You basically hit the nail on the head. The problem is that the airlines are going for the number of passengers, and are not doing anything to attract the higher yield passenger, with the possible exception of UA, which is investing in amenities and perks for the frequent business travelers.
Right now US has done NOTHING to attract or retain the high yield business traveler. The "tweaks" to the DM programs and on board product indicate that this is not a priority, and that they would prefer to have 3 seats filled which lose money than 1 which is profitable.
It goes back to what I call the "Crazy Eddie Hypothesis". Those on the east coast may remember Crazy Eddie, a chain of stereo stores who sold product at ridiculous prices regardless of whether or not they were making a profit. When asked why he knowingly sells a product below cost, Eddie once said, "It's ok--cause if I sell 100 of them I make money". I would call this logic flawed at best. Also, one will note that Crazy Eddie is not only no longer around, he did prison time for a big stock scam regarding his company..
No one begrudges the airline's need to make money. Again--RATIONAL fares would do more to this end than nickel and diming passengers.
Last year I spent about $73,000 on airfare. I would say about 85% was on US. So I contributed roughly $62,000 to the bottom line during the year. Multiply me by let's say 3000 who would care enough to leave US if they lost a seat regularly to First Up. Using my revenue figures alone, that would lose almost $2m in revenue right there.
This issue is important enough to me (and to MOST of the other FFOCUS members I have spoken to) that it would cause us to move on if it continued unabated.
Right now the bottom line is that the actions of SOME agents are contrary to published policy, and have a potential to cost much more revenue than it brings in. IF Tempe wants to turn a blind eye or change policy so that this the correct procedure, that is their right to do so. But if they want to charge for F, they better have a product worth charging for--and right now they don't. Conversely, if they want to reduce their service and perk levels to LCC levels, they MUST reduce fares accordingly, which they have not done.
I think this issue has run its course on here. We are in the process of communicating with Tempe on this and other issues, and I will be happy to report back the results of that communication.
My best to you all.....