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"fooled Again By Ward"

MiAAmi said:
My working conditions are not horrible.
Tell that to the membership, and see how popular you'll become.

I really feel sorry for the likes of you. You rather stand 4 more years of an administration that has ruin the lifes of so many in more ways than one rather than take that chance and make a difference, all because of your hatred towards your fellow F/A's. Yes, I did say fellow F/A's....... I'm ex TW (because of no fault of my own) but now I'm AA, like it or not get used to it, we are not going away!

You are a sick!
FA Mikey said:
Sorry but everyone I know is voting for Tommie, once they know the truth is an easy choice.
I hope you will help spread the word that although we block-voted for Tommie, there was no special deal involved. Getting Ward out was and is our number one priority, and Tommie seemed to have the best chance. Tommie has also come out in favor of extending recall rights, an issue of importance not only to the TWA people, but to the 823 natives hired after the acquisition.
twasilverbullet said:
We are here to state the truth, unlike you and your cronies.
No, you guys are here to vent. You're still pissed about being stapled to the bottom. You have no chance in court, because it was an acquisition and TWA filed BK for AA to acquire them. When a carrier goes BK, your contract isn't worth the paper it's written on.

You guys had no SCOPE to protect your seniority in the event another airline acquired TWA. An acquisition is different then a merger!!

Quit wasting your time and money, you guys will never get what you're after. Be thankful you still have recall rights, your pay and you didn't have to interview for a new airline and spend 6 weeks in training as a new hire. If AA didn't acquire TWA all of you would have NOTHING and be newbies at JetBlue.
Miami - stated the following:
There is nothing to debate now that everyone knows that the TW people voted for Tommy. Everyone on the line is now voting for Ward. Even people that voiced opposition towards Ward are now voting for him because they see that the TW'ers voted for Tommy. Tommy is now dead in the water thanks to you all (TWA'ers) iami - in case you forgot what you wrote:

So Miami - are you saying this election is based on "who hates the TWA people" rather than the trying to get someone that can improve our contract and working conditions. Why would anyone vote an election on "hating the TWA people" when their working conditions are so horrible, not enough rest, no food, etc........ If that is what this election is about - than I hope you DO get Ward....I wish ward on you. If the membership is not interested in improving this career - improve the working conditions, then they are the ones destroying their careers - not mine!

Miami - do you also hate the RENO people because they voted for Tommy, or the AA people that voted for Tommy?

Why are they allowed to try to better the working conditions, however the TWA people are not. WE WANT RECALL RIGHTS EXTENDED - that is why we do not want Ward.

What you did to the RENO people- you should be ashamed of yourself - but that is not want this post is about.

We want recall rights and want it for ALL furloughed f/a's and that is the message we are sending. The thing is - it doesn't matter if it is TWA or Reno people - we want everyone to be able to come back.

However, with your stategy - it is screw All the TWA people - even if it takes Reno people with them!
LiveInAHotel said:
When a carrier goes BK, your contract isn't worth the paper it's written on.
On the contrary. We worked under our contract for almost eight months after the acquisition. That's why the scope clauses were reluctantly signed off. If we hadn't we'd have had NO contract during that period, and would have been at the complete mercy of the company to do whatever they wanted with us.

You guys had no SCOPE to protect your seniority in the event another airline acquired TWA.
We had no guaranteed seniority, but neither did the pilots or mechanics. Yet they reached negotiated settlements, even though they didn't please everybody.

An acquisition is different then a merger!!
What happened was an acquisition followed by a merger.

Quit wasting your time and money, you guys will never get what you're after.
Then YOU have nothing to worry about.

spend 6 weeks in training as a new hire.
I'm not sure just how the training curriculum will look, but we'll be in DFW for four to five weeks anyway. We'll be uncurrent and have to be trained on all the aircraft at our assigned base.

What the TWA F/As signed away was the right to arbitrate seniority under Allegheny-Mohawk rules. Nothing else. They did not give away their rights for their quest for seniority. That is painfully clear in the responses of AA, Carty and APFA. Carty made those promised "fair and equitable" to the TWA F/As and Mechanic and related. AA did not live up to their repetitively made promises. In other words, breach of contract and fraud along with fraudlent inducement. The latter term is for seducing someone into something they had no intention of honoring. Many believe this is a good case.
You are not quite as lovable as you would like everyone to think you are.

You chided another poster about attacks, reminding them of the policy of the forum. Yet, you have no problem with publishing my name, which is a direct violation of forum privacy. I am not sure what you think you have proven here. I have always been against full seniority of another airline coming in to ours, I always will be. You seem to have an agenda, your anger is obvious. The statement has been made that John Ward made decisions based on hate of TWA'ers. Your actions lead me to believe it is more the hate from you, and those like you, towards anyone that said they will vote will for John. You will not intimidate me. In fact, your actions have made me more resolved to vote for John.

You have taken half of a conversation and published it here. Why didn't you publish what I was responding to?

Where does your "loveable" remark come from. . .I made no claim to wanting to appear loveable, I will try to remain civil.

Royal Ambassador Posted: Jan 9 2004, 01:32 PM


Group: Member
Posts: 31
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Joined: 24-November 03

ArtTang @ Jan 9 2004, 09:30 AM)
Lee Price,

Is this you or the person you claim to have stolen your yahoo passcode who wrote the last message about Steven? It is difficult to tell if it is you or your other personality. The mudslinging and innuendo sure reflect your modus operandi, but one never knows after your disclaimers of the psychotic messages you posted on the 4M.

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>I was under the impression that posting personal attacks was against the rules of these forums. </span>

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use the USaviation.com Message Boards to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by USaviation.com.

A ZERO TOLERANCE policy in place in regards to postings that are arguably defamatory displaying intent to draw ridicule, possibly being untrue, and damaging to a person's reputation. If any postings fall within this criteria, they will be deleted without hesitation.
skyangelnflight said:
You are not quite as lovable as you would like everyone to think you are.
That was my post, not Royal Ambassador's.

You came here last Friday and accused the TWAers of being bitter.

skyangelnflight said:
so much bitterness that dumped out here. . .

All I have done is to illustrate your own bitterness, hatred and vitriol which you posted elsewhere while trying to maintain the illusion here that you were above the fray. I only exposed your hypocrisy. One of the posts, which I copied here, was your nasty and uncivil reply to Nancy McGuire's message, during her campaign for APFA secretary, in which she illustrated why a ratio integration of seniority may be to everyone's benefit. Enough of her language was inserted by you in that response in order to keep your answer in context.

There was nothing false or inaccurate in my post. It was all offered to support my point and it all came verbatim from your own posts on the 4M.

I am sorry, but I did not realize that telling someone they are not lovable is tantamount to a personal attack. Unlike the other poster, to whom you refer, I did not imply that you are a mudslinger or a psychotic. That would have been a personal attack.

If you don't care for your messages from the 4M to be used to expose your true self, I suggest that you pay attention to what you write there before it comes back to bite you elsewhere.
kirkpatrick said:
What happened was an acquisition followed by a merger.
WAKE UP! You're dreaming again. No Merger took place. It was an Acquisition and in court they will see that. Merger's and Acquisition's are two DIFFERENT things. When you ex-TWAY folks understand this you will see that none of you have a chance to get what you're after. :lol:

As for the pilots and mechanics of TWAY, APA and TWU were more giving then APFA was. Oh I alomost forgot, all of you ex-TWA f/a's should give back your gold wings from AA. You haven't earned 5 years of occupational seniority to wear them.
liveinhotel- don't hold your breath--- better yet, hold it for 10 minutes.
You aquire good things in life as investment and you hire the not so good.
LiveInAHotel said:
kirkpatrick said:
What happened was an acquisition followed by a merger.
WAKE UP! You're dreaming again. No Merger took place. It was an Acquisition and in court they will see that. Merger's and Acquisition's are two DIFFERENT things. When you ex-TWAY folks understand this you will see that none of you have a chance to get what you're after. :lol:
Hotel -

I have repeatedly explained to you that the former TWA F/A seniority lawsuit does not hinge on whether or not the combination of TWA and AA constituted a merger or an acquisition. That determination is irrelevant and serves as nothing more than a red herring when discussed in the context of the former TWA F/A's lawsuit.

The basis of the former TWA F/A's lawsuit is civil in nature. It is premised on various tort law claims. TWA F/A's contend that AA/APFA/TWA, LLc. had a duty to the former TWA F/A's, that they breeched that duty, that that breech was the direct cause of damages and that those damages are recoverable.

You would be well served to do some research into the differences in criminal and civil proceedings. Until such time as you have even the most basic understanding of the vast differences between the two venues, debate with you can be characterized as little more "arguing with a fool."

We are well familiar with your sentiments
a long and ongoing pattern of your paranoia and bitterness.
You are not quite as lovable as you would like everyone to think you are.
was intended to expose your hypocrisy
rife with bitterness and derision
your nasty and uncivil reply
while at the same time your pontifications
All I have done is to illustrate your own bitterness, hatred and vitriol which you posted
I have read dozens of your vitriolic anti TWAers posts
I only exposed your hypocrisy

main reason for opposing Ward was his pathological hatred

You need to step back and take a breath, you sound ready for the Jerry Springer show :shock:

I am sorry, but I did not realize that telling someone they are not lovable is tantamount to a personal attack.

You have shown you have no respect for Forum Etiquette or rules, the reference was not to being viewed as loveable, but to your posting my name and base publicly on a public forum.

she illustrated why a ratio integration of seniority may be to everyone's benefit.

You mean TWA'ers benfit, don't you? It sure won't benefit me or any other junior AA.

If you don't care for your messages from the 4M to be used to expose your true self, I suggest that you pay attention to what you write there before it comes back to bite you elsewhere.

Be sure to keep watching the 4m, I will continue to de-bunk the myths. 😛
"Thank Heaven for Little Girls"

by Learner and Lowe

Each time I see a little girl
of 5 or 6 or 7
I can't resist a joyous urge to smile and say,
"thank heaven for little girls
For little girls, get bigger, every day
thank heaven for little girls
they grow up in the most delightful way
those little eyes so helpless and the appealing
one day we will flash and send you crashing through the ceiling
thank heaven for little girls
thank heaven for them all
no matter where, no matter who
without them, what would little boys do
thank heaven, thank heaven, thank heaven for little girls

those little eyes, so helpless, and appealing
one day will flash and send you crashing through the ceiling
thank heaven for little girls
thank heaven for them all
no matter where, no matter who
without them, what would little boys do
thank heaven,
thank heaven,
thank heaven for little girls
thank heaven for little girls
LiveInAHotel said:
Oh I alomost forgot, all of you ex-TWA f/a's should give back your gold wings from AA. You haven't earned 5 years of occupational seniority to wear them.
Oh good. I've been wondering what to do with them. Give me your address, and I'll mail them to you. Sorry, I can't include the union pin...that's in some landfill somewhere. 😀

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