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"fooled Again By Ward"

jsn25911 said:
latreal - the reason I wasn't going to respond back to you - is that you are not one to give any flight attendant voting suggestions. YOU ARE NOT AN EMPLOYEE NOR EVEN A FLIGHT ATTENDANT. You are not working under the horrible working conditions. You may be a "wanna be employee" - however YOU ARE NOT.

As I said - of course you want Ward to stay in office. If anyone else had worked on the last t/a - the pilots would have had to give up more. You are just positioning your wife for the future - in hopes that as long as the f/a's remain the givers - there is more for your wife and your family.

You don't fool anyone!
That was rich.

OK, you are right. you got me. I admit it.

So NOW can we get back to the topic. :huh:
woztwa said:
Your wife is an AA f/o and a very junior on, DROR. "my wife is against me outing her"..'I have been lurking but will not post..." Any of this sound familiar??- I bet she still doesn't know what you are doing. Tell me I am wrong, "DROR "
You are insulting.
You have be outed... :cop:
WOZTWA, You are barking up the wrong tree. While I am no fan of Latreal, you have him confused with someone else.

Trans World First
MiAAmi said:
Wishing 5yrs goes by quickly.
I hope you remember this comment when AMR is sending documentation to the government under Bush's new plan for immigrant workers that you and other Americans refused to do the job for $10/hr, so they (AMR) need to import foreign workers to do the job.
TransWorldFirst said:
woztwa said:
Your wife is an AA f/o and a very junior on, DROR. "my wife is against me outing her"..'I have been lurking but will not post..." Any of this sound familiar??- I bet she still doesn't know what you are doing. Tell me I am wrong, "DROR "
You are insulting.
You have be outed... :cop:
WOZTWA, You are barking up the wrong tree. While I am no fan of Latreal, you have him confused with someone else.

Trans World First
Doesn't really matter.
Because I don't agree with the vocal majority here, they have turned the thread into a topic about me.
I still feel the same way though and accept that you all don't agree with me.
Who REALLY cares.
Ward will be re-elected.
Make a note of who said it (me) and the date I said it. 😛
galleyguy4u2 said:
Send Ward BACK TO THE LINE AND EAT HIM ALIVE!! I am sure he will take a office job in AA or take some type of leave. I don't think he can handle his own work rules that he and his BOD's sold all of us out for.

I don't care who you vote for but please not his administration.
I agree. I don't see him returning to the line to work under this crappy RPA. With the evident collusion with the company on forcing this thing on the flight attendants, I see a reward of something like, Chief Flight Attendant--f/a semi-equivalent of Chief Pilot. It won't be a v-p titled position like Chief Pilot, though. I think it will more than likely be a non-job with a substantial salary as a reward for turning the APFA into the AApfa.
Now Latreal what makes you think they have turned this thread into talking about you? You wish they were talking about you!!!
L1011Ret said:
Now Latreal what makes you think they have turned this thread into talking about you? You wish they were talking about you!!!
so who are u voting for retired one?

*guffaw* 🙄
It is improtant that my spouse be well informed on how to vote. It is quite obvious that J. Ward and group were very hostile to the TWA F/As. That such an environment had a decidedly negative impact on the lives of TWA F/As and shortened the lives of some is not a funny matter. That you find it worth Guffawing over again indicates your inability to have empathy for others.
Name one flight attendant that hasn't been affected by the events of the past few years! I find it interesting that all the ex-TW posters seem to think that we need to rid ourselves of Ward when it was the BOD that accepted the concessions package. Less we forget that Ward was here when we (nAAtive AAers) voted in the best contract we ever had. Considering who is running, Ward still leads the pack to me.
L1011Ret said:
It is improtant that my spouse be well informed on how to vote. It is quite obvious that J. Ward and group were very hostile to the TWA F/As. That such an environment had a decidedly negative impact on the lives of TWA F/As and shortened the lives of some is not a funny matter. That you find it worth Guffawing over again indicates your inability to have empathy for others.
ex-TWA'ers are not the only ones on furlough right now. Hostile is rather extreme. With the way that the airline is turning around it may not be long before we start to see more call backs. At any rate lets hope our friends on furlough that want to return to AA get a call soon.
LiveInAHotel said:
What in the h**l have you been smoking?
Ok then who do you endorse? You can trash Ward all you want but who do you think will do a better job? And why? Try to come up with something a little more mature than "what in the h**l have you been smoking?".
Please remember that John Ward promised a re-vote and then broke that promise. Does he sound like presidential material?
I agree John has made mistakes but still does anyone else thats running seem like they would be better than what we already have. I just don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water. John wasn't the only one involved with the april fiasco. The company played their cards right with all of us. Instead of coming to us 6 months earlier and giving the unions ample time to negotiate they waited until they were on the verge of BK. They tied the unions hands and started tearing up our contracts. They successfully put doubt in the APFA members mind about their leadership. ( And its still working) Why not get rid of Ward ( the one who helped get us the best contract we ever had) before we have to start negotiations again. Then you have the TWA element. did you really think that the TWA people have our best intrests at heart? How much vengance have you read on these boards from ex-twa'ers. How many times have you read on these boards how TWA'ers were mistreated? They are also the group that tilted the NO vote. They felt that BK was better for all of us. I have to ask would you rather be working for USairways or United right now? For all of you that think that United got a better deal your wrong.
MiAAmi said:
The company played their cards right with all of us. Instead of coming to us 6 months earlier and giving the unions ample time to negotiate they waited until they were on the verge of BK. They tied the unions hands and started tearing up our contracts.
I remember that people were asking for Ward to get involved with negotiations - but he delayed until the last minute. It was Ward not the company that delayed dealing with the contract. Even Jeff's statement about John stating something to the effect that he would not address things on a timely manner. I think Jeff would know! Also, if all the other unions addressed this issue at a timely manner - why did Ward not address it. Does he not pay attention to important details?

As far as the AA/TWA people and hostility. I blame apfa. Because of their stance on eliminating their jobs, rather than come up with a solution to keep ALL f/a's - was a beginning of many problems for apfa. If Ward could not even manage working with the TWA people for some solution where both parties would not be harmed - what gives Ward the ability to run a union? He is not qualified, does not have the experience, nor the personality to be a president of a union. It is time to change - and I would vote for any of the other canadates because they are willing to make changes to the contract, and hopefully getting EVERYONE back to work. Ward has so much anger that he destroyed your contract and your career because he wanted to damage the TWA people.

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