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"fooled Again By Ward"

jsn25911 said:
Ward has so much anger that he destroyed your contract and your career because he wanted to damage the TWA people.
Thats a bunch of crap
jsn25911 said:
As far as the AA/TWA people and hostility. I blame apfa. Because of their stance on eliminating their jobs, rather than come up with a solution to keep ALL f/a's - was a beginning of many problems for apfa.
How much of a pay cut do you expect everyone to take in order to keep all flight attendants working? I said before I would rather be furloughed than take such deep cuts that the profession is no longer worth doing. We did need to protect our pay scales as much as possible. Again I must remind you that not everyone on furlough is ex-twa. Alot of AA'ers are out as well. The cuts did not just effect the TWA'ers.
Per MiAAmi: Again I must remind you that not everyone on furlough is ex-twa. Alot of AA'ers are out as well. The cuts did not just effect the TWA'ers

***the big differance is that not ALL of the AA'rs are on furlough...does it even cross your mind that it is "just a bit" easier for a 22yr old 1 year AA furloughed f/a already at the bottom of the pay scale to find a new job flying than someone who has been flying for 30yrs and is a bit older..it just bogles my mind that anyone would consider this in any way remotely just. I don't expect any resonable response just venting.
jsn25911 said:
As far as the AA/TWA people and hostility. I blame apfa. Because of their stance on eliminating their jobs, rather than come up with a solution to keep ALL f/a's - was a beginning of many problems for apfa. If Ward could not even manage working with the TWA people for some solution where both parties would not be harmed - what gives Ward the ability to run a union? He is not qualified, does not have the experience, nor the personality to be a president of a union. It is time to change - and I would vote for any of the other canadates because they are willing to make changes to the contract, and hopefully getting EVERYONE back to work. Ward has so much anger that he destroyed your contract and your career because he wanted to damage the TWA people.
First, If Ward would have given the value to the items that were given up - we would not have given up the $650 million. Then to label it $350 million was another slap.

Also, you do not have to take a paycut for the t/a to have allowed all employees to remain working. If Ward had allowed some assistance and began the negotiations ahead of time (as the mechanics and pilots did) - we may have had other solutions. Like I said before - he hated the TWA people so much - that he sacrifices his own - just to hurt us.
TransWorldONE said:
Per MiAAmi: Again I must remind you that not everyone on furlough is ex-twa. Alot of AA'ers are out as well. The cuts did not just effect the TWA'ers

***the big differance is that not ALL of the AA'rs are on furlough...does it even cross your mind that it is "just a bit" easier for a 22yr old 1 year AA furloughed f/a already at the bottom of the pay scale to find a new job flying than someone who has been flying for 30yrs and is a bit older..it just bogles my mind that anyone would consider this in any way remotely just. I don't expect any resonable response just venting.
The fact that you think that you are owed seniority over someone at AA because of their age or time with AA bogles my mind. Its time to face reality! Anyone with lengthy time with TWA made a choice to stay with a company that had lost money 17 yrs in a row. Were you not worried that one day you would wake up and find out that your company had gone under? Furloughed after 30 years as a flight attendant looking for work, yes I feel sorry for you. God knows that I have not always planned ahead for rainy days but I have never expected someone else to lose their job over my own choices.
MiAAmi said:
TransWorldONE said:
Per MiAAmi: Again I must remind you that not everyone on furlough is ex-twa. Alot of AA'ers are out as well. The cuts did not just effect the TWA'ers

***the big differance is that not ALL of the AA'rs are on furlough...does it even cross your mind that it is "just a bit" easier for a 22yr old 1 year AA furloughed f/a already at the bottom of the pay scale to find a new job flying than someone who has been flying for 30yrs and is a bit older..it just bogles my mind that anyone would consider this in any way remotely just. I don't expect any resonable response just venting.
The fact that you think that you are owed seniority over someone at AA because of their age or time with AA bogles my mind. Its time to face reality! Anyone with lengthy time with TWA made a choice to stay with a company that had lost money 17 yrs in a row. Were you not worried that one day you would wake up and find out that your company had gone under? Furloughed after 30 years as a flight attendant looking for work, yes I feel sorry for you. God knows that I have not always planned ahead for rainy days but I have never expected someone else to lose their job over my own choices.
I dont have 30 years...but I (unlike many) sympathize with my friends that do...had we gone under I would have delt with that hand...but we didn't did we?
jsn25911 said:
Also, you do not have to take a paycut for the t/a to have allowed all employees to remain working. If Ward had allowed some assistance and began the negotiations ahead of time (as the mechanics and pilots did) - we may have had other solutions. Like I said before - he hated the TWA people so much - that he sacrifices his own - just to hurt us.
Your math skills must be alot better than mine. If the company places a/c in the desert leaving less flying available. Then according to my math skills in order for everyone to remain employed we would all be flying less. Hence a paycut. Less flying plus a paycut = a bigger paycut to keep all flight attendants working. Please check my math and show me if I'm wrong here.
TransWorldONE said:
I dont have 30 years...but I (unlike many) sympathize with my friends that do...had we gone under I would have delt with that hand...but we didn't did we?
in my mind Bankruptcy = Gone Under. If no one told you yet TWA declared bankruptcy. Yes TWA went under! The only thing different is that the TW'ers were not out of a job yet and recieved a pay raise (curtesy of APFA negotiations). I feel sorry for anyone out of work right now. Lets hope that things continue to improve and we start seeing more of our furloughed friends back on the line.
MiAAmi said:
in my mind Bankruptcy = Gone Under. If no one told you yet TWA declared bankruptcy. Yes TWA went under! The only thing different is that the TW'ers were not out of a job yet and recieved a pay raise (curtesy of APFA negotiations). I feel sorry for anyone out of work right now. Lets hope that things continue to improve and we start seeing more of our furloughed friends back on the line.
As a nAAtive, let me say that I am sick to death of the lie that AMR rescued TWA from bankruptcy. TWA went into bankruptcy at AMR's insistence to abrogate the Icahn contract, called Kariboo (or something like that), which gave him access to super cheap tickets from TWA for his travel business.

Aside from the fact that Boeing also wanted to buy TWA (which is the reason that AMR paid over market price), TWA was in about the same financial condition as America West at the time. Did America West go under?

Miaami, please stop telling the JW lie. It is a lie, not a different view of the truth. A lie! Telling it over and over is not ever going to make it true.

Oh, and about your math, Bankruptcy= gone Under. Continental went into bankruptcy TWICE. Are they gone? United is about to emerge from bankruptcy. You need to remember what Unca Bobby Crandall pointed out years ago, that an airline in bankruptcy has a LOT of financial advantages over competitors that are not in bankruptcy.

The JW supporters remind me of a friend of mine who says, "I have a rich and full fantasy life. If I liked reality, I would spend more time there."
jimntx said:
As a nAAtive, let me say that I am sick to death of the lie that AMR rescued TWA from bankruptcy. TWA went into bankruptcy at AMR's insistence to abrogate the Icahn contract, called Kariboo (or something like that), which gave him access to super cheap tickets from TWA for his travel business.

Aside from the fact that Boeing also wanted to buy TWA (which is the reason that AMR paid over market price), TWA was in about the same financial condition as America West at the time. Did America West go under?

Miaami, please stop telling the JW lie. It is a lie, not a different view of the truth. A lie! Telling it over and over is not ever going to make it true.

Oh, and about your math, Bankruptcy= gone Under. Continental went into bankruptcy TWICE. Are they gone? United is about to emerge from bankruptcy. You need to remember what Unca Bobby Crandall pointed out years ago, that an airline in bankruptcy has a LOT of financial advantages over competitors that are not in bankruptcy.

The JW supporters remind me of a friend of mine who says, "I have a rich and full fantasy life. If I liked reality, I would spend more time there."
Oh my God...there is a God! and a nAAtive that "gets" it...when I get back I want to buy you a drink Jim. You have my respect.
jimntx said:
As a nAAtive, let me say that I am sick to death of the lie that AMR rescued TWA from bankruptcy. TWA went into bankruptcy at AMR's insistence to abrogate the Icahn contract, called Kariboo (or something like that), which gave him access to super cheap tickets from TWA for his travel business.

Aside from the fact that Boeing also wanted to buy TWA (which is the reason that AMR paid over market price), TWA was in about the same financial condition as America West at the time. Did America West go under?

Miaami, please stop telling the JW lie. It is a lie, not a different view of the truth. A lie! Telling it over and over is not ever going to make it true.

Oh, and about your math, Bankruptcy= gone Under. Continental went into bankruptcy TWICE. Are they gone? United is about to emerge from bankruptcy. You need to remember what Unca Bobby Crandall pointed out years ago, that an airline in bankruptcy has a LOT of financial advantages over competitors that are not in bankruptcy.

The JW supporters remind me of a friend of mine who says, "I have a rich and full fantasy life. If I liked reality, I would spend more time there."
Can you name a carrier with 3 BKs that didn't GO UNDER?
Oh, besides TWA.
TransWorldONE said:
jimntx said:
As a nAAtive, let me say that I am sick to death of the lie that AMR rescued TWA from bankruptcy. TWA went into bankruptcy at AMR's insistence to abrogate the Icahn contract, called Kariboo (or something like that), which gave him access to super cheap tickets from TWA for his travel business.

Aside from the fact that Boeing also wanted to buy TWA (which is the reason that AMR paid over market price), TWA was in about the same financial condition as America West at the time. Did America West go under?

Miaami, please stop telling the JW lie. It is a lie, not a different view of the truth. A lie! Telling it over and over is not ever going to make it true.

Oh, and about your math, Bankruptcy= gone Under. Continental went into bankruptcy TWICE. Are they gone? United is about to emerge from bankruptcy. You need to remember what Unca Bobby Crandall pointed out years ago, that an airline in bankruptcy has a LOT of financial advantages over competitors that are not in bankruptcy.

The JW supporters remind me of a friend of mine who says, "I have a rich and full fantasy life. If I liked reality, I would spend more time there."
Oh my God...there is a God! and a nAAtive that "gets" it...when I get back I want to buy you a drink Jim. You have my respect.
Your God might have horns. Look at Jims furlough date.
latreal said:
jimntx said:
As a nAAtive, let me say that I am sick to death of the lie that AMR rescued TWA from bankruptcy. TWA went into bankruptcy at AMR's insistence to abrogate the Icahn contract, called Kariboo (or something like that), which gave him access to super cheap tickets from TWA for his travel business.

Aside from the fact that Boeing also wanted to buy TWA (which is the reason that AMR paid over market price), TWA was in about the same financial condition as America West at the time. Did America West go under?

Miaami, please stop telling the JW lie. It is a lie, not a different view of the truth. A lie! Telling it over and over is not ever going to make it true.

Oh, and about your math, Bankruptcy= gone Under. Continental went into bankruptcy TWICE. Are they gone? United is about to emerge from bankruptcy. You need to remember what Unca Bobby Crandall pointed out years ago, that an airline in bankruptcy has a LOT of financial advantages over competitors that are not in bankruptcy.

The JW supporters remind me of a friend of mine who says, "I have a rich and full fantasy life. If I liked reality, I would spend more time there."
Can you name a carrier with 3 BKs that didn't GO UNDER?
Oh, besides TWA.
in what you and miAAmi would call twisted thinking... In a lot of minds twa declared BK twice and AA declared BK once...for twa. And I assure you my God is not on the dAArk side.
latreal said:
Your God might have horns. Look at Jims furlough date.
Hey, latreal, life is really a lot easier if you don't go around looking for opportunities to be offended. I can only assume that you are implying that I am really ex-TWA because of my furlough date.

I began flying for AA on 07SEP2000 following my graduation from FU on Hwy 360 in Ft. Worth, TX. I am actually senior to ALL of the former TWA flight attendants on the furlough list.
TransWorldONE said:
in what you and miAAmi would call twisted thinking... In a lot of minds twa declared BK twice and AA declared BK once...for twa.
Whatever makes life easier for you! You can align yourself with a 2 year naative god if you wish but the fact remains that TWA is out of business. No one else came running to out bid AA for the assets of TWA. you can what if yourself to death but TWA is gone and whats done is done. Its time to start looking forward and to the next round of negotiations.

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