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Firearm discharges on US Airways flight

<SNIP> You would be surprised how often that little old ladies can spot them from 10 rows away when they are on board. They ask, "Are those Air Marshals in 5E and 6B?" I can only reply that I don't know (which is, of course, a lie), and even if I did, I couldn't answer her question.
Did you ever see a PAX thanking them for being there?

QUOTE (ClueByFour @ Apr 7 2008, 08:48 PM)
Let me guess--you spent the two years at war dropping bombs and probably never, ever actually fired (presumably) the sidearm in actual combat, right? Carrying it and being able to handle an armed standoff in an aircraft are two different things entirely.

well put clue by 4 I say again they are paid to fly not have wild west shootouts or use the A/C for target pratice

A minor point of curiosity gentlemen: What's your two's actual experience in firing any "sidearm in actual combat"? I've some difficulty envisioning a mere sidearm as being a weapon of choice in actual battle, or at least outside of tunnel rat scenarios, but I've no training as infantry to directly reference. "years at war dropping bombs" apparently seems trivial to you both as being any notion supportive of critical situational awareness, so, one wonders what your evidently far more germane personal knowledge of employing pistols in combat actually consists of...???? Just curious...No disrespect intended, and fully all ears to hear the basis for what seems otherwise to be rather presumptive arrogance on a grand scale.
QUOTE (ClueByFour @ Apr 7 2008, 08:48 PM)
Let me guess--you spent the two years at war dropping bombs and probably never, ever actually fired (presumably) the sidearm in actual combat, right? Carrying it and being able to handle an armed standoff in an aircraft are two different things entirely.

A minor point of curiosity gentlemen: What's your two's actual experience in firing any "sidearm in actual combat"? I've some difficulty envisioning a mere sidearm as being a weapon of choice in actual battle, or at least outside of tunnel rat scenarios, but I've no training as infantry to directly reference. "years at war dropping bombs" apparently seems trivial to you both as being any notion supportive of critical situational awareness, so, one wonders what your evidently far more germane personal knowledge of employing pistols in combat actually consists of...???? Just curious...No disrespect intended, and fully all ears to hear the basis for what seems otherwise to be rather presumptive arrogance on a grand scale.
1 year in Iraq ruining convoys, 1 year in Afghanistan in horse go back to sleep in the flight deck and since you have never fired a weapon at all in combat go back to your clueless life and don't call anyone out don't talk the talk if you haven't walked the walk jack a**


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1 year in Iraq ruining convoys, 1 year in Afghanistan in horse go back to sleep in the flight deck and since you have never fired a weapon at all in combat go back to your clueless life and don't call anyone out don't talk the talk if you haven't walked the walk jack a**

What part of personal attacks not permitted do you not understand.
This post just got this poster time off & there's room for more.
1 year in Iraq ruining convoys, 1 year in Afghanistan in horse go back to sleep in the flight deck and since you have never fired a weapon at all in combat go back to your clueless life and don't call anyone out don't talk the talk if you haven't walked the walk jack a**

I fully respect and salute your service. Were you not armed with an M4 or better though? The question regarded pistols. "you have never fired a weapon at all in combat " Yeah..We.. already got that from Cluelessby4 = Aircraft, as weapons delivery systems, aparently don't count.

As for "don't talk the talk if you haven't walked the walk jack a**" that applies to enviornments that you're equally clueless about yourself. I never noticed many grunts (at least on our side) being so hostile to us aerial "jack a**, and even seemed very, VERY pleased to have us around..but there's always a first time.

Anyway...overmuch chest-thumping all around.. Have a good one.
What part of personal attacks not permitted do you not understand.
This post just got this poster time off & there's room for more.

For what MHOpinion's worth sir...I'd request that you not ban him for that. The material and situations referenced bring up some pretty deep gut-level responses. Given his now-stated service background; I'd think he likely took my earlier inquiring post as a direct insult, and just responded in kind. With his tours..he's got every right to have an attitude if he felt himself unfairly provoked...and I can't really begrudge any infantry contempt for spoiled aviators, as we certainly never endured what they did, and to this day, do. Looking at a radar display, or having a lofty perch to view the sky, threats and field from's hardly equivalent to wondering WTF's around the next turn in the road/doorway/etc...on a 24-7 basis.
For what MHOpinion's worth sir...I'd request that you not ban him for that. The material and situations referenced bring up some pretty deep gut-level responses. Given his now-stated service background; I'd think he likely took my earlier inquiring post as a direct insult, and just responded in kind. With his tours..he's got every right to have an attitude if he felt himself unfairly provoked...and I can't really begrudge any infantry contempt for spoiled aviators, as we certainly never endured what they did, and to this day, do. Looking at a radar display, or having a lofty perch to view the sky, threats and field from's hardly equivalent to wondering WTF's around the next turn in the road/doorway/etc...on a 24-7 basis.
Would that the rest of the country, especially the politicos, have such an attitude as you. After Vietnam and a later brush with the ME, I completely endorse your comments. Urban, guerilla warfare is not for the weak of mind or flesh. It is a political battle the US is ill equipped to deal with and maybe McVain is correct, it might take 100 years, of hiding inbound coffins and other propaganda for us to get it right.
Let me simplify. Yes accidental discharges are serious. But they do happen for a variety of reasons. Perhaps better training is needed etc. I am sure this guys feels awful. Have some compassion for your fellow aviator. While we strive for perfection few if any attain it. I hope He gets his job back.