, of being stuck paying dues to such a lame union.  It is embarrassing being in the TWU.  The laughing stock of the industry.
Where are your shoes made?  Really?

Well I'll wish you luck then. Until you change your own mindset and get with the program you're going to need it.

And my shoes are made in America by Union workers very proud to say and show off.
WeAAsles said:
We would not have the option of tapping into the anger of the membership against the TWU if they did their job, now would we?

You are and always have been the TWU. Any union needs to have ALL of it's members participating if it's going to be successful. How have ALL of you fought against outsourcing?
How did the IAM fair against NWA they were there as well. What about the F/A union or the Pilots. How did the IAM work out for me and all the other Eastern employees?

NWA did not put the IAM out to pasture. The members switched unions and NWA put AMFA out to pasture. Did the IAM put Eastern out of business? What about the Pilots and Fa's?
How did the CAL guys and the USAirways guys do with the IAM under BK. Oh lets not forget UAL had the IAM there as well. The IBT has done what for our class and craft?

No Union has come out ahead under a BK scenario. Take a good long look at the Hostess story to understand that one. The BCTGM did the same thing as AMFA did at NWA and the same thing some of you wanted to do at AA and look what happened to them. Your only solutions are to fight against the laws, not your unions.
What did they do when the heat was on about fraudulent cards turned into the NMB which would of at least given us a chance to get a vote here. Have the Leaders of the IBT gotten the seniority issue and medical issues worked out between the CAL/UAL guys yet?

The IBT have become a joke to almost every other union out there, sadly. They scurried away from AA before they were publicly busted and humiliated. And we also all saw what just happened recently with them at Usair.
 But the TWU has done exactly what to show any fight here at AA. If we the membership gets a vote and puts AMFA in place all the dues of the AA and US guys will bolster the coffers of AMFA and we will see how well they do. Just here at AA we would give $7.2Mil a yr to AMFA.

How does AMFA have enough money to fight against the LAWS that are your real enemy. Do they have any backing? Do they have resources like our affiliation with the AFL/CIO? What can they do to shine a light on all the outsourcing and try to roll that back?
We won't have high priced Natl. officers taking a cut either. Just how much did little Jimmy, Phat Don and Bobby G. make a yr? AMFA does not have guys like Chris O flying around the system supporting the TWU and HELPING AA, only to set up a future job as a Mgr at AA. Everyone wants to blame AMFA, this tiny little union which represents no-one, has no power. No Money, No clue, but all of you TWU supporters put the shutting Down of NWA on them.

I'm not putting the shutting down of NWA on AMFA. NWA management destroyed them because they made critical errors and underestimated what the company would do to them. NWA took full advantage of the opportunity in front of them. They had almost no one on their side because of their history of raiding. As for the guys at the top of the TWU that you mentioned, where are they now? You have a big part of the change you wanted in front of you right now. You don't see that?
Well if they are to blame then they must be AWESOME have the fight required to do the job. WE here with the TWU just bending over and saying what?  "We will get em next time" We are going to dig deep into the pockets"
Give us a break, the TWU has failed and it's time for a change. 
A change that will make a difference. WE Have Had ENOUGH,

A change will make NO difference unless you ALL get off your individual duffs and get in the fight. You want those you elect to do it all for you. It doesn't work that way. Start writing letters to the editors, your elected leaders, helping those that are under attack just like you. You're not the only ones under attack in this Country you know.
AMFA at AA in 2014

Sure. Insulate and isolate yourselves even more. How's that been working out in the Union movement so far? Tattered, torn and fractured. Your enemies love you for it. Kudos.
Wow, what good is belonging to the AFL-CIO and the idea of strength in numbers if that strength will never be used?
Read up on a little bit of labor history and show us where trying to buy political influence in a Government controlled by money ever succeeded in any change favoring the working stiffs? In case you cannot do basic math, the rich will always when a game of who has the most money for influence.
Writing letters? Are you serious? I can do that without paying dues. In fact I could buy a boat load of stamps to mail my letters in for two hours pay per month.
What good is the TWU or the AFL-CIO if all I need to do is write letters?
Wuss unionism has destroyed organized labor.
WOW, another meaningful topic trashed and taken over by the pro and anti AMFA, TWU mouths. This is getting old guys. How about one damn thread for your arguments and let us discuss the topic at hand!
WOW, another meaningful topic trashed and taken over by the pro and anti AMFA, TWU mouths. This is getting old guys. How about one damn thread for your arguments and let us discuss the topic at hand!
This topic has been worn out like an old wash rag and as all topics involving the twu things just get stupid after a while! When the captive membership is left to unlock the riddles presented to them by the twu this is where the arguments finally end up. I will agree with the twu on one t shirt slogan out of all their t shirts. ENOUGH is ENOUGH.  Lets end this BS and get the cards signed!! 
WOW, another meaningful topic trashed and taken over by the pro and anti AMFA, TWU mouths. This is getting old guys. How about one damn thread for your arguments and let us discuss the topic at hand!
 IF you want to make this a meaningful thread, then get some answers from the TWU about how our equity has been screwed and report those facts as you obtain them. It cannot be a meaningful thread unless we have facts, and it appears nobody including yourself has any facts regarding the equity shafting we just took. So what is meaningful about that?
Now that the stock is sinking like a rock. Seems the value of the 14% held is also taking a hit. If the retiree case is won, who is going to eat the loss? Who would benifit if stock went up?
TWU informer said:
 IF you want to make this a meaningful thread, then get some answers from the TWU about how our equity has been screwed and report those facts as you obtain them. It cannot be a meaningful thread unless we have facts, and it appears nobody including yourself has any facts regarding the equity shafting we just took. So what is meaningful about that?
Informer, how about going back through some of these pages and you will see that is what is being discussed. I don't have the answers and this thread was being used to openly discuss the equity share situation. So, some people including you have decided to turn into another AMFA thread because you are guilty of what you are accusing me of, the inability to provide equity facts. But hey, if you want to make every topic a "smorgasbord" led by the TWU/AMFA debate, go for it...
screwed again said:
Now that the stock is sinking like a rock. Seems the value of the 14% held is also taking a hit. If the retiree case is won, who is going to eat the loss? Who would benifit if stock went up?
My thought exactly. Since it is dropping, is our 14% having more shares added??
screwed again said:
Now that the stock is sinking like a rock. Seems the value of the 14% held is also taking a hit. If the retiree case is won, who is going to eat the loss? Who would benifit if stock went up?
The most obvious revenue generator, Increase our union dues and blame some one else for the increase.
Informer, how about going back through some of these pages and you will see that is what is being discussed. I don't have the answers and this thread was being used to openly discuss the equity share situation. So, some people including you have decided to turn into another AMFA thread because you are guilty of what you are accusing me of, the inability to provide equity facts. But hey, if you want to make every topic a "smorgasbord" led by the TWU/AMFA debate, go for it...
I never mentioned AMFA, you did.
screwed again said:
Now that the stock is sinking like a rock. Seems the value of the 14% held is also taking a hit. If the retiree case is won, who is going to eat the loss? Who would benifit if stock went up?
If the 14% was with held from the start than obviously the recipient whoever that may be would see the gain. Since the holdout occurred at day 120 its all up to the market now. I guess a new suit could be initiated against the twu for the difference, if it goes down from the day 120 allocation, especially if the retirees win.       
The "original" 5% was withheld from the first distribution. The additional 9% was withheld from day 120's distribution.

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