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"fooled Again By Ward"

and speaking of "5 years"....the "other 5 years"....recall rights...SOME twa'ers
actually have 7 year recall rights...those furloughed b4 the integration, but I digress....
There are lots of posts about "stealing" each others seniority. Suppose you go out to buy a 10 inch pizza pie. The pie has eight slices. You have promised six slices to your family and two slices to a neighbor. When you get home you tell the neighbor that you plan to eat his/her slices too. You say to him/her, I was only protecting my pizza. S/he, the neighbor, protests that you were not protecting your pizza (six slices), you were stealing his/her too. What now?
Well here is my 2 cents for what it is worth. As a furloughed AA'er , I would like to first congratulate the TWA'rs on a well unified election. To those of us AA'ers we should be ashamed. Barely, 1/2 of our memebership even voted in this election. That goes to show just how much things have changed and that nobody really cares. Perhaps it's because we know how the election outcome will endup being what Ward and AA wants it to be. That was proven in the RA vote. It also shows that there is no Unity amoung anobody on the line. Whoever takes the office of President, I hope one thing they will immediately work on is the Manning situation. Why are we still in a manning alert in the month of January? Isn't this normally the slowest time of the year for flying? Also, Where has JW been? Nobody has heard a thing from him since last year. Does this sound like a leader? All I can say is I voted and will continue to vote for anyone besides Ward. How can he call himself a Union Leader when he didn't hesitate or blink an eye to throw us on the street with Nothing! I sure hope he is sleeping well these days. Because when he is back cracking ice and opening cans, he will not be able to sleep with these great work rules he "supposedly" negotiated with AA. Anyways, Does anyone have any thoughs in why we are in this manning alert? Also, why are we not doing anything about it? At what point does "self help" become an option or should someone just get a backbone and standup to AA? When a domestic F/A for the month of January has over 70 hours of understaffing pay that tells you that a problem exists.
Flyboy4u said:
Well here is my 2 cents for what it is worth. As a furloughed AA'er , I would like to first congratulate the TWA'rs on a well unified election. To those of us AA'ers we should be ashamed. Barely, 1/2 of our memebership even voted in this election. That goes to show just how much things have changed and that nobody really cares. Perhaps it's because we know how the election outcome will endup being what Ward and AA wants it to be. That was proven in the RA vote. It also shows that there is no Unity amoung anobody on the line. Whoever takes the office of President, I hope one thing they will immediately work on is the Manning situation. Why are we still in a manning alert in the month of January? Isn't this normally the slowest time of the year for flying? Also, Where has JW been? Nobody has heard a thing from him since last year. Does this sound like a leader? All I can say is I voted and will continue to vote for anyone besides Ward. How can he call himself a Union Leader when he didn't hesitate or blink an eye to throw us on the street with Nothing! I sure hope he is sleeping well these days. Because when he is back cracking ice and opening cans, he will not be able to sleep with these great work rules he "supposedly" negotiated with AA. Anyways, Does anyone have any thoughs in why we are in this manning alert? Also, why are we not doing anything about it? At what point does "self help" become an option or should someone just get a backbone and standup to AA? When a domestic F/A for the month of January has over 70 hours of understaffing pay that tells you that a problem exists.
At least you have a job worth coming back to. Our friends at US are not so lucky. Before you cry about how bad you have it try looking around at the other carriers first.

Do you ever have anything nice to say? You are the typical selfish and inconsiderate FA at AA. I was just stating an opinion and as far as I know I still live in a democracy where I can express my opinion. As far as your statement about having a job worth coming back to, It seems to me the TWAr's are the only ones concerned about that.. They actually cast a vote worth something. If you think your fearless leader Ward is going to get the job done, then I ask you where is he? Why haven't we heard anything from him? Get your head out of the sand, stop drinking the AA/APFA Kool-Aid and Get a life.....Back to the question, What is going to happen about this manning situation? :shock:
I would have to agree about a job to come back to. There are rumors about AA being understaffed, but nobody has posted a factual post about that issue. There are some crew schedulers about on this BB who have said nothing.

My point about the pizza was that what happened was way beyond what APFA stated in "protecting the seniority" of AA F/As. And second it was not what AA promised. Both will become issues in court.
L1011Ret said:
I would have to agree about a job to come back to. There are rumors about AA being understaffed, but nobody has posted a factual post about that issue.
Just go to APFA and you can get the 411 on understaffing. It's very true and it's happening all over the system. The thing is that it's cheaper for AA to pay each f/a an additional $5.00 per hour for understaffing, then to actually place additional crew members on the plane.
MiAAmi said:
At least you have a job worth coming back to. Our friends at US are not so lucky. Before you cry about how bad you have it try looking around at the other carriers first.
I agree with you they are not so lucky because the first thing that was said was that you all want their slots and not their employees. How sad, shame on you! You call that frienship?..... I don't think so! .... What double standards you preach!!
twasilverbullet said:
I agree with you they are not so lucky because the first thing that was said was that you all want their slots and not their employees. How sad, shame on you! You call that frienship?..... I don't think so! .... What double standards you preach!!
I never said anything about AA bidding on US slots. Quit making up stuff to fit your arguement. But I'm sure if it meant the TWA'ers getting recalled quicker they would be all for it.
MiAAmi said:
But I'm sure if it meant the TWA'ers getting recalled quicker they would be all for it.
You are wrong.

The overwhelming sentiment on the private TWA boards is compassion and support for the US Airways employees, not glee at the prospect of gaining an unfair advantage from someone else' misfortunes.

Therein lies the difference between the majority of the TWAers and the likes of you.
MiAAmi said:
I never said anything about AA bidding on US slots. Quit making up stuff to fit your arguement. But I'm sure if it meant the TWA'ers getting recalled quicker they would be all for it.
Miami - I wouldn't want to screw the US people to get their slots. For no reason would I ever want that!
I really don't think the shuttle is worth AA spending money on. But I'm just a flight attendant. Remember the TW purchase was suppose to be so good for AA, look how that turned out. Besides the shuttle isnt doing as well as it used to.

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