Decision 2004 said:
Go spew that crap to the OSM Shop Mechanic that starts at AA under the TWU for under $9.00 perhour, and while you are it, tell that crap to the RIF's A&P working in the OSM shop and not receiving license premium pay.
As long as "you've got yours" Steve. you fail to even see the demise of your own fellow union brothers.
Talk about credibility loss. You are the King!
How many alias' to you have on these and other boards Steve? You are so short on supporters you have to create imaginary friends under many different names.
As long as who has what?
Congratulations to you and your outspoken leaders for correctly defining what a dissident is according to Webster. He wrote in a recent article dissident is defined in the dictionary as; 1.) To sit apart. Disagree. 2.) Offer with an opinion or group. He also admits that the people in reference are in Fact A.M.F.A. supporters. My Question is do you know what the term unity means. Since this term is used in your campaign against the T.W.U., Let us print the definition for everyone to see; 1.) A being united, oneness. 2.) Harmony; Agreement. Now you tell me Mr. Dissident. Which is it going to be? Smart Union Members know the only way to succeed is to Unite. And your confusion on which method of Unionism is best is doing nothing but wasting time, which could be, spent educating and preparing members for the next contract.
You point out the problem in your own article but still fail to see it. It is true that the Majority of members did not vote in the recent officers elections, “that my friend is a direct result of the negative remarks you constantly make about the union. You see it doesn’t matter whether or not your International Union is called T.W.U or A.M.F.A. or Mickey Mouse fan club the strength comes in unity and numbers. How do you see your actions going towards the betterment of organized Labor? Or is it a fact that you were raised to consider only yourself when decision-making is needed on an issue." Punishment has been given to many children for being as inconsiderate of another person’s feelings and needs as your beliefs are.
Your Leader also refers to the last contract as an opportunity of a lifetime. I will admit that the profits being made were as good as you can get as far as pre-contract conditions, but let the membership take any blame for they are the ones who began splitting the ranks with yellow cards and negative literature. We the membership put the International in a position of not having 100 percent support. The conduct of dissidents is not bad when done in a positive way. But, the seeds of negative literature grows nothing but anti-union. Weak links in the chain of strength.
Next we need to again look at the “Majority Rules†he refers to skilled labor as the minority. And claims that by separation from fleet service skilled labor will be the majority. The truth is another division of strength will occur. Plus the skilled welders, machinists, platers and composite would then be the minority with A.M.F.A. Negotiating for A & P’s. Ask yourselves, will these groups then look for their own little union also. When A.M.F.A. goes on strike who will know if the worker crossing the picket line is a mechanic scab or just a machinists abiding by his little contract?
Let it be considered that if the majority does fall on the side of the dissidents as your leader says. Which one of them will be the leader with enough skills to repair the damage to the chain of strength? I have not seen one yet with the true Union beliefs. A true leader has the ability to disagree and seek change in a positive way that is not damaging to organized labor.
Thanks for Reading.
* Written a few years ago by Dave Stewart welder in Tulsa, OK. (Presently co-organizer of Amfa local 12)
Review what Amfa has accomplished at Northwest and United and you will see Dave is correct in his assessment of the last few years and the forecast for the future, if Amfa were to get in at AA. Will this be the pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow? Or, the devastation of our lives-or jobs-or community and the continued slow death of our profession?