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Half-truths From Amfa


Jul 9, 2003
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Well, well, well!!! So it ain't so. AMFA is caught again telling half of the story. The half that makes them look better. Imagine that.

Let's see, where shall I start. I tried to argue that I didn't think Mr. McDonald made $200,000+ like you amfa boys were stating. Was even called a dumbass. I was all ready to admit my mistake, but what do you know??? I did a bit of my own homework (unlike the amfa boys who tend to spew from the side of their necks!) The 2002 LM-2 shows extra money (back pay) on it due to the company billing the union late from previous years (2000 and 2001). There is about a HUGE discrepancy on that LM-2, over $44,000. I guess you amfa boys forgot to mention that huh?? As for the $60,000 secretary, she was paid for tons of overtime due to the negotiatons. Didn't mention that either did you???

Now, who owes who an apology???? That's okay. I know you aren't men enough to admit your mistakes. I don't expect it.

Next time though, to save yourself some embarrassment, try telling the whole story.

You better check your facts again twuer, or else she has been working overtime for three straight years.

Look for yourself:

2001 LM2

2002 LM2

2003 LM2


Tell us all again who is spreading the lies and half-turths?

You are friggin unreal man!

I also bet she didn't take the same paycut imposed on the membership either?

Question: does the apology and manhood philosophy of yours apply to yourself when you are caught in a big fat lie?

Talk about embarrASSment!

What union might the secretaries be in?
twuer said:
Well, well, well!!! So it ain't so. AMFA is caught again telling half of the story. The half that makes them look better. Imagine that.

Let's see, where shall I start. I tried to argue that I didn't think Mr. McDonald made $200,000+ like you amfa boys were stating. Was even called a dumbass. I was all ready to admit my mistake, but what do you know??? I did a bit of my own homework (unlike the amfa boys who tend to spew from the side of their necks!) The 2002 LM-2 shows extra money (back pay) on it due to the company billing the union late from previous years (2000 and 2001). There is about a HUGE discrepancy on that LM-2, over $44,000. I guess you amfa boys forgot to mention that huh?? As for the $60,000 secretary, she was paid for tons of overtime due to the negotiatons. Didn't mention that either did you???

Now, who owes who an apology???? That's okay. I know you aren't men enough to admit your mistakes. I don't expect it.

Next time though, to save yourself some embarrassment, try telling the whole story.

So you are admitting that the LM-2 is not an adequate representation of the Locals finances? Then I guess that you support Chaos reforms. Dont let Sonny and Taust find out. You will be back on the floor before you know it.

Ok. then exactly how much was McDonald paid from the Locals funds? What exactly did the company "bill" the union for? UBC? If the company billed the union late then why would it show up under McDonalds pay, he is the President?

Giving you the benifit of the doubt I stand corrected, he didnt make $200,000. Still if its only $44000 adjustment he still made $160,000 dollars. He still made more than double of what any member made and more than the 38000 member Local 100 President made.
It seems that the international union people have the same privilege as the company executives who did not share in the sacrifices!
TWU informer said:
You better check your fact again twuer, or else she has been working overtime for three straight years.

Look for yourself:

2001 LM2

2002 LM2

2003 LM2


Tell us all agin who is spreading the lies and half-turths?

You are friggin unreal man!
You will have to ask her about that. I don't dip into peoples personal lives, how much they work or don't work, the way you do Informer. Here's an idea. . .maybe you should give up welding and become a secretary!!!!!! :up:

It never ceases to amaze me that you guys always manage to steer the subject in a whole other directon, ESPECIALLY when it is proven that amfa is unable to protect the workers. Tell me, why is that????? I know why, because amfa can't stand on its own, that's why. You have never proven that amfa would be the better of the bargaining agents. You go off on some tangent about how much a secretary makes when the real issue should be protecting the workers.

And Bob you know as well as I do that the members vote to set the salaries. Not much you or I can do about that. Maybe you could see about getting the voting process changed, I don't know. Have the members vote for more money for Roger. But don't blame a few when the decison was made by the majority.
What do you mean "we" steer in a different direction?

You opened this thread claiming AMFA lied and told half truths, I showed you are the liar and now you steer the thread into a discussion about job protection and welding positions.

Who is changing the subject matter?

Do you really think the readers of this board are that gulible? No wonder the TWU will soon be replaced!
Here's an idea. . .maybe you should give up welding and become a secretary

Maybe you should give being a mechanic? Oh wait, you already have.
TWU informer said:
What do you mean "we" steer in a different direction?

You opened this thread claiming AMFA lied and told half truths, I showed you are the liar and now you steer the thread into a discussion about job protection and welding positions.

Who is changing the subject matter?

Do you really think the readers of this board are that gulible? No wonder the TWU will soon be replaced!
Oh boo hoo Informer. You cry more than anyone on here. Yes, you outright lied on the posts regarding Mr. McDonald's salary. Did you take responsibility for that lie NO!! YOU NEVER DO!!! You make it a habit to come on these boards and try to intimidate people with all of your quotes, forms and memos but when someone dare approaches you with facts you get all defensive. Now I don't know about you but you appear to be a bit scared that you might not win.

My statement regarding the secretary was for the current LM-2 as was yours regarding the presidents pay.

We all know that you have rallied your troops to become more prevelant on these boards but regardless of how many you get here it still doesn't change the fact that amfa sucks!!

Everyone sees right through your tactics. (and everyone sees right through you.) They don't work. AMFA still has a very bad history when it comes to unionism and nothing you post regarding the TWU will change that. If you want to nitpick about what secretaries make and make such a big deal about it you go right ahead. I suggest you work more on trying to get some positive stuff on amfa (goodluck because there isn't any) instead of using your spins and old habits. Because God knows your personality isn't do anyting for you!!
How can you defend a union who, like the company executives, have not shared in the sacrfices. Now to hear that Hall's secretary makes more thank any TWU member is right up there with corporate greed.
twuer said:
[And Bob you know as well as I do that the members vote to set the salaries. Not much you or I can do about that. Maybe you could see about getting the voting process changed, I don't know. Have the members vote for more money for Roger. But don't blame a few when the decison was made by the majority.
In most cases the members either reject or accept the E-boards proposal as far as salaries. In the case of Local 100 it was the E-board who chose to lower the perks that were left over from the Sonny Hall days. In some cases the members dont vote at all, the E-board sets their own rates of pay.

So how exactly are the rates set at 514?

Are you saying that the majority of members in Tulsa voted on McDonalds pay? They voted for him to get more than double of what they get?
Bob, the 514 Rates are currently set on a ratio based on intelligence.

The dumber you are, the more you are paid.

That is why the discrepency and arguements over the LM-2.

There is a huge bonus for promoting fear. If an Officer can create 25 cowards per week, he gets extra UBU time off from the base.
Maybe we should make a motion at the next 514 meeting that any overtime done at the union hall should be done by the Mechanics in the OSM shops that are no longer getting license premium pay.

That would save money on the $60,000+ plus secretary and allow those members to recover a small amount of their lost wages.

Or maybe we should conclude that someone has once again lied and overtime is not the reason the Secretary is making $60,000+ per year?

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