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First Up Program

In fact, I'd welcome it.

Agreed. Never had a problem when I was a US2 with paying for an upgrade. I like UA's program that rewards free upgrades for high fares but they still clear at your window and not beforehand, allowing the airline to sell more QUP, YUP, and A4COACH fares. People can say what they want about UA's model, but their FC product is sweet.
Having thousands of people who fly between 25 and 60 segments per year heading for the exits (especially given the fact that the onboard product in the back does not exactly blow the rest of the LCCs away) is probably not in Tempe's best interests.

But that's just me.

It's not just you.....it's a very large number of us!!
especially given the fact that the onboard product in the back does not exactly blow the rest of the LCCs away

guess that's why doug and his crews can't stand to sit in Y. why isn't anyone asking him why he is taking up so many FC seats when he travels. If the Y product is so bad, do something about it. Otherwise, stopping taking up the purportedly high revenue generating FC seats and head to the back of the bus.
Again, Plats and CPs are immune from the new changes.

Well, they will succeed in angering all of the elite ranks then. Depending on the changes, you could see a lot of US2's jumping ship. I bet that there are a decent number of US2's out there who give more money to the airline than US1's. And, if they start getting nickled and dimed, they probably won't be happy.

Oh, and they are definitely using the america west website--i hate that website--it's so busy--everything Tempe does is busy---just like the USAIRWAYS magazine--although, someone did right and changed the coloring of the maps.

Got Travis Christ's email today. Did anyone else feel like it was the "pep talk" before they drop the bomb? And it is from Travis Christ which I thought was interesting too. With warm regards, Travis? We all know what that really means...go **** yourself elites
***yawn yawn***

Next please.
Practicing for that new career at Wendy’s?

Sorry, but I couldn’t resist. 😛

Did anyone else feel like it was the "pep talk" before they drop the bomb?
You are correct. We call this "applying the vaseline" where I come from.

There are several more enhancements coming and as Segment King has pointed out, you are not going to like them......
I never thought I would say this, but something like this would make me take another look at other airlines........


I think, for many, this may be the straw that breaks the camel's back.


Do you even believe this yourself any more?

Do you even believe this yourself any more?

sooner or later, even people like Art will jump to another carrier. Bear, I will admit that US is very convenient out of a hub city, but people like Art don't fly out of hubs. I have been flying UA and connections through DEN and ORD are not that bad, particularly when UA goes out of their way to recognize the loyalty of high revenue customers. People may dismiss UA's focus, but with fares steadily rising, we are all recognizing that other carriers are offering more and the biz traveler is taking notes. Even Economy Plus is a good option.

If Doug thinks the US product is so great, why does he sit in FC--sit in the back of the bus with the people you are trying to attract, or, is that too uncivilized for you Mr. DP?
sooner or later, even people like Art will jump to another carrier. Bear, I will admit that US is very convenient out of a hub city, but people like Art don't fly out of hubs. I have been flying UA and connections through DEN and ORD are not that bad, particularly when UA goes out of their way to recognize the loyalty of high revenue customers. People may dismiss UA's focus, but with fares steadily rising, we are all recognizing that other carriers are offering more and the biz traveler is taking notes. Even Economy Plus is a good option.

If Doug thinks the US product is so great, why does he sit in FC--sit in the back of the bus with the people you are trying to attract, or, is that too uncivilized for you Mr. DP?
How do upgrades work on UA? Do they still use segment certificates or e-upgrades? Unlimited? What are their rules for advance upgrades (and do they really work??). I have seen how the service is better as I have been doing coach with them but now I think I am going to switch my status.
How do upgrades work on UA? Do they still use segment certificates or e-upgrades? Unlimited? What are their rules for advance upgrades (and do they really work??). I have seen how the service is better as I have been doing coach with them but now I think I am going to switch my status.

UA status match is painless and quick. I recall it took less than a week.

UA uses e-upgrades. You earn upgrades for EQM's. However, if you are upgrading on a B or Y fare, the upgrade is free. It's sort of like US's old system--which by the way, i thought was a good system. The unlimited upgrading for everyone became a free for all--literally.

Particularly if you buy higher fares, the switch to UA will be a nice change. UA also offers a lot of YUP's and QUP's. They give bonus tier miles for the purchase of higher fare tickets. Even if you buy lower fares, E+ is a very nice product. People may even complain about TED, but I think it is a great product--entertainment on board, E+, they keep the flights moving, etc. The new ExPLUS product is actually not bad--certainly better than sitting in coach on one of those RJ's.
UA status match is painless and quick. I recall it took less than a week.

UA uses e-upgrades. You earn upgrades for EQM's. However, if you are upgrading on a B or Y fare, the upgrade is free. It's sort of like US's old system--which by the way, i thought was a good system. The unlimited upgrading for everyone became a free for all--literally.

Particularly if you buy higher fares, the switch to UA will be a nice change. UA also offers a lot of YUP's and QUP's. They give bonus tier miles for the purchase of higher fare tickets. Even if you buy lower fares, E+ is a very nice product. People may even complain about TED, but I think it is a great product--entertainment on board, E+, they keep the flights moving, etc. The new ExPLUS product is actually not bad--certainly better than sitting in coach on one of those RJ's.

Thanks for the info!!