I figured you would not bring up DOB being a factor when getting an airline job being a 20 something.
There should not be a problem with that person being a Captain if offered an upgrade less than two years of employment with that company. Starting with a start-up has it advantages.
Why? I'm certainly not embarrassed by it and my age on my hire date does not change the current demographics of our pilot group. It seems to me that AA pilots career progression would be faster if they integrated with us using a DOH list for our group than it would if the Nicolau was used. If that is the single factor in the equation, then that seems to be what they would like to see. It doesn't mean that it matters or would affect our situation either way. If you have some data that shows otherwise I'll gladly look at it. This whole thing started with pre stating what the APA thought.
Did I say there was a problem with a 2 year upgrade? And you don't have to join a start up for that necessarily. One of Piedmont's periods of quick upgrades was after they have been around for over 3 decades. But joining a start-up often has it's disadvantages too. There was a guy hired in the class behind me at Piedmont that left AWA because, in his eyes, the disadvantages outweighed the advantages.