jsn25911 said:
As far as the AA/TWA people and hostility. I blame apfa. Because of their stance on eliminating their jobs, rather than come up with a solution to keep ALL f/a's - was a beginning of many problems for apfa.
Please let me open this by admitting that I DO share your disappointment (to put it mildly) with Mr.Ward and his pack. However, as a very junior nAAtive f/a, I am not sure that the AA/TWA would have resulted in anything other than Resolution #4, and that although the BOD did pass that Resolution, it was done so by the wishes of the majority of the existing APFA members. Even with ANY sort of integration (1 year for 10, etc), many of the junior nAAtives would have droped down significantly in the seniority list, and subsequently be on furlough today. Of course, the end result is that now all former TWA flight attendants are out on furlough, and for that I am sorry. It's a particularly difficult time to be out of a job, and I do wish you either a speedy return to the line, a windfall in the lottery, or a better job offer (that's not saying much, nowadays!).
Seniority, although "just a number" is such an emotional issue... and we can see how that has played out on this site and other ones similar to this one. I must point out, however, that it I feel it unfair to blame the APFA and thus all it's members for the situation as we have it today concerning the AA/TWA hostilities. It was, after all, the IAM AND the APFA who ironed out the details concerning the integration (or stapling) of our work groups. And as much as dislike JW, he is the one bearing the brunt of this at this time... where is the IAM BOD or negotiating team now? And, like I said, not happy with JW, it was JW's task to protect his members best interests, and in THIS case (AA/TWA integration), that is what he did... well, almost, it's STILL in court. If anything OTHER than Resolution #4 was to pass, most APFA members would have been outraged, as you (former TWA) are today with the outcome.
IF things didn't turn out like they did... IF the fence around STL had remained in place, IF IF IF... who is to blame for that? The company? The union? Both? Who knows... There could only be conjectures, and nothing more, I suspect; who would be dumb enough to leave any sort of proof otherwise??!!
With all due respect, was there a solution that would have kept all F/A's from being furloughed? I really doubt it. I know, CO did not furlough any F/A's nor are they taking such massive paycuts... but you have to understand, AA is NOT CO... obviously, because CO seems to respect their employees, which is why Fortune has once again, named them as one of the best company's to work for. AA was planning, in my opionion, to take full advantage of the cost-cutting, furlough bandwagon. And why not? Everyone else was doing it (except CO), so why can we? AA took full advantage of the situation, threatened it's employees with bankruptcy (BOO! Look at United and USAirways!!), and we fell for it, hook, line and sinker. I know that the former TWA people had been through similar circumstances before, and warned us... and yes, many of you were right; we were being taken for a ride. But can you blame many of us for being suspicious of your intentions and leary of your track record? Many nAAtives felt that TWAers had nothing to loose if AA were in BK. And your track record... alhough you definately made many accomplishments in your years with TWA, you are, unfortunately, remembered for your failed strike. Please let me reitterate; I am NOT making judgements, I am only trying to give you an insight into how many TWAers are perceived by many nAAtives.
I think someone mentioned it earlier, but whatever the court decides, it will be legal and binding, and either way, hopefully, the seniority debate will be layed to rest... although, somehow I doubt it.