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yet the "Company" puts these lies in the paper...
"Our CEO, Doug Parker, believes in creating airlines that are financially stable for the long term, and in offering careers that will last beyond the next economic downturn. That’s the airline that he and his management team are creating with the US Airways-America West merger; a US Airways-Delta match-up will create even more stability and career potential "...

Dog Porker and Anthony Mule-eared-idiot need to get their stories straight. 😛
well word from negotiations today is that its not good and things seem to be going backwards, look for vegas to step it up. They may not meet on wednesday.

and vegas has been involved there barbee, have you heard of any station missing 1200 bags in a matter of 2 hours? we managed to do it. And just for your info vegas is the worst station in the system in every category.
well word from negotiations today is that its not good and things seem to be going backwards, look for vegas to step it up. They may not meet on wednesday.

and vegas has been involved there barbee, have you heard of any station missing 1200 bags in a matter of 2 hours? we managed to do it. And just for your info vegas is the worst station in the system in every category.
that doesnt sound toopromising for a quick settlement. sounds like dougie ol boy gonna have a hard time getting any merger let alone delta with labor issues he gonna have to lighten up and open his fat wallet share his wealth if he wants anything done
well word from negotiations today is that its not good and things seem to be going backwards, look for vegas to step it up. They may not meet on wednesday.

and vegas has been involved there barbee, have you heard of any station missing 1200 bags in a matter of 2 hours? we managed to do it. And just for your info vegas is the worst station in the system in every category.

Way to go Vegas. I wish the folks down on the ramp here would do something.
well this isn't all bad , i can now offically claim myself to be LAZY on the job .... after we close up the plane and get ready to push , if late bags come , nope ,i'm not opening the bin again , roll them or what ever , i see a bag where the tag has come off and i see the tag nearby , well i'm just going to send the tagless bag to expidite rather than try and retag the bag.... during shift change sometimes we have belt jams because there is no one to watch the belts , no longer will i walk over and clean off the bags ... nope let the system jam ... bags have fallen off some runners cart onto the ground... what bags ? i dont see any bags...
thats right , no more above and beyond for me , i'm just going to my jon and my job alone ...you see this company doesnt realise that it depends on most of us to go above and beyond in order to run smonthly , well no more...
well this isn't all bad , i can now offically claim myself to be LAZY on the job .... after we close up the plane and get ready to push , if late bags come , nope ,i'm not opening the bin again , roll them or what ever , i see a bag where the tag has come off and i see the tag nearby , well i'm just going to send the tagless bag to expidite rather than try and retag the bag.... during shift change sometimes we have belt jams because there is no one to watch the belts , no longer will i walk over and clean off the bags ... nope let the system jam ... bags have fallen off some runners cart onto the ground... what bags ? i dont see any bags...
thats right , no more above and beyond for me , i'm just going to my jon and my job alone ...you see this company doesnt realise that it depends on most of us to go above and beyond in order to run smonthly , well no more...

That's how I've been since Christmas holiday. If it's not on my gate, I could care less. Bag on the ground? Ignore it. Plane coming into a gate that was left unstaffed? Wait until a supervisor specifically tells me to go that gate. Supervisor asks me if I can stay an hour longer than my scheduled shift? No, I've got laundry to do. Superhuman efforts have been expended to get these flights out. No mas. Cost neutral = effort neutral.

Message to pilots: If you are taxiing into a gate and there is no one there and there are other rampers at other gates just looking at you, don't get mad and start flashing your lights and stop getting your panties in a twist. Realize what is up, sit back and relax. Your meter is running and you're getting paid.
Now if we could get everyone on the same page we would have Doogie and Co. squirming in their seats......and for once put the shoe on the other foot.......
That's how I've been since Christmas holiday. If it's not on my gate, I could care less. Bag on the ground? Ignore it. Plane coming into a gate that was left unstaffed? Wait until a supervisor specifically tells me to go that gate. Supervisor asks me if I can stay an hour longer than my scheduled shift? No, I've got laundry to do. Superhuman efforts have been expended to get these flights out. No mas. Cost neutral = effort neutral.

Message to pilots: If you are taxiing into a gate and there is no one there and there are other rampers at other gates just looking at you, don't get mad and start flashing your lights and stop getting your panties in a twist. Realize what is up, sit back and relax. Your meter is running and you're getting paid.
Let me ADD something here to our Pilots. The Company Policy is for you to have A WING WALKER for EACH WING as well as someone to Marshal in the Aircraft. PLEASE do not come up the Lead In Line if you do not have Wing Walkers, because WE will no longer park you.
wonder how the top shot idiots running the company would feel if the rampers took too long to park a plane or off load it with the wizards of tempe on it do you think that might speed up negogiations i think not but may be an ey opener
So, what are Rampers looking for? Is it just an even pay scale system wide that tops out at $17+ per hour? Or are you after more? Is the company not willing to pay a 15 year ramper in PHX $17? A res agent makes $18. Do they think it is more difficult to take orders over the phone in an air conditioned office than sweat in 120 degree heat all day?

I think you should make your point that if a res agent is paid $18 then a ramp agent should be paid at least that much.
yet the "Company" puts these lies in the paper...
"Our CEO, Doug Parker, believes in creating airlines that are financially stable for the long term, and in offering careers that will last beyond the next economic downturn. That’s the airline that he and his management team are creating with the US Airways-America West merger; a US Airways-Delta match-up will create even more stability and career potential "...

Last word is talks broke off no meetings today........stability?

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