First of all, US is an LCC--not a low COST carrier, but a low CLASS carrier......
But seriously folks.....
Doug Parker has been quoted not long ago as saying he doesn't understand why other airlines concentrate so much on customer service.....I may be paraphrasing a bit, but that is the gist of what he said. That is about the only honest statement he's ever made.
Regarding Sparrowhawk's comment about credibility, I have had my own experiences with Team Tempe--which include sitting across a conference room table with them and having them discount some ACTUAL market information we offered them for FREE and having one member of staff lie to my face.
I flew out to Tempe on at least two occasions to meet with them to try to speak up for customers (and employees by the way), and we all see the result of my actions---nothing. They told me they would do some things and never did. We have ALWAYS tried to support employees--some of you remember the "Kissed by a Cockroach" event we did where we gave Hersheys candy to flight crews, and some of us flew to PIT on our own dime to support folks who were displaced by the Greentree closing.
Now CCY was far from perfect, but here is a small contrast to their attitudes toward customers:
When the closing of some clubs, including ROC was announced a few years ago, I was having lunch with Deborah Thompson (one of the best customer relations experts ever). We got to discussing the closures, and as I gave the passenger's point of view she saw I had a point, and at the table got the executive responsible for clubs and marketing on the phone and put me on with him. He explained all the reasons why the ROC club had to close (rents and facilities reasons) and that they knew they would take a hit but they couldn't afford the increased rents. We didn't win that one, but we have been successful in getting SOME club closures reversed..
Now to the current team. One of my conversations with a Customer Relations manager (who in fairness is not there any more) centered on a list of high value flyers who belonged to FFOCUS who asked me to find them new airlines. These people spent an AVERAGE of $18K a year on US alone, and a good number of them were well over $50K in US spend. Now if I were in charge of customer relations and found out these people wanted to bolt from US I'd be concerned....wouldn't you?
So this person said she really didn't think so many high value flyers were unhappy, but if I gave her a list of 10 of them she would call each one personally to see how she could get them to stay. My list at the time was approaching 300, who had contacted me personally by the way. I gave her 64 names, and followed up individually with EACH one over the next month. What do you think the result was? NOT ONE PERSON WAS EVER CONTACTED....NOT ONE.
As a result, about 80% of the people on my list to my knowledge now fly CO or DL as their primary carriers, and avoid US wherever possible. Admittedly it is not as easy for some to move, but there are people who live in CLT and PHL who have moved. I would estimate that the lost revenue from this group alone is between $3.5M and $5M per year, but remember as I said before for each hundred who come to me there are thousands who move quietly.
To be fair to Tempe, however, I will say that the new person in charge of Customer Relations is excellent, and has been very open to helping us get member issues resolved when they come to us. We have begun to build a good working relationship with him, and our two excellent liaisons have done an amazing job to perhaps all is NOT lost, but there is a LONG way to go.
To summarize, until Tempe realizes that the customer and the employees are not liabilities but assets, there is no hope for this place...
EMPLOYEES should be the first priority of management. Happy employees find it much easier to make customers happy.
CUSTOMERS should be the next priority--happy customers come back over and over, and do spend more.
SHAREHOLDERS should be last--fix the first two and this one fixes itself.
Unfortunately Team Tempe has an inverted view of the priority list--and we are all paying the price.
My BEST to you all....