We here at US do take pride in our Company and our jobs....That being said, you make a lot of comparisons here to WN and CO.......
It just seems to me that for some reason, the expectations between US and WN are unbelievable.......seems that there is very little expectation when it comes to WN and everyone that flies US wants the Ritz-Carlton treatment for a short bus fare ticket....I have several articles that may explain some of these reasons....
1st- The Bag Fees---WN is obsessed with telling the public that US Airlines are ripping them off, but, what will their excuse be when they start charging in the foreseeable future?
A short quote from that article says it all.
"Dave Ridley, Southwest's senior vice president for marketing, says the airline can't promise that it'll always go against the industry tide and not charge. But he says it wants to maintain a policy that for now makes it unique."
WN is also has the Highest paid employees bar none in the industry....I guess that's why this was put out....
Southwest Air tops best places to work: survey
Sooner or later, the older their workforce gets and the rest of the airlines get more of their costs in line, this will come back to bite them in the rear, then what will their excuse be? We at US have been through numerous BK's and have lost our pensions, pay, majority of our benefits, vac., sick time and many other things that most other companies employees still enjoy, but I feel we still do a good job in spite of that.
I personally have flown on WN as a paying customer and found the experience to be unpleasant and mediocre at best....That airline has a lot of arrogant employees, at least the ones that I've dealt with over the years, and I've personally overheard pilots and flight attendants referring to me (customers) as cattle...
As far as CO goes, I have only had minimal experience on them with the same results, mediocre at best and nothing special....
I'm not sure why people hold US to a higher standard than other airlines, every company has bad apples, and I know WN, CO, UA and all others do as well, and for all of the people that complain, complain , complain about US, there are countless others that fly US every day that enjoy the experience. Most of us try very hard to make your experience a good one, but seems no matter what measures we take, it will never be good enough for some of you.
So all I can say, is thanks for trying US again, hope you will be back, but we all know we can't please everyone....
Hope your holidays are good to you and your family, from the employees at US Airways