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U.S. Airways Flight Enroute to Charlotte

link here to dulles divert.


The plot thickens....It appears to be a Republic Embraer operating as USAirways Express.

An industry wide issue, those toxic fumes.....
Oh those pesky passengers. They just want everything these days. Really? These passengers weren't accomodated with a hotel? I'm sure we'll hear that US doesn't have the employees there to handle a divert, no tools to take care of the customer etc, etc, etc. Wait for it........ It's coming!
"U.S. Airways did not take care of us," Hoyt resident David Metzenthin said. "They left us alone in the airport the entire night."Some passengers fought to get hotel vouchers. Others had to fight to get water.

Jessie Pappis said she was so outraged by U.S. Air's treatment of the passengers that she has gathered everyone's information to form a Facebook page demanding answers from the airline.

http://www.kctv5.com/story/15272373/kc-area-us-air-passengers-feared-for-lives-when-smoke-filled-cabin. Not much of a suprise and don't feel bad, they don't take care of the employees either, passengers and employees are expendable. Remember corporate profits and bounuses come first.
I hope that the toxic fumes don't make it to west aircraft. This situation is real and needs to be treated as such. As for crew being taken to the hospital and not passengers FIRST I'm not so sure I believe that as ANYTHING around here can be twisted and covered up and SECOND why is it that when standing in the back galley during engine fireup the back galley gets the fumes the worst? There has been a flight attendant that died from this and others with permanent nerve damange and respiratory issues that will NEVER go away. Some of you are telling me that this isn't real? For ALL OF YOU that believe this isn't a true issue and disrespect the individuals that have been exposed I wish you NOTHING less than you being locked in a cabin full of toxic fumes on the brink of death. Only THEN may you idiots understand. Maybe this only happens on the east fleet because the company is purposely trying to gas them away. Sounds as ridiculous as saying it doesn't exist huh? Morons.
Do the pilots fly the entire trip on oxygen, or do they have a separate source of air up in the cockpit? Should they descend every 30 minutes to a lower altitude just to limit their exposure to UV radiation, or do the jackets they wear with the stripes on them protect them?

The airplanes haven't changed and neither have the labor tactics.

But remember when you pull this, you risk the mutual support of cabin and flight deck.There may come a day (and I hope it never comes) that you need a flight deck to believe you and their mind, even for an instant, may be clouded with doubt.
I'd caution non-pilots (and some pilots) not to jump on every incident of particulates or smells in the cabin as just another "toxic fumes" incident. There are several potential sources of smoke (particulates) that are unpleasant but don't send people to the hospital. Ingest a bird in an engine and in less than a second the smell in the cabin will be so bad that one would swear it has to be toxic but it's just feathers/flesh burning in the compressor section.

Do the pilots fly the entire trip on oxygen, or do they have a separate source of air up in the cockpit? Should they descend every 30 minutes to a lower altitude just to limit their exposure to UV radiation, or do the jackets they wear with the stripes on them protect them?

The airplanes haven't changed and neither have the labor tactics.

But remember when you pull this, you risk the mutual support of cabin and flight deck.There may come a day (and I hope it never comes) that you need a flight deck to believe you and their mind, even for an instant, may be clouded with doubt.

Maybe out West - it seems you guys are somehow more suceptable to the divide and conquer tactics. A good thing you got those stripes on your jacket to protect you.

The day has already come when most of us doubt or believe a word being said if it eminates from Tempe. Remember - none of this is really happening anyway - it's just a rogue work action by a few disgruntled employees. 🙁
I tend to question the integrity of any reporter who refers to US Airways as "U.S. Air." Not only has US Airways not been "USAir" in 14 years, but it was never "U.S. Air." A little bit of fact-checking will go a long way in establishing credibility.

Playing the devil's advocate here: All it takes is one breakdown in the chain of communication to result in pax getting stranded overnight with little to no information. Just because procedures for handling customers in the event of an emergency landing did not get followed does not mean that they were not in place. And it certainly does not mean that US does not care about its passengers.

I know nothing at all about US's operation at MCI. Is it an Express only station? Are operations perhaps contracted out? In my experience, any time an airline uses contract workers instead of its own employees, the service level is much lower. And in an event such as an emergency landing late at night (or at least it sounded like it was late at night), it's possible that there really was nobody with authority around to provide any assistance. The details in the article are very vague. With whom did they "fight" to get hotel vouchers and water? Did they fight with US Airways, or did they fight with somebody in charge of airport operations at MCI?

This is just speculation on my part, but I can easily see how critical information could have easily fallen through the cracks.
MCI is a former hub city for US. Another city where they almost had a tragic ending due to pilot error in 1989.


Shoulda had a lanyard!
Again, one flight attendant has DIED and others permanently injured from imaginary fumes. Whether it be a bird, smoke, fuel or whatever else is going wrong crew members willl NOT sit by and worry about if it's toxic or not. What, sit back and wait to see if you lose motor skills and slur your words or pass out. Give me a G'damn break. NOTE to flight attendants: If something happens take a strand of your hair put it in a paper towel, wrap it in foil and put it in the freezer. It will hold for months and should you develope symptoms out of nowhere indicitive of this sort of happening you have some sort of proof. The air quality incidents are REAL and they are happening regardless of negotiations and the beliefs of some on this board. I'll say nothing more about it. Again, for those that believe crew members would do this as a way to harm the company, I wish you a long flight on a toxic aircraft. Enjoy your flight. 🙄
NOTE to flight attendants: If something happens take a strand of your hair put it in a paper towel, wrap it in foil and put it in the freezer. It will hold for months and should you develope symptoms out of nowhere indicitive of this sort of happening you have some sort of proof.

Interesting tactic. Not sure how effective it would be. Absent proof that the contamination actually happened on a particular flight would be difficult. Chain of custody thing, you know.

Besides, if you showed evidence of burnt jet fuel or oil on your hair, the company would simply accuse you of stealing the stuff in order to light your charcoal grill, or wash your hair. Then they'd fire you for theft of company property.
A flight attendant HAS NOT died from fumes.

You have no evidence support this. None.

And quit watching CSI - it fills your head with nonsense.

Well at least Travel Pro has a head, with a functioning brain I might add. Unlike others I know. I'm not certain of the death as I have not been made aware. I will tell you that there is at least one seriously ill F/A that I am aware of who's illness has been tied to the toxic fumes. I will also tell you that the way US is handling that situation is appalling.

BTW I corrected your spelling so you wouldn't look foolish. I have spell check on my PC and boy has it saved me!!! You should try it sometime.

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