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"fooled Again By Ward"

jimntx said:
Oh Toto, there's no candidate like Ward. There's no candidate like Ward. There's no candidate like Ward. Just keep saying it and maybe it will come true.
Jim, you have a great sense of humor. It must have been a blast flying with you.
jimntx said:
Oh Toto, there's no candidate like Ward. There's no candidate like Ward. There's no candidate like Ward. Just keep saying it and maybe it will come true.
Still no information to inform the voters. If you really have something to say then educate the voter. We all know what happened last April so your bashing of Ward is nothing new. How about some real info that we can use when we cast our votes.
Your the typical f/a that can only point out the problems but has no solutions. Heres to your sence of humor but I would think that our leadership would be more serious to you.
MiAAmi said:
jimntx said:
Oh Toto, there's no candidate like Ward. There's no candidate like Ward. There's no candidate like Ward. Just keep saying it and maybe it will come true.
Still no informtion to inform the voters. I you really have something to say then educate the voter. We all know what happened last April so your bashing of Ward is nothing new. How about some real info that we can use when we cast our votes.
As I said much earlier, I posted my vote and why on another thread--APFA Country Club. I do not believe in repeating everything on every thread. Saves me and others a lot of time.
Sorry we don't get a lot of info from you when every canidate you voted for you state it was a "hold your nose" vote. That doesn't tell us why you voted for them.
MiAAmi said:
Sorry we don't get a lot of info from you when every canidate you voted for you state it was a "hold your nose" vote. That doesn't tell us why you voted for them.
Well, I thought that would be obvious. The candidate I voted for "smelled less bad" than the others. If you're stranded in the desert, you have to decide if the cricket would taste worse than the slug. Is drinking the fetid water going to gross me out less than drinking my own urine? Ya make choices in life. Ya live with the results.

Miaami, we're probably not going to agree on much--except La Carreta (And if you say you don't like it, there's no hope for us). So, you vote your ballot, and just be aware that some of us voted differently.
jimntx said:
Ya make choices in life. Ya live with the results.
All I'm asking is for your informed reason for voting the way you did. I know Ward is a long shot. Its just too bad that people will vote with vengence rather than with their head. Your absolutely right about making choices. I want to live with well informed choices, not with choices of f/a's that have an ax to grind.
jsn25911 said:
latreal said:
jsn25911 said:
MiAAmi said:
TransWorldONE said:
in what you and miAAmi would call twisted thinking... In a lot of minds twa declared BK twice and AA declared BK once...for twa.
Whatever makes life easier for you! You can align yourself with a 2 year naative god if you wish but the fact remains that TWA is out of business. No one else came running to out bid AA for the assets of TWA. you can what if yourself to death but TWA is gone and whats done is done. Its time to start looking forward and to the next round of negotiations.
Miami - TWA is not dead and gone. The name may be gone - due to AA taking us. However, we are here to stay! And actually Miami - that furloughee has taken the time to educate himself about what really occurred. I would suggest that you get some schooling! I would trust his opinion many more times than I would someone that believes that Ward is a hero, that voted yes for the t/a, etc.

Latreal - You are not even an employee - you have been exposed on other boards - so you are trying to find someone to give you attention.
I have never claimed to be an AA employee. I am married to an employee...kinda like the retired poster. Why do you keep saying that?
What have I been exposed of? What am I trying to hide? Please do tell..I mean re-expose me so I can have a clue.
We can continue to keep this about me if you wish and if I really cared I would make personal comments about you. But I'm not going to do it. (hint)*guffaw* :lol:
latreal - the difference between you and the retired poster is that he doesn't get on the board and attack everyone. He has stated that he wants his wife to have all the information for her voting. YOUR WIFE IS NOT EVEN A F/A.

You are on the board - JUST TO ATTACK anyone that is against ward. I told you I thought the reason was because if anyone with the know-how would have negotiated our contract - we would not have given-up more than required, and I am sure AA would have demanded more from the pilots. You are working for the pilots and not giving information for the f/a's.
AGAIN, you have me confused with someone else. I never attacked anyone! Thats just not me. Its not that serious of an issue to me to attack someone. Look back over the posts. I stated how I felt about the issue (my opinion) and thats it.
I'm not feeling wronged in any way so why would I attack someone?
Find a post where I have attacked you.

So you have also concluded that I am working for the pilots? Is your argument that weak that you try to pit FA against pilots because you think the pilots want something from the FA workgroup? Like I said before....that's rich.
so how many TWA fa's would of voted for Ward before the concessions?
the concessions are just an excuse to attempt to bamboozle the nAAtives into getting twa fa's arch enemy out.
So thats my opinion and if you don't agree, Just don't. 😛
I see Ward and Co are unable to decide if they are going to participate in latest efforts by AA to restore relationships with employees by inviting large groups of employees representing many crafts to participate in group discussions on how they can improve AA's performance. As I understand it, employees will be asked to come forward with suggestions on how to make AA a better place to work and to perform better. Not so very long ago, Ward and APFA decided they would not participate in the "marriage counseling" sessions AA was setting up to improve relations with its employees. For the life of me, I cannot understand how such a position of non participation could benefit the AA F/As. I guess that is what the AA F/As want though.
This from another board. Now I of all people know not to put alot of faith in anonymous posts but if this is true then you have to wonder why all the TW'ers want Ward out.

"The TWA F/A's will vote as a block, as we did in the RPA vote. Our
vote was approximately 97% NO. There was no other base that even
came close to those percentages. Without TWA voting overwhelmingly
not to accept, the results would not have been close. Ward and Co.
wouldn't have had to go to the extraordinary lengths they did to get
the vote they wanted.

We will vote as a block in the upcoming officer elections. We may
also choose not to vote, depending on our alternatives. Certainly
we would prefer to get Ward and cronies back on the line where they
belong. On the other hand, voting to retain Ward is the fastest way
to the destruction of this organization. We have choices.

We will only support candidates who support us. This can be a win-
win situation, and both Nancy and I have a lot of ideas how we can
proceed to get back on track, without dis-advantage to anyone. I
don't think the F/A's at AA have any idea what is coming. You have
already been set up for a fall. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE ANOTHER
SATISFACTORILY RESOLVED. If anyone believes we're dead and gone,
you simply don't know labor history. AA has invested some time and
money to get it to this point. They aren't going to forget about
it. AA F/A's may not know who we are, but AA management certainly

Dixie - STL"
MiAAmi said:
This from another board. Now I of all people know not to put alot of faith in anonymous posts but if this is true then you have to wonder why all the TW'ers want Ward out.

"The TWA F/A's will vote as a block, as we did in the RPA vote. Our
vote was approximately 97% NO. There was no other base that even
came close to those percentages. Without TWA voting overwhelmingly
not to accept, the results would not have been close. Ward and Co.
wouldn't have had to go to the extraordinary lengths they did to get
the vote they wanted.

We will vote as a block in the upcoming officer elections. We may
also choose not to vote, depending on our alternatives. Certainly
we would prefer to get Ward and cronies back on the line where they
belong. On the other hand, voting to retain Ward is the fastest way
to the destruction of this organization. We have choices.

We will only support candidates who support us. This can be a win-
win situation, and both Nancy and I have a lot of ideas how we can
proceed to get back on track, without dis-advantage to anyone. I
don't think the F/A's at AA have any idea what is coming. You have
already been set up for a fall. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE ANOTHER
SATISFACTORILY RESOLVED. If anyone believes we're dead and gone,
you simply don't know labor history. AA has invested some time and
money to get it to this point. They aren't going to forget about
it. AA F/A's may not know who we are, but AA management certainly

Dixie - STL"

This is what is in the election booklet - her personal message to the membership - not some hidden message that you are trying to make out of it. I think she has a right to her opinion why she wants Ward out. Ward has so much hatred for TWA that he will give away anything to harm TWA f/a's and in so doing will sacrifice his own nAAtives. AA has control of Ward. I shutter to think of what you will be working if Ward stays in office - maybe it will just be your pensions, but I suspect that it will be more!

It will take a new leadership to address all the issues, but I don't think anyone else (other than Ward) would sacrifice so much just because of the hate toward TWA. Fortunately the seniority case will be settled in court, and that is why we should be addressing all the other issues that Ward has destroyed while in office.

Are you content with the contract the way it is? Are you not wanting an improvement for for ALL f/a's.

Why shouldn't TWA have a right to vote? Is it our fault that we take unionism serious and want to improve the career.
Why would TWAers want Ward out? Begin with no furlough pay to all the TWAers furloughed 2 July. Furloughed after 30+ years with no furlough pay? And that pay is to be used to mitigate concessionary monies for those still working? Furlough pay was bbbbbnot even on AA's menu of possible concessions until Ward got into the act. Then look to how Ward even wanted to use the monies already promised to the April and May furloughees to use as part of concessions. AA refused this one. Why do you think the TWA F/As are convinced that Ward hates them. You can go back in history with a long list of items. They have good reason to want Ward out not even linked to the seniority issue. Some of which are part of the DFR suit that I predict will get in front of a jury.
L1011Ret said:
Why would TWAers want Ward out? Begin with no furlough pay to all the TWAers furloughed 2 July. Furloughed after 30+ years with no furlough pay? And that pay is to be used to mitigate concessionary monies for those still working? Furlough pay was bbbbbnot even on AA's menu of possible concessions until Ward got into the act. Then look to how Ward even wanted to use the monies already promised to the April and May furloughees to use as part of concessions. AA refused this one. Why do you think the TWA F/As are convinced that Ward hates them. You can go back in history with a long list of items. They have good reason to want Ward out not even linked to the seniority issue. Some of which are part of the DFR suit that I predict will get in front of a jury.
As always. the voice of reason, Captain...thank you
I see the AFl-CIO---coming
jimntx said:
As a nAAtive, let me say that I am sick to death of the lie that AMR rescued TWA from bankruptcy. TWA went into bankruptcy at AMR's insistence to abrogate the Icahn contract, called Kariboo (or something like that), which gave him access to super cheap tickets from TWA for his travel business.

Aside from the fact that Boeing also wanted to buy TWA (which is the reason that AMR paid over market price), TWA was in about the same financial condition as America West at the time. Did America West go under?

Miaami, please stop telling the JW lie. It is a lie, not a different view of the truth. A lie! Telling it over and over is not ever going to make it true.

Oh, and about your math, Bankruptcy= gone Under. Continental went into bankruptcy TWICE. Are they gone? United is about to emerge from bankruptcy. You need to remember what Unca Bobby Crandall pointed out years ago, that an airline in bankruptcy has a LOT of financial advantages over competitors that are not in bankruptcy.

The JW supporters remind me of a friend of mine who says, "I have a rich and full fantasy life. If I liked reality, I would spend more time there."
God Bless You
PS. My knickers are still untwisted.......... 😛

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