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First shot by NW pilots coming

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This RAG banter from Delta employees ..NOW THAT THEY THINK THEY are in control of another airline has been OLD for a while now. Delta employees ALL sang a different tune last year, and I dare say would be singing a different tune had everything been in MSP, under Northwest. So spare us your fake sincerity. You THINK. and HOPE the NW Unions will not stop this. Tell that to Wall Street.

You are damn straight I have an agenda, and that's to do ALL that I can with the rest to KILL this before our company (that WE PAID FOR, CREATED, and KEEP going) is sucked up into something that needs us FAR more than we need them. Keep the stupid "we need each other" NW will struggle just like the others, but we will struggle FAR less.

Now for all those that THINK we can't stop this...you better refresh your memory with the Delta sentiment from last year. Obviously, Congressional hearing DID SOMETHING...cause I sure don't see Delta flying under US AIR ownership.

But I guess that can only work for Delta in your twisted little delta world. We will see by the end of this just what Oberstar and the MAJORITY of Northwest employees can do. We don't fall for the corporate BS kool-aid as easily as the controlled children (save SOME.. who at least can think for themselves) at delta.

Now here's a take on who needs who, from your own "new ceo",

"Anderson said the airline, which started as a crop-dusting service in Macon, cannot grow organically because air space, gate slots and market opportunities are limited. Combining with Northwest would give Delta access to Asian routes it could not capture otherwise, he said.Without mergers, Delta Air Lines would still be a small regional carrier, one step removed from its crop-dusting past, the company's CEO said Wednesday.

And then we see him FINALLY admit WHO REALLY is behind this...while trying to spoon feed employees that CROCK of about "job security"

"When we talk to the people who own a lot of shares, they are fully supportive," Anderson said. "The people who own millions of shares, these people are pleased."
For me this isnt about control, it is about competing in the global marketplace. I am not a stupid ass, I read everything. The crap is about to hit the fan if oil stays this high, no matter who you work for.. You want NW to buy DAL, then have at it. That seems to be your main agenda. In the end, does it really matter? Do you actually have a job or do you just post all day??? By the way, I don't want this either but it is out of our hands...
For me this isnt about control, it is about competing in the global marketplace. I am not a stupid ass, I read everything. The crap is about to hit the fan if oil stays this high, no matter who you work for.. You want NW to buy DAL, then have at it. That seems to be your main agenda. In the end, does it really matter? Do you actually have a job or do you just post all day??? By the way, I don't want this either but it is out of our hands...

Don't forget about the GREED of Delta pilots to cut their own deal.

Don't forget about the GREED of Delta pilots to cut their own deal.


The rest of the industry knows why USAPA was created. To bypass the Nic award. You have not unified your group with USAPA. Just look at the voting results.
Now for all those that THINK we can't stop this...you better refresh your memory with the Delta sentiment from last year. Obviously, Congressional hearing DID SOMETHING...cause I sure don't see Delta flying under US AIR ownership.

Reality and logistics are lost on you, aren't they? Let's break it down in a simpler way for you...

Delta's board voted against the US merger after considering it for a short time. Congress had nothing to do with it (they can't affect a merger/acquisition...only make alot of noise) and the DOJ never even saw the case since it was voted down by the board. The NW/DL merger, however, has already been approved by BOTH boards. This puts it far ahead of where the US/DL marriage ever made it. Now will it go through? Who knows. But if it doesn't, it's b/c the DOJ decides against it. Unions or Congressman making alot of noise doesn't do anything. These attempts are meant to sway the DOJ but have no weight other than to create noise and distractions. But it's nice that these groups feel so empowered. Congress passes laws and they would effectively have to pass a law banning airline mergers which would essentially revert the industry back to regulation so I don't see that happening. But again...I do see the DOJ case as being an interesting one and not necessarily a "slam dunk" as Cheney would say.

Now as far as your sentiment for the merger...I hear you 100% on your position as far as being merged into DL/ATL. That isn't a desireable position to be in but I wish all the best of luck. In the long run, though, I do feel that the DL/NW groups can come together much better than US/HP and AA/TW if the merger passes. Only time will tell. I wish you the best.
Your arrogance is only out done by your pilots!
No one is buying anyone!


If you say so . . .

Delta, Northwest to create largest airline

Tuesday April 15, 1:35 am ET
By Kyle Peterson and Jui Chakravorty Das

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Delta Air Lines Inc (NYSE😀AL - News) will buy Northwest Airlines Corp (NYSE:NWA - News) for more than $3 billion under a proposal unveiled Monday to create the world's biggest airline, as carriers seek to counter skyrocketing fuel prices and a weak economy.

After racking up $35 billion in losses and finally emerging from a five-year slump in 2006, U.S. airlines are hoping mergers could lead to higher fares as combined carriers reduce flights and use their increased market power to raise prices.

The all-share deal will give Northwest shareholders 1.25 Delta shares for each Northwest share they own, a 17 percent premium to Northwest's closing price of $11.22 on the New York Stock Exchange. Delta shares closed up 4.7 percent at $10.48.


Only about a 1000 similar stories the last three days. You can call it what you want if it makes you feel better. But DL is buying NW. B)
Your arrogance is only out done by your pilots!
No one is buying anyone!

In our meetings about this whole thing , we were told specifically that this was an acquisition, not a merger.
Only about a 1000 similar stories the last three days. You can call it what you want if it makes you feel better. But DL is buying NW. B)

...so that's where my CEO promised industry standard step increase went to! :huh:
Interesting...we were told just the opposite over here....
Delta is buying NW for 3 Billion dollars...
Didn't NW claim to have more than that amount on hand? What a bargain! :lol:

I'm sure I don't have to tell you Kev, but they'll go with an aquisition if that's what gives them better control over their labor groups. :shock:
Does it matter? Of course it does. Even if it's just semantics, why peddle one scenario to a group, and another all together to the other?

If they (both sides) want this to work, they need to supply factual information. Spinning things one way or the other will only backfire eventually.

Delta is buying NW for 3 Billion dollars...
Didn't NW claim to have more than that amount on hand? What a bargain! :lol:

I'm sure I don't have to tell you Kev, but they'll go with an aquisition if that's what gives them better control over their labor groups. :shock:

Exactly... all the more reason for the to be forthright with any info/specifics. I certainly don't expect to hear anything besides attempts at "calming the masses." :down:
Does it matter? Of course it does. Even if it's just semantics, why peddle one scenario to a group, and another all together to the other?

If they (both sides) want this to work, they need to supply factual information. Spinning things one way or the other will only backfire eventually.

Exactly... all the more reason for the to be forthright with any info/specifics. I certainly don't expect to hear anything besides attempts at "calming the masses." :down:
Their attempts at calming the masses are already a farce if one group is being told it's a buyout and the other a merger. 😛h34r:
And the Delta folk wonder why NW folk don't trust what either CEO is peddeling! 🙄

Delta folk seem to act superior since it's a buyout to them....They're playing right into the web of deciept. :blink:
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