Here is a pilot whose career is in jeopardy. Right now all we know is a gun went off. Not sure how, why....etc.
The press is going nuts, and this is another black eye for good ol USAirways. This poor guy is going to live with this one for a while. It will put added stress on him and his family as USAirways, FAA, Homeland Security all try to come down on him, with the your guilty until proven innocent process.
So how would USAPA handle this? What services do they have to offer for this kind of predicament?
USAPA has every service that ALPA offers in place and ready on April 17. USAPA would handle it exactly the way ALPA would.
Do they really have the power to stand up to our company and defend the pilot?
USAPA will have every bit as much power to stand up to the company as ALPA did. In fact, I would prefer having a USAPA paid lawyer who would probably not have any loyalties to the ALPA national organization and may be influenced to let this USAirways pilot take a dive for the good of the national pilot group.
Will USAPA have the resources to defend this guy?
Yes. On day one USAPA will have everything in place. Once elected bargaining agent, USAPA will be entitled to the dues money. Banks know this is a virtually guaranteed source of income, so any credit necessary to cover immediate needs has already been offered. Financial and other institutions are chomping at the bit to become vendors for USAPA.
Loss of license insurance when the FAA slams this guy?
Somehow I don't think so.
This one is priceless. Are you even a pilot? I suspect not because you have no clue as to what Loss Of License insurance is, and is not. Loss of License deals strictly with medical disqualification of a pilot. It has nothing to do with the FAA revoking or suspending your license. As a bit of further education, USAPA is offering the exact same Loss of License insurance coverage as ALPA with no medical requalifying required. Harvey Watt Insurance of Atlanta has already agreed to provide this coverage for USAPA pilots. BTW, Harvey Watt INVENTED airline pilot loss of license insurance.
I just don't see any infastructure in place to handle the many facets ALPA handles.
Simply because you are not paying attention. Go there and learn something.
ALPA National and our LEC/MEC aren't perfect, but at least it comes with services that can handle a case like this.
USAPA doesn't have the organization, talent, skillset, or financial backing to do defend pilots like ALPA has.
But hey there's always prepaid legal might be time to get it if USAPA is voted in.
There is a single, perfect word that describes your post. It's a very "hot button" word, so I won't use it here. I will simply post the dictionary definition and see if it doesn't describe most everything you said:
1. uneducated in general; lacking knowledge or sophistication;
2. uneducated in the fundamentals of a given art or branch of learning; lacking knowledge of a specific field;
3. unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge;