As a nAAtive, let me say that I am sick to death of the lie that AMR rescued TWA from bankruptcy. TWA went into bankruptcy at AMR's insistence to abrogate the Icahn contract, called Kariboo (or something like that), which gave him access to super cheap tickets from TWA for his travel business.
Aside from the fact that Boeing also wanted to buy TWA (which is the reason that AMR paid over market price), TWA was in about the same financial condition as America West at the time. Did America West go under?
Miaami, please stop telling the JW lie. It is a lie, not a different view of the truth. A lie! Telling it over and over is not ever going to make it true.
Oh, and about your math, Bankruptcy= gone Under. Continental went into bankruptcy TWICE. Are they gone? United is about to emerge from bankruptcy. You need to remember what Unca Bobby Crandall pointed out years ago, that an airline in bankruptcy has a LOT of financial advantages over competitors that are not in bankruptcy.
The JW supporters remind me of a friend of mine who says, "I have a rich and full fantasy life. If I liked reality, I would spend more time there."