when i read that my heart jumed too , but then i remembered doug pakrkers favorite words which go something like "no contract until we intergrate the workforces" and i remember it to because i was at one of the town halls where we posed that very same question to him , and we asked it over and over again lol and he gave the same response over and over again , if you don't belive me log onto the compass webicte and check the townhall meetings for fleet in PHX ....
yah if someone can find a way out of this mess please let me know .....
I would think that the company would be under a legal obligation to get the west on a new contract since ours expired 2 years ago! As far as im concerned, we ougt to have the right to strike the company since our contact is no longer valid so far as I can tell. I don't think it really matters what Doug Parker wants, because he is upheld to the same laws as everyone else (including DUI's

My point is, our contact is expired, we need a new one, the east contact is still in effect until 2009. If we vote no on the TA, the company will have to still sit down and negotiate with us to give the west a new contact, which will no doubt have a pay raise. Once that is all settled, we can start working towards a joint contact. This would give us more leverage because it would show the company that we are solid and will not accept the first piece of garbage that they throw our way.