As I said, I'm new to this site. Does it allow reasonable men to agree to disagree?
I'm not in the mob that says kill the golden goose just so we can say we win. Eastern?
I'm a 20 year employee, I don't like the state of affairs - but I don't see anyone on this site doing anything but whining. Read a newspaper ............
Many posts are showing up trying to place guilt on those who want more. Yours is no different.
On the chance you're serious however, allow a quickie lesson from Negotiations 101. If you want, as example, $10, you ask for $15 and negotiate. The company does this to us with their lowball offers. "Our union negotiators", on the other hand, bring this as a final offer or whatever they call it.
Look at negotiations as another Cuban Missile crisis - who will blink? Who is really willing to do what it takes? At the end of the day, who carries their balls home in a wheelbarrow and whose 'nads shrink to nothing?
The TWU is negotiating with itself as its in league (and bed) with the company, putting on quite a show for its membership - the ones who fund its activities while the company allows it to exist only as a tool to manipulate the workers.
The 514 Local is now in the business of holding meetings with management on union property and the rank and file is not invited, adding further filth and scum to the property.
Some wanted different representation with AMFA. Even though there were bright points there, it wasn't the end-all. As I've spoken/agreed in a different thread, there are structural deficiencies in that organization that weaken it equally as the TWU or any other representation available.
What would you propose with regard to a plan of action in hopes of rectifying this mess? There are many here that would like to hear a workable plan to gain dependable union representation.