Half-truths From Amfa

The dumber you are, the more you are paid.
Well Mr. BigBucks....you'd be retired and a millionaire if that was a fact, but as your style dictates, oh wait, that won't work, you have no style.

So a secretary has no rights to overtime? And just how much should she make an hour? Do you want a secretary to dictate your wages Dave? She may not have much need for a welder in her office.

and if ya look real close...when she adds her inits on her tpyings, she also adds her union inits...but would would a stand alone AMFA guy know about that?
Go ahead and defend the $60,000+ per year Secretary while your own members suffer financially and file for personal Bankruptcy.

We will gladly take the cards and the votes!
Your Ex-Wife,

What is your position on this picture? Is is altered or not?

So tell me Dave, the secretary should make what in wages? Furloughs or not, what's AMFA's going price? ANd does AMFA employ union secretaries? Gotta ask...the flags being made in China and all...

I'd say that pic is altered Dave unless Michael Jackson's other white glove just showed up holding the casket lid open. Now I understand you and Mike like to get your groove on together at times...so maybe it is a guest appearance on your behalf.

It isn't that the secretary makes $60,000.00. The issue is that this is so much higher than a TWU represented aircraft mechanic. Get it? I mean how many lives does her job hold in the balance on daily basis? If you cannot understand the issue in those terms, try this, the TWU is dumbing down the profession, but her union promotes highly paid secretaries, this is why we need a mechanics union instead a bus drivers union. In other words, her union appears to have superior negotiating skills, we need a new union.

How could you possibly be anybody's "Ex-Wife". Are you even more different that we think?

Your playground mentality in the postings makes it easy to identify you.

And when you think about that, it must be a concern?

BTW, I've got pictures that show that white substance on the coffin is NOT a glove, but a piece of "FOAM" or something from one of the "tombstones" and a previous trip with the float. You are out of touch with the facts. Even your buddy Kevin - Chairman of Stores has apologized and admitted the truth that the picture was NOT altered. I hear the coffin and the float was originally used for a Veterans Day Parade. Remember he is a former Marine and he knows all about the issue now that the Veterans on the Tulsa base reamed him out for that stunt.

The topic is "Half-Truths" from AMFA. The basic facts indicate that it has been the TWU faithful have been the group apologizing for lies and half-turuths.

Maybe you guys at MCI should follow up on the facts that get disclosed after you leave? Because you are still harping on issues that your running buddies have personally apologized to "some" members about.

Now get back over to the playground sand pile and insert your head real deep.
Cold hard truths...Davey.. mah boy...when has amfa ever, and I do mean ever, had a comment with truth being a part of it's subject?
You preach again as an elitist...and an elitist Davey you are not. You are an airline employee, nothing more. You want to be, but due to the fact that you are your best promoter Davey , you will always be just that, an airline employee. You wish to delegate wages of secretaries now, what's next big boy? You wrote Ken Neal, and might as well alerted the company, that Tulsa is overmanned...care to elaborate one more time dummie? You have got to be the most embarrassing factor to amfa next to amfa's own accomplishments. Your posts here, that you do not control, really show your shallow intentions.

You state you got photos that show what? Then why aren't they here you cut/paste queen? If you had cold hard facts you'd be the first to show them, fact is Davey "bag of biscuits" you'd have them here now!...You sir, are as phoney as your desires, and as big as your ego!

Interesting how some cold hard truth always ends a thread!
TWU informer Posted on Feb 8 2004, 07:01 AM

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