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Amfa Messes It Up For Everyone! (again!)

Am I hearing ya correctly? Did Cunningham arrive to TULE from kraut proceeds?..HAHAHAHAHA ..and if management had been eating the dogs then who's lapping who here?....and welcome to the rat pack twuer...it's the best shot they got..HAHAHAHA..I betya Black Cat will help donate to the cancer foundation...yeah right...

BTW...I do not consider the amfa organizers and promoters brothers of mine.....they are a virus, an infection, but definately not brothers...., bruddah! They and they alone are to blame for the split of the floor and ANYONE running to management. They have the desire to get elected to something, for life has taken away their chance at being somebody...Alf lubs dem boyzzzzzz.
BTW...I do not consider the amfa organizers and promoters brothers of mine.....they are a virus, an infection, but definately not brothers...., bruddah! They and they alone are to blame for the split of the floor and ANYONE running to management. They have the desire to get elected to something, for life has taken away their chance at being somebody...Alf lubs dem boyzzzzzz.

diddy, spoken like a true professional of our profession! Soory you are so confused and fearful. You claim AMFA organizers and promoters are to blame for the split on the floor and anyone running to management is typical of the teamtwu mentality. But I guess that is all you can get from a PR firm in today's market. Did you ever once think that MAYBE the twu's inability to protect the wages, benefits and scope of AMTs is the real reason that there is not a SPLIT on the floor but a SOLIDIFICATION of AMTs?
Kinda strange that you comment on the desire to get elected to something. I have a desire. That desire is to be able to elect for or against ANYONE that runs for a union position with AMFA. From the International on down.
Virus? Infection? You are confused again diddy. The only virus or infection is the cancer like performance of the twu in protecting and promoting my profession.
Funny thing happened today.

The fund raiser for the man with cancer happened today.

The group served hot dogs before during and after work hours.

The truth comes through once again, twuer is a liar.

At least AMFA guys have their get togethers during non-work time.

If anyone is about to force a change in policy, it is the TWU member that cannot understand what work time really means.

Next Lie, Next Issue!
Dave I don't believe that it was stopped, here is the Qoute:

position that there will be no more fund raisers where members who do not belong to that specific shop may attend. Amfa was warned and they chose to abuse the privilege.

I do believe the dinner did take place but only members from that area attended.

Just to fill everyone in Dave and Don have been going over to HR and Ratting on members. The Last time was Yesterday! It has become a regular joke on the floor about these two. Don was a manager before coming to AA and has been working in conjunction with management every since.
TonyB said:
The "B" is for my Boot up your punk ass! :up: :up: :up: :up:
What's wrong Tonyboy. . .did I hit a nerve, attack your masculinity?

Sorry brother, just pointing out the obvious! :up: :up: :up: :up:
TWU informer said:
Funny thing happened today.

The fund raiser for the man with cancer happened today.

The group served hot dogs before during and after work hours.

The truth comes through once again, twuer is a liar.

At least AMFA guys have their get togethers during non-work time.

If anyone is about to force a change in policy, it is the TWU member that cannot understand what work time really means.

Next Lie, Next Issue!
Nothing I said was a lie Informer. It happened just that way.

Everyone knows what you guys do, it's no big secret. You have management at your wienie lunches. You just can't stand the fact that what you do is NOT accepted by everybody. In this situation what you guys did was wrong no matter which way you look at it but you don't have the balls to admit it. Or do you have any at all??

By the way, how was your lunch today??

Things not go your way???????

I'm watchin' you!! 😛h34r: Be afraid. . .be very afraid!! 😛h34r:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :shock:
twuer said:
BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!! You didn't heed the warning, you blew it for everybody! Nice job!


twuer said:
Everyone knows what you guys do, it's no big secret. You have management at your wienie lunches. You just can't stand the fact that what you do is NOT accepted by everybody. In this situation what you guys did was wrong no matter which way you look at it but you don't have the balls to admit it. Or do you have any at all??
I have to agree with you TWUer, we keep no "big secrets" and even you are welcome to come have wienie's with us and you can bring you company bed partners with you if you like.

There are a few that do not accept what we do because of your misinformation but, there are many many more that do not accept what the TWU does because they have seen it, heard it, and lived it.

We know there was a meeting at the hall and there was a few of your blind followers that wanted to stop our fund raiser. The question was brought up that it could affect other fund raisers. They cared not (or thought it was a higher priority to thwart the big bad AMFA) and believed it better to try and stop us. Keep up the lies and games children, you will be out on your rear end before you know it.
Sounds like twu is in severe panic mode. Let them run and tell management. It's all good..............for cards and AMFA support. No one wants to be associated with this bunch of crybabies. Any show of solidarity and support by the AMFA guys sends the twu running everytime. twu is embarassing what few supporters they have left. They are slowly becoming the joke of the base. It's getting easier everyday. It must really suck to know your days are numbered. I can't wait to see how low they go after we file. Please twu, keep it up.........We wouldn't have been able to come this far without your help.
Here's to the twu..........................
Leading the industry in 1/2 pay for the first two days!!!!!!!!!
Keep the Faith..........VOTE AMFA!!!!!!!!!
Stop the Bus..I Want Off! said:
Sounds like twu is in severe panic mode. Let them run and tell management. It's all good..............for cards and AMFA support. No one wants to be associated with this bunch of crybabies. Any show of solidarity and support by the AMFA guys sends the twu running everytime. twu is embarassing what few supporters they have left. They are slowly becoming the joke of the base. It's getting easier everyday. It must really suck to know your days are numbered. I can't wait to see how low they go after we file. Please twu, keep it up.........We wouldn't have been able to come this far without your help.
Here's to the twu..........................
Leading the industry in 1/2 pay for the first two days!!!!!!!!!
Keep the Faith..........VOTE AMFA!!!!!!!!!
Here's the deal. . .I personally could care less if you guys sell the hotdogs and don't care who you sell them to. I don't care if you meet privately to discuss your "strategy". Apparently there are some who do. And I think you are giving yourself way too much credit if you think that just because you are AMFA that we should be concerned with what you do. Everyone knows what you do and we know that you are not a threat. You were warned by management to deter your activities or else everyone else would be affected. You abused the priviledge, and "inches" that the company was giving us and got "in trouble". You were thinkng of noone but yourselves. THAT is what I have a problem with. If you disagree with that, you are lying, plain and simple, because that is exactly what was done.
I think some of you are missing the real point here. It's about a membership coming together for one purpose........solidarity if you will. I've seen more solidarity amongst the AMFA guys than I've ever seen with the twu, except for the coffin gig. That's what people want to be part of. Do you really think we care about what the twu thinks of our gatherings, or the company either?? We are set back 50+ years because of these two groups. You might say the mechanics are taking matters into their own hands now. People see the twu as weak and the AMFA gaining momentum ever day. All mechanics under one umbrella is our only hope. AMFA will never go away at AA. It's not IF, but WHEN!!
Here's to the twu................
Found in management offices everywhere................
Keep the Faith...........VOTE AMFA
"Everyone knows what you do and we know that you are not a threat."
I had to copy this one and file for the future.
We are not a threat. Then why are we (amfa supporters) the subject of so much debate? Why did the TWU, Teamsters, and Laid off Zebco workers make such a
fuss at the Brady? We are not a threat, so no one should care about the hot dogs,
our shirts, bumper stickers or flags...Right? TWU actions are proving otherwise!!!

The future's so bright we gotta wear shades. :up:
Have an AMFA day! :up: :up:
Twuer, you're so clever! Did you learn that from your PR firm or are you naturally gifted? :up:

It seems that there's a rAAt problem in Tulsa. Maybe this will help. :up:

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