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Another Amfa Strategy

RE-Electing John McDonald makes the most sense. He is the only one who has not lied about not knowing what the company and twu is up to.He just does not know. He is also one of the few who is still saying I had to bring that contract back. The new candidates are all saying he had no right to bring it back.
Just a thought to ponder R.D. Rick do you think AMFA thought the NMB was going to take those people off the list twice.Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha So what was your point R.D. Rick. The company admitted that over 1000 of there names didn’t belong there and found over 1000 more to replace them with. The twu wanted to add 2000 names and admitted 1000 of them were fraudulent. Then turned around and said we forgot to add this 160 people. AMFA supporters challenged over 4000 people that AA and Twscrew wanted on the list and had to beg ,borrow and still info to do it.Twscrew and AA admit we are right about 2680 of them and turn around and add 1680 more people they know don’t belong.
Your point is becoming very clear rick. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
twuer said:
Anyway, the "protest" list that amfa submitted had 494 duplicates!!!!! It appears that I was right again about amfa. They don't practice what they preach.
I guess you still have not received any good info from your sources. Yes there were duplicated names on our list! If you had anyone of any intelligence reviewing the list they would have seen that the names that were duplicated were not added more than once to the total number.
I had better spell this out for you because if I don't it will be turned around. Now, if a person was found to not belong to the eligible voters list and there was more than one reason he should not be on the list, he was mentioned in each area of dispute (IE if he is retired and he is dead), then he would be so called duplicated. If your people would have checked they would have seen that his name was only used once for the total dispute number.

This whole concept is over their head.

They have been told several times, and Art Luby was too stupid to catch on, so they must be also! 😉
Hey Rick if you could just stay off the acid for about 36 Hrs you would begin to see the truth. It's not rocket science. Come down to the local 12 and ask one of the friendly AMFA supporters to explain it to you. 🙄
Decision 2004 said:

This whole concept is over their head.

They have been told several times, and Art Luby was too stupid to catch on, so they must be also! 😉
There are way to many things that are over their heads. This is why we must rid ourselves of the cancer. If the AA flight attendants can get rid of it, so should we!!

Keep the Faith......Vote AMFA!!!!!!!!!!!
I get the feeling they are still not going to understand as it is truly over their heads. Try this twu fans: Follow the Ram (he is the one with horns and has an AA brand) and start collecting those little brown pills. Take one QID. This should help create a tolerance to the twu mad sheep disease. <_< :blink: :up:

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