In favor of practicality flatline? You meant to say cowardice did you not? Yours is duly noted here. Your so frightened for yourself and your "job" you would sell yourself and your coworkers out to the lowest bidder, I.E. the current twu sellout offer. You can't wait to vote yes on something, no matter how concessionary it is. I will wager you have less than 10 years seniority, and if there is a severe cut-back, your headed out the door with your tale tucked. Now, I could be wrong on that, however your continuous and desperate "save me" company boy posts are a good indication. I also don't think you were here in 1995 when nearly the same now thing was happening then. Namely, the company/twu scare tactics on in full force during a poor ecomomy and dimwits that "wanna believe" voted for a 6 year twu sellout.
Let's do put on our thinking cap son. Do you actually think that the twu will bankrupt the company with a restore and more contract? Do you think the twu company union would let that happen? If you do, your lightbulb needs a relight. Why is it you never mention all the idiotic past management decisions (like buying TWA etc) that for all intents and purposes, put AA in these dire straights? This, when the company elite can still blow $330 million+ on themselves but they can't do anything for the people who actually saved the company. Go figure. Spare me the flatline excuses please.
At this point in time, if the company has to shrink, then that's the solution. If the final solution is bankruptcy, we could all work for free and not stop them from filing. If managment cannot afford a fair and reasonable restoration of our major sacrifices for the past 6 years, yet, they can damn well continue to enrich themselves beyond comprehension in these "dire times". THEN SHUT THE G-DAMN DOORS AND WELD THEM SHUT!!!!!
Then flatline, you can cry about how the workers broke the company til your Prozack runs out, and maybe Ourpay will give you a job washing his airplane, cleaning his mansion, or waxing his Benz. 😛h34r: