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Is it still procedure for the marshaling agent to do a walk around after the a/c parks?

There is a lot of unreported damage. When it gets reported, it wreaks havoc, particularly in stations without vendor mechs. A mech has to sign off that the a/c is airworthy after an inspection. There are tales of pilots and maintenance control trying to paper the deal over to keep the flight running. The catch is, you have to turn your head to let them do it. If you tell m/c from the jump you are going by the book and all the way by the book, they'll back down.
This time will IAM get rid of class1 and 2 pay scale for the ramp? Its so unfair do the same work but get paid less. Example: MIA class two city current top out pay $15.60 while 24 miles north FLL class one city(so called focus city) :lol: is at $17.35 top out. And oh yeah LCC stock is up to $61 a share today.
Look for the elimination of class two station pay and the jobs at those class 2 cities
Is it still procedure for the marshaling agent to do a walk around after the a/c parks?

There is a lot of unreported damage. When it gets reported, it wreaks havoc, particularly in stations without vendor mechs. A mech has to sign off that the a/c is airworthy after an inspection. There are tales of pilots and maintenance control trying to paper the deal over to keep the flight running. The catch is, you have to turn your head to let them do it. If you tell m/c from the jump you are going by the book and all the way by the book, they'll back down.
Yes it is. The Agent who parks the Aircraft, MUST do a walk around upon arrival. Also SAFETY FIRST. Please Do not use an unsafe piece of ground equipment.
Talks broke off in PHX tonight without any progress.According to a CLT Grievance Committeeman the company wants to pay sick time only when an employee is hospitalized !
Also the contract will be extended through 2012 with a 2 % raise per year and the HP employees won't be brought up to East pay immediately , but gradually till 2012.
Talks are to resume on February 12.This is a serious step backwards and shows what your company thinks of you.
The time for the West and East employees to come together is now !
Looks like they are calling for ice here tommorrow. Everyone needs to be safe seeing the company cares so much for your welfare.
So, what are Rampers looking for? Is it just an even pay scale system wide that tops out at $17+ per hour? Or are you after more? Is the company not willing to pay a 15 year ramper in PHX $17? A res agent makes $18. Do they think it is more difficult to take orders over the phone in an air conditioned office than sweat in 120 degree heat all day?

I think you should make your point that if a res agent is paid $18 then a ramp agent should be paid at least that much.
It used to be that whatever customer service got, the ramp got. And whatever the ramp got customer service got. We need to go back to that, with the starting points being hire date seniority which customer service goes by and the ramp doesn't. And the payscale that customer service goes by which is 3 to 4 more dollars per hour then the ramp gets. Once the iam gets their heads out of their asses and figures that out, the rest of the negotiations should be a walk in the park.
my opinion on whats going to happen now: IAM will meet one more time with the company(which it shouldnt) and then the arbitration will happen. Nothing is going to come of talks through an intergration now its too late. I seriously think the IAM should negotiate a seperate contract for the old west and have it expire the same time as east. and if the company doesnt want to talk west contract than go to mediation and and eventually strike with the east ramp concurring and also maintenace. the whole ramp and maintenance striking at the same time wil hurt the company severely.
You cant strike, the IAM and US are not in Section 6 Negotiations, read the RLA.
You cant strike, the IAM and US are not in Section 6 Negotiations, read the RLA.
You are Correct !!! However, We can follow the Book to the Letter, and we all know what kind of a Slow Down that would cause.
OK then that's what everyone needs to do so get the word out in your stations and work safe---safe---safe-----

They won't be expecting it and it will work if done by everyone in every station
Observe the posted speed limits in and around the airport and airplane.

Space the bags properly on the beltloader.

Check all ground equipment for proper safety operations.

Drive within the roadways of the airport

Dont put anything within 5 feet of the plane unless permited too by the ramp service manual.

The best part is their own rules will cause the operation to slow down when you worksafe.
700 im not saying strike now, what im saying is that the IAm should section six negotiate the expired west contract, and force the company into a situation that could lead to a cool off and mediator and then strike and have the mechanics and east ramp all approve the strike and all walkout together.
700 im not saying strike now, what im saying is that the IAm should section six negotiate the expired west contract, and force the company into a situation that could lead to a cool off and mediator and then strike and have the mechanics and east ramp all approve the strike and all walkout together.

or since the west m and r cba is amendable, do the same thing, negotiate a seperate west contract, the yada yada yada and strike... with the fleet
Yes it is. The Agent who parks the Aircraft, MUST do a walk around upon arrival. Also SAFETY FIRST. Please Do not use an unsafe piece of ground equipment.

By following company guidelines, rampers could have the fleet grounded within one week. Actually, CLT, PHL and PHX could take care of business in short order.

Don't look for IAM leadership here - agents are going to have to take matters in their own hands. IAM is too busy playing "Let's Make a Deal".

Tactics such as this have been called to the attention of district 'leadership' before, to no good end.

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