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Glading's Delusions

Do you really believe what you say? That AA management is out "to rape and pillage a once great compnay and a bunch of great employees."?

Do you really believe, AA execs don't sit around a table thinking what's the best way to get a ZERO cost contract? because that's what they want. How do you suppose they get it?

They insult us with a joke of a proposal. They offer an "enhanced" profit sharing plan.
A profit of up to $250 million gets me roughly a weeks pay. Whoopdeeeeedoooo,

That is some fair formula. What a generous company.
Do you really believe what you say? That AA management is out "to rape and pillage a once great compnay and a bunch of great employees."?

Yes I do. I believe the only thing they are trying to do is pad their pockets at the expense of employees AND customers. They spend a lot of time trying to pass the baloney around that they are working with employees and working hard to give the customers what they want but they never come through on either.
With members like you I can see why APFA is so militant about trying to walk out.

It's increasingly obvious to me that most of you don't have a sense of the reality AA is facing. High costs, low revenues, an "experienced" (for that read expensive) workforce. When your competitors don't offer benefits like pensions they can get away with pricing below and undercutting you.

So yes, I think most of what APFA is demanding is DELUSIONAL.
With members like you I can see why APFA is so militant about trying to walk out.

It's increasingly obvious to me that most of you don't have a sense of the reality AA is facing. High costs, low revenues, an "experienced" (for that read expensive) workforce. When your competitors don't offer benefits like pensions they can get away with pricing below and undercutting you.

So yes, I think most of what APFA is demanding is DELUSIONAL.
AA cries like this every time we are in negotiations. I've seen it all before. What they are asking for is unacceptable. Tust me , if you were inside looking out you'd be singing a much different tune.
I'm ready to strike if we dont get a decent contract plain and simple. They are being nAAsty.
With members like you I can see why APFA is so militant about trying to walk out.

It's increasingly obvious to me that most of you don't have a sense of the reality AA is facing. High costs, low revenues, an "experienced" (for that read expensive) workforce. When your competitors don't offer benefits like pensions they can get away with pricing below and undercutting you.

So yes, I think most of what APFA is demanding is DELUSIONAL.
By the way , How do you know what the APFA is asking for??? I have not seen any proposals other than what the company has posted which is their dirty little way of negotiatating. Gee, Surprised???
With members like you I can see why APFA is so militant about trying to walk out.

It's increasingly obvious to me that most of you don't have a sense of the reality AA is facing. High costs, low revenues, an "experienced" (for that read expensive) workforce. When your competitors don't offer benefits like pensions they can get away with pricing below and undercutting you.

So yes, I think most of what APFA is demanding is DELUSIONAL.

Keep in mind that "competitors" had defined pensions and better benefits, but those were gutted by bankruptcy's in 2003. AA Employees "bailed out" the company in 2003 to avoid bankruptcy. By taking huge pay and benefit cuts, they were able to keep a pension.

Now you say we are delusional after wanting to be paid back for our role in the bail out. I hope you enjoy your bonus on April 15.
Keep in mind that "competitors" had defined pensions and better benefits, but those were gutted by bankruptcy's in 2003. AA Employees "bailed out" the company in 2003 to avoid bankruptcy. By taking huge pay and benefit cuts, they were able to keep a pension.

Now you say we are delusional after wanting to be paid back for our role in the bail out. I hope you enjoy your bonus on April 15.
Very well said... and so true...
With members like you I can see why APFA is so militant about trying to walk out.

It's increasingly obvious to me that most of you don't have a sense of the reality AA is facing. High costs, low revenues, an "experienced" (for that read expensive) workforce. When your competitors don't offer benefits like pensions they can get away with pricing below and undercutting you.

So yes, I think most of what APFA is demanding is DELUSIONAL.
They are facing the same challenges as all the other carriers.
Hackman for the last time this must be stated. Eoleson does not work for Centerpork. He is a healthy voice of reason that we should all abide by. Were it not for him there would be no reason for any of us to be here at all. The implication that Eoleson works for AMR in itself is absurd. Besides who can really give AMR credit to be intelligent enough to put someone on here to spin things to there way of thinking? I don't think any of them even in a large room with all there thinking caps on possess enough intelligence to even change a lightbulb? :blink:
Did know that AMR brought in over 11 Billion in gross profits in 2009? More than in 2000, a ten year high. Where did all that cash go Flatline?

My guess is that the Easter Bunny took it. Seriously, someone has sold you a bill of goods.

AMR didn't produce any gross profit last year, let alone $11 billion. Whomever told you so is woefully ignorant of the facts.

Here is the 10-K: http://phx.corporate-ir.net/External.File?...GU9MQ==&t=1

Which page discloses the $11 billion of gross profits? The audited financials begin on page 49 (page 51 of the .pdf document).

No wonder the company finds it so easy to have its way with you guys.
We don't have much need for coffee-getters. At $40/hour starting pay, we tend to find people more than capable of operating our self-serve expresso machine. Figuring out the copier and fax machine is another story...
We don't have much need for coffee-getters. At $40/hour starting pay, we tend to find people more than capable of operating our self-serve expresso machine. Figuring out the copier and fax machine is another story...

Well, thats a start.

So they pay you $40.00 per hour to start to sit and monitor these boards to push the company mantra?

Now what's the name of the firm you work for to do this?
No, I bill at between $150 and $1000/day.

Company name is Aucun de Votre Affaires, with 90 offices globally.

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