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AA to pay $14 million in first quarter AIP bonuses

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I am fully aware of the current conditions newbie. However until management starts "sharing the sacrifice" as promised and stops stuffing their pockets full of cash, then there is no problem.

If that doesn't make any sense, then you can vote "yes" on the any concessionary twu agreement you wish, however I will not.

Who is kidding who?

I'll vote one way or the other based on the quality of the deal - period.
I'll vote one way or the other based on the quality of the deal - period.
Not that it matters how the membership votes, because if the twu company union does not get their way, they can impose whatever Jimmy Dolittle desires. We witnessed this when Dolittle denied a revote in 2003 when cAArty got caught lying. That's how twu company unionism works.
Not that it matters how the membership votes, because if the twu company union does not get their way, they can impose whatever Jimmy Dolittle desires. We witnessed this when Dolittle denied a revote in 2003 when cAArty got caught lying. That's how twu company unionism works.

I'm relatively new to this site. I see there are quite a few "veteran" regulars. Does everyone spend their time here looking in the rear view mirror?
Does everyone spend their time here looking in the rear view mirror?

I like to think of this forum as the airline version of "Groundhog Day"....
I'm relatively new to this site. I see there are quite a few "veteran" regulars. Does everyone spend their time here looking in the rear view mirror?
Yes, because we know exactly what looking out the front windshield will bring...

If you think your "lets live to fight another day" logic is the right path, then you are sadly mistaken...This company refuses to bargain in good faith and wants more concessions....what do you see ahead? Do you see them all of a sudden being so generous when they start making profits?

You have alot to learn.
Yes, because we know exactly what looking out the front windshield will bring...

If you think your "lets live to fight another day" logic is the right path, then you are sadly mistaken...This company refuses to bargain in good faith and wants more concessions....what do you see ahead? Do you see them all of a sudden being so generous when they start making profits?

You have alot to learn.

As I said, I'm new to this site. Does it allow reasonable men to agree to disagree?
I'm not in the mob that says kill the golden goose just so we can say we win. Eastern?
I'm a 20 year employee, I don't like the state of affairs - but I don't see anyone on this site doing anything but whining. Read a newspaper ............
Frontline, practical or not I WILL NOT vote for anything that takes us in ANY steps backward though. And I'm really not too concerned with bankruptcy when it looks like our government is willing to bail out anyone these days. I want FULL disclosure from AA as to there finances. Before AA pays down debt and calls that a loss I think they have a debt to there employees first. I'm also not willing to forgo a pay increase to fund incompetence and nescience to what kind of ways the cuts of 03 affected us? I totally believe in Restore and More and if AA reaches certain benchmarks it should be demanded! AA HQ though is full of thieves and connivers with hidden agendas who spout corporate propaganda and ra ra shouts in the hope they can stir up followers. They have the opportunity to do the right thing but instead what do they do? Start harassing there employees on every level, training, uniform compliance, safety vests, they even harassed a guy because of his shoelaces. To me this company is being run by a group of children. Maybe it's jealousy on there part that they know who really makes this company work?

Paying off debt does not affect profit or loss, nor does borrowing money.

Think of it this way: Do you get to deduct debt repayment (principal - I'm not talking about interest) from your 1040? Does paying down debt cause you a net loss? When you borrow more money, do you have to declare that new loan on your 1040 as additional income?

Same thing with a company like AMR. Paying down debt reduces the cash on the balance sheet and borrowing more money increases cash. Neither has an effect on net income.
As I said, I'm new to this site. Does it allow reasonable men to agree to disagree?
I'm not in the mob that says kill the golden goose just so we can say we win. Eastern?
I'm a 20 year employee, I don't like the state of affairs - but I don't see anyone on this site doing anything but whining. Read a newspaper ............
Well maybe thats because you've been getting the golden eggs while we get the rotten ones.
As I said, I'm new to this site. Does it allow reasonable men to agree to disagree?
I'm not in the mob that says kill the golden goose just so we can say we win. Eastern?
I'm a 20 year employee, I don't like the state of affairs - but I don't see anyone on this site doing anything but whining. Read a newspaper ............

Many posts are showing up trying to place guilt on those who want more. Yours is no different.

On the chance you're serious however, allow a quickie lesson from Negotiations 101. If you want, as example, $10, you ask for $15 and negotiate. The company does this to us with their lowball offers. "Our union negotiators", on the other hand, bring this as a final offer or whatever they call it.

Look at negotiations as another Cuban Missile crisis - who will blink? Who is really willing to do what it takes? At the end of the day, who carries their balls home in a wheelbarrow and whose 'nads shrink to nothing?

The TWU is negotiating with itself as its in league (and bed) with the company, putting on quite a show for its membership - the ones who fund its activities while the company allows it to exist only as a tool to manipulate the workers.

The 514 Local is now in the business of holding meetings with management on union property and the rank and file is not invited, adding further filth and scum to the property.

Some wanted different representation with AMFA. Even though there were bright points there, it wasn't the end-all. As I've spoken/agreed in a different thread, there are structural deficiencies in that organization that weaken it equally as the TWU or any other representation available.

What would you propose with regard to a plan of action in hopes of rectifying this mess? There are many here that would like to hear a workable plan to gain dependable union representation.
Many posts are showing up trying to place guilt on those who want more. Yours is no different.

On the chance you're serious however, allow a quickie lesson from Negotiations 101. If you want, as example, $10, you ask for $15 and negotiate. The company does this to us with their lowball offers.

I agree. The company took so much in 2003 that they had to make things up to ask for such as:
ASMs on the line, nobody has that, the company probably really doesnt want it anyway but I've already heard talk about how "we killed that". As if it justifies what we've given up.

Crew Chief selection panel The TCC selection panel came about because the union was taking over the management position of Tech Foreman. Now the company says they want to expand this costly time consuming and ineffective process to the selection of regular CCs.

Eliminate the Pension for new hires now, but eventually that promise would be broken for all of us. AMR already has one of the lowest costs as far as what it costs them to maintain their pension per worker. Last year they contributed $1100 to my pension, at SWA a 23 year employee gets a little over 7% match on 100% of his earnings, so the minimum they would have put in was $6000 for their cash balance plan, thats with no OTor HW factored in. People say that our DP plan is so much better but until we retire its nothing but a promise and the same people who point at NWA and sat how they got screwed ignore how many people that thought that had a DP plan ended up with almost nothing. If I had the option to start at year one I would take the SWA 7% match of 100% anyday over AMRs promise of 1.67 times my (years of service minus 1) of my base.

To me it appears that our flawed strategy was to go in with our bottom line, talk about how we have taken "the high road" for the last six years and wait for something to panic the workers into accepting what the company was really going for in the first place a year later.
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