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First shot by NW pilots coming

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You almost got it right DLFlyer31...

When we mechanics at NWA followed our convictions and went on strike in Aug. 2005, the other unions on the property could have honored our picket line and provided a united front for the Company to deal with. However, for differing reasons, the other unions did not stand in solidarity with us. That was all the Company needed to see for them to begin picking apart the other unions.

So now...to hear that the other unions are up in arms about this merger/buyout, are really pissed, and are going to fight against the merger, it makes me laugh. All of the posturing they are doing now is just hot air. Their chance to fight was 2 1/2 years ago - and they blew it. The Company knows this as well. All of the other unions' contracts are in place until 2009 or later, so striking or CHAOS is out. They might as well accept the reality of the situation that they brought upon themselves.

All that I can say to them now is good luck - you're going to need it. Much like when I was picketing and all of the other union members would drive through our picket line offering a "thumbs up" in pseudo-support, it's my turn to return the favor now... :up:
Amen brother.

All of this chest pounding is laughable at best. I really love the IAMAW Roach being upset:

"Such a merger could "de-unionize the transportation labor movement," IAM General Vice President Robert Roach has said.

So can scabbing another unions work at the same carrier, Roach. Nice... :down:
Do your own work. Your statement is a joke and displays how much you don't know, but pretend you do. Go read Delta's SEC, then read who flys the youngest fleet across the Atlantic, then RE-READ what wall street says, anything else you need to know use google. I'm not your teacher. From the looks of your post, you wouldn't know substance if it smacked you. Come up with something more than "If", gonna, maybe, could be".

There was no "if, gonna, maybe, could be" in any of my posts.

FACT....NW has the oldest fleet among all the major U.S. carriers.
FACT....NW has no presence in South America.
FACT....NW is a weak player in most of the United States except the Midwest.
FACT....NW is a weak player in Europe except to AMS.
FACT....more carriers are overflying the NRT hub making it less necessary for customers to connect through.
FACT....the strike by the NW mechanics failed.

These are all facts, unfortunately "you can't handle the truth".

PurduePete said:
You almost got it right DLFlyer31...

When we mechanics at NWA followed our convictions and went on strike in Aug. 2005, the other unions on the property could have honored our picket line and provided a united front for the Company to deal with. However, for differing reasons, the other unions did not stand in solidarity with us. That was all the Company needed to see for them to begin picking apart the other unions.

You are absolutely right. NW's management knew the other unions wouldn't support the mechanics. Knowing that, they knew they had won and could break other unions if needed.
..... standalone was a better option than a merger with US that would have brought NOTHING. US was desperate to get a better footing on international expansion and the only way they could do that is to take over a carrier that had an international presence. They tried to get DL when they (DL) were "vulnerable" but the board could see that the potential company was going to be a calamity.
If I may add a couple of things: The merger with US would have eliminated a competitor, which is not "NOTHING". It's not all about which routes would be added to the map. US has an international presence, not as big as some, but not negligible either. Whether the DL board could see the potential "calamity" I don't know, but the fact that they would lose control probably colored their thinking.

Anyway, all a moot point now. Given DL's post-bankruptcy valuation, US was about to overpay hugely.
It's just as well Delta kept their Delta.
Given DL's post-bankruptcy valuation, US was about to overpay hugely.
It's just as well Delta kept their Delta.

Just how much is US worth now? I'd say DL did a very smart thing. A US/DL merge may have been good for the unofficial unsecured creditors but that was as far as it went. Parker simply tried to eliminate his biggest competitor. Thankfully, he failed.
Just how much is US worth now? I'd say DL did a very smart thing. A US/DL merge may have been good for the unofficial unsecured creditors but that was as far as it went. Parker simply tried to eliminate his biggest competitor. Thankfully, he failed.



uuughhh!! :down:
Well, Luv, and chucky, you both seemed to react a little sensitively to my innocuous post, but we agree that it was good that, thankfully, Parker failed.
Well, Luv, and chucky, you both seemed to react a little sensitively to my innocuous post, but we agree that it was good that, thankfully, Parker failed.

No offense to you or the USAirways employees Dcaf, I was merely reacting to the obvious duplication of routes the DL and LCC system have thats all.
Amen brother.

All of this chest pounding is laughable at best. I really love the IAMAW Roach being upset:

I've said it a hundred times on here, and I'm sure I'll say it a hundred more, but Robert Roach is an embarrassment to the union movement in this country. Period.

He's like that loud drunk at the end of the bar that just blows hot air. He talks a lot, but he never says a thing.
There was no "if, gonna, maybe, could be" in any of my posts.

FACT....NW has the oldest fleet among all the major U.S. carriers. SO DOES DELTA
FACT....NW has no presence in South America. WOW, that will sure keep you alive
FACT....NW is a weak player in most of the United States except the Midwest. DREAM on...we serve more states than Delta.
FACT....NW is a weak player in Europe except to AMS. Can you read?
FACT....more carriers are overflying the NRT hub making it less necessary for customers to connect through. SO...good for them, as they CAN'T land in NRT but for a few times, they don't have a choice.
FACT....the strike by the NW mechanics failed. See President...

These are all facts, unfortunately "you can't handle the truth". (YOU ARE FUNNY in a silly kinda way)

See if you can handle these truths...So far YOU'VE post NO FACTS..just a "NW is a weak player in Europe" where's your FACTS?


DTW (state of the art with unlimited growth potential) & MSP being the number one connecting point for NW (the largest US carrier to Canada (the 2ed richest nation in the Western Hemisphere) for the entire upper-Mid West US.

Look up the rankings of US airlines to Europe, then tell me who is a nobody. One thing we don’t do is blanket 2ed tier cities where there’s no revenue potential just to say we fly to a lot of cities.

Asia, where Delta has no hopes of truly being a main player as Tokyo, Japan is slot controlled restricted “use or lose, NOT for sale†unlike LHR, AND the richest city in the world, in the 2ed richest nation in the world. Northwest is #1. with a MASSIVE slot portfolio. Now, who really cares about 2ed tier economies in S.America outside of Brazil.

Its about the CASH friend…and Tokyo is at the TOP, along with NW.

Our Tokyo Hub along with its unrivalled number of slots, allow it to commence additional freq. to unlimited cities over 1 million in China (with out bilateral auth.) No other carrier has that access. In addition to a massive NEW number of non-stops to Asia and beyond with the most fuel efficient plane on Earth, the 787. (pre-financed).

ur Market Research Library4 )
Japanese Outbound Travel Market
Japan is the largest overseas travel market for the United States. In 2005, the number of Japanese outbound travelers totaled 17.4 million, an increase of 3.4 percent over the previous year. The U.S. is the most popular overseas destination for Japanese travelers, receiving more than 3.9 million Japanese travelers last year. The total market for Japan's international travel to the U.S. was US$16.5 billion in 2005.

Our balance sheet speaks for itself, like Delta’s. It doesn’t matter who’s is shrinking…yours will shrink before ours. Your debt is unsustainable over the next 5 years with oil at these prices. Your name was kept because of that MASSIVE 9BILLION dollar loss carried over from Bk. Hardly something to brag about. But that’s OK, you will not have the chance to use the “New†Delta tag.

Now, for that old fleet comment:

Your planes or models from the late 70’s to 80’s tech. Your 757s (millions of them) is the most DISLIKED plane flying by paxs. Your old 767-300s are from the early to mid 80s, and finally…those cazillion MD-80s…the new DC-9 version, as in 1980. I can leave you the Boeing links if you need. I can post the age of the BULK of Delta's fleet if that will help you with the "truth"... http://www.delta.com/about_delta/corporate...fleet/index.jsp

NWs fleet is ranked the oldest because of the DC-9, of which there will only be 65 left in the fleet. As for the rest: Including the YOUNGEST Fleet across the Atlantic.

A330’s brand new.
747-400s average 14
757-3 4yrs
757-2 15
A320..well, you get the gist.
The NW Fleet is hardly as OLD as Delta’s. With the 9’s gone…it is Fleet Avg. Age 11.2


What’s Delta’s (are you replacing the late model DC-9’s?)

Now for the “UNION BUSTINGâ€â€¦if they were as good as you say they are, why are we still here? They had a way better chance to this in BK. The mechanics where up against NW AND the President (whom only allowed this strike because he was sure NW would win)

Any more wishing false FACTS…I’ll pop in to correct over the next few months. 🙄

p.s. did you see the news that US might just re-kindle it's DELTA try? Oh...this is gonna get messy! Cheers!
How funny...I remember hearing a VERY different song a year ago from Delta employees. Now that you think you will swallow up Northwest (who will surely outlast Delta as a standalone) it's all about the "fear" of going alone. Dream on.

Our "rhetoric" is a lot more sane than the "silly bluster" emanating from Delta last year. Over reach uh...I think by the end of this, there will be NO DOUBT who "over-reached". Why in the HELL would We, Northwest employees give up one damn minute of seniority (even NW pilots whom I have NO sympathy for. They got what they deserve for trying to sell out the other NW unions with Steenland and Delta. Like they say, Karma is a wicked Bit*h) when our finances will ensure your long-term survival.

Not ONE of you would be prancing around singing this "we NEED to merge" if it were Northwest surviving, with the NW pilots cutting a separate deal (how two faced...but oh so appropo for both groups). Delta NEEDS NW...Northwest doesn't NEED Delta. Good fit tho had it been done properly. Your egos don't reflect your balance sheet, and THAT my friends will determine how long ALL of us will survive.

You people need to take a long look at yourselves...the hypocrisy is pathetic. I bet you will sang a different tune about "merging" if US shows up with a BIG FAT offer for Delta. You are sadly mistaken if you think NW Unions will go quietly into the night for the benefit of another airline. What is truly ignorant is to think a employees like Northwest (highly battle hardened) will just "GIVE" NW away to Delta, it's pilots, and that dispised group of self-serving thugs running NW. This ain't bankruptcy with our hands tied. If you think you "won" in your US fight...you ain't seen nothing yet.


Have a look at what Wall Street thinks of the deal...then let me know if NW shareholders will approve it (outside of the other negatives forces like the full on public battle of HELL brewing with NW Unions)

I say we back up and let oil and the market forces see who's still standing (solo) in two years. I can tell you this...by the end of next week, you will know just how "blustery" NW Unions are.
Nby NW..My brother works for NW and is in favor of this merger because he believes this can truly make this a global airline. I came to DAL through the Western merger and was treated very fair. You seem to have some type of agenda, not to mention anger towards this. My company disappeared also. So what? This is about job security. Do you really think NW is stronger alone? No flame but none of us are. Your continuing banter is getting as old as NHBB's. It is what it is. You both live in the past, but the past is history. I grew up in MSP and I know how militant your unions are. But you know as well as I do that they will not stop this. This can be a good thing. And please give up on the Oberstar rhetoric. He is a politician and can be paid off easily. It is time to move forward..unfortunately unions have a hard time doing that. But you know that when crunch time comes, the unions always side with management. This has been proven time and time again...
Nby NW..My brother works for NW and is in favor of this merger because he believes this can truly make this a global airline. I came to DAL through the Western merger and was treated very fair. You seem to have some type of agenda, not to mention anger towards this. My company disappeared also. So what? This is about job security. Do you really think NW is stronger alone? No flame but none of us are. Your continuing banter is getting as old as NHBB's. It is what it is. You both live in the past, but the past is history. I grew up in MSP and I know how militant your unions are. But you know as well as I do that they will not stop this. This can be a good thing. And please give up on the Oberstar rhetoric. He is a politician and can be paid off easily. It is time to move forward..unfortunately unions have a hard time doing that. But you know that when crunch time comes, the unions always side with management. This has been proven time and time again...

This RAG banter from Delta employees ..NOW THAT THEY THINK THEY are in control of another airline has been OLD for a while now. Delta employees ALL sang a different tune last year, and I dare say would be singing a different tune had everything been in MSP, under Northwest. So spare us your fake sincerity. You THINK. and HOPE the NW Unions will not stop this. Tell that to Wall Street.

You are damn straight I have an agenda, and that's to do ALL that I can with the rest to KILL this before our company (that WE PAID FOR, CREATED, and KEEP going) is sucked up into something that needs us FAR more than we need them. Keep the stupid "we need each other" NW will struggle just like the others, but we will struggle FAR less.

Now for all those that THINK we can't stop this...you better refresh your memory with the Delta sentiment from last year. Obviously, Congressional hearing DID SOMETHING...cause I sure don't see Delta flying under US AIR ownership.

But I guess that can only work for Delta in your twisted little delta world. We will see by the end of this just what Oberstar and the MAJORITY of Northwest employees can do. We don't fall for the corporate BS kool-aid as easily as the controlled children (save SOME.. who at least can think for themselves) at delta.

Now here's a take on who needs who, from your own "new ceo",

"Anderson said the airline, which started as a crop-dusting service in Macon, cannot grow organically because air space, gate slots and market opportunities are limited. Combining with Northwest would give Delta access to Asian routes it could not capture otherwise, he said.Without mergers, Delta Air Lines would still be a small regional carrier, one step removed from its crop-dusting past, the company's CEO said Wednesday.

And then we see him FINALLY admit WHO REALLY is behind this...while trying to spoon feed employees that CROCK of about "job security"

"When we talk to the people who own a lot of shares, they are fully supportive," Anderson said. "The people who own millions of shares, these people are pleased."
This RAG banter from Delta employees ..NOW THAT THEY THINK THEY are in control of another airline has been OLD for a while now. Delta employees ALL sang a different tune last year, and I dare say would be singing a different tune had everything been in MSP, under Northwest. So spare us your fake sincerity. You THINK. and HOPE the NW Unions will not stop this. Tell that to Wall Street.

FYI not ALL DL employees are sold on this merger. :down:
The few who post here do not speak for everyone. I'm sure that is also the case at NW.
I think there are thousands of us at NW and Delta that do not want this. I think we know WHY this is being put together and it ain't for the benefit of Delta and NW rank and file, no matter how they try to white wash it. These are the SAME LIARS that pillaged NW for almost 2 decades. Same people different ship.

Our NW Union leaders will certainly speak for the vast majority of Northwest rank in Congressional hearings next week, along with stealin and anderson. Base on past actions...I tend to believe the Unions vs. CEOs from Northwest (with the WORST LABOR relations in US history) who particapated in destroying the most financially stable airline in US history before they arrived with that pack of thieves and their LBO.
Northwest does not need Delta, however Delta is the one that needs Northwest.
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