eolesen said:
Keeping an airplane? AA will use a leased asset. Legally, those can't be seized because legally they're not AA's asset. They're owned by the leasing company.
That may be true. But there is nothing stopping Israel from keeping the airplane serviced with fuel, ramp personnel, push-back tugs, flight paperwork, security screening, etc. "Yes, leasing company, you can come get your airplane any time if you can get on it without a loading bridge, and get it pushed from the gate. Hope you can make it to Amman on what's left in the tanks."
eolesen said:All fine, except that the suit was filed against TWA, not AA.
Yes, of course. But it really depends on whether Israeli law allows the liability of the defunct TWA to be placed on any successors, which would be AMR, and now AAG. In the U.S., these employees would have been kicked to the curb years ago. But, luckily for them, they can laugh with impunity at U.S. bankruptcy laws, since they don't apply in Israel.
eolesen said:
eolesen said:TWA was injuncted.
Small point, but I think the word you are looking for is "enjoined."