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Feb / Mar 2013 US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Give Chubs a break. Typing with fingers covered in KFC grease is difficult...especially with plump, sausagy fingers.

He probably slept in class too.

I'll award him a 1.7 today.
GRADE PERCENT(%) GPA A+ (>90%) 4.0 A (85%-89%) 3.9 A- (80%-84%) 3.7 B+ (77%-79%) 3.3 B (73%-76%) 3.0 B- (70%-72%) 2.7 C+ (67%-69%) 2.3 C (63%-66%) 2.0 C- (60%-62%) 1.7 D+ (57%-59%) 1.3 D (53%-56%) 1.0 D- (50%-52%) 0.7 F (<50%) 0.0

You guys really are frustrating ............

I asked the question how would any of you ingetrate a three way list (using currnet data) to make that list fair to ALL US Airways pilots.

Any answer? How would you answer all of the issues I brought up?


STILL grasping for info eh?
How bout going forward YOU put forth YOUR answers to ALL those questions and I will consider a reply.

Is it true the judge denied AOL's attempt to amend their latest law suit to include USAPA and it's successors?

STILL grasping for info eh?
How bout going forward YOU put forth YOUR answers to ALL those questions and I will consider a reply.

Make you a deal.

I will give my opinion on how the seniority list should be put together if you also put forward your opinion of how US Airways and american should be put together.

I asked first but I know how you guys can't think on your own.

Do we have a deal? Will you live up to your word? I also know how you guys fail to follow through.
Oh no, the westies have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they will sue no matter what result is obtained for the integrated list.
Those guys love to sue - live to sue - can't wait to sue - anyone - anytime - anywhere.
If the westies got STAPLED TO THE TOP OF THE LIST, they would SUE.

C'mon Pullup.......they really really really deserve all those Billions in damages due AND their rightful place at top for saving all of us.


C'mon Pullup.......they really really really deserve all those Billions in damages due AND their rightful place at top for saving all of us.

This is a given. The westerners have grown up in an age of lawyers soliciting from bus ads, benches, billboards. They came home from school and watched the OJTrial incessantly. It is in their DNA. Their wives can't pry themselves from watching Casey Anthony, and every high profile case that comes along. They WILL sue. Their pilot ranks are strewn with half a$$ed pilot legal posers, who feed merit less cases to legal sharks who strip them of their childrens' college funds. It is unfortunate but true.
Epic fail.

That has been found to be a DFR.
Arbitrators have not used that method since 1986.
The APA has rejected that method.

Talk about lazy. I asked a few question and you can only come up with one thought. DOH.

You are going to be very disappointed with the results.

You asked for input, I gave you input. Do I think it's going to go strict DOH?,,,,,no, then again it's not going to be the NIC either. As of the POR, there is no NIC or anything else left of the AWA or LCC contracts.

I don't see being "very disappointed with the results", what I see is "status quo", throw in 30 days vacation, 16% retirement and a nice pay raise, ect, ect, ect and I will be a "happy camper", how about you? Do you like what you have? I hope so, because you are not going to get what I have, even if it's not much, which it is, it's just not going to be yours.

Make you a deal.

I will give my opinion on how the seniority list should be put together if you also put forward your opinion of how US Airways and american should be put together.

I asked first but I know how you guys can't think on your own.

Do we have a deal? Will you live up to your word? I also know how you guys fail to follow through.


You will not ( unlike yourself ) find a post of mine that dances around my POV.
I have stated my sli beliefs many times in past and they are NOT based on what may serve me best. So yes......you have my word.

Now I will await your strait forward 3 list sli plan in your opinion.

Have plans today , so it may be later before I reply.

You asked for input, I gave you input. Do I think it's going to go strict DOH?,,,,,no, then again it's not going to be the NIC either. As of the POR, there is no NIC or anything else left of the AWA or LCC contracts.

I don't see being "very disappointed with the results", what I see is "status quo", throw in 30 days vacation, 16% retirement and a nice pay raise, ect, ect, ect and I will be a "happy camper", how about you? Do you like what you have? I hope so, because you are not going to get what I have, even if it's not much, which it is, it's just not going to be yours.


Once again proving you have no idea of the situation you are in.

Nobody on the West wants what you have, because what you have is LOA93. If you want the 30 days vacation, the pay raise and the 16% that is what another east poster calls "consideration" for accepting the Nic.

At the POR we have a joint contract...i.e. nic implementation.

A prediction for you...judge Lane is going to tell uscaba that there is no way he is going to deny a twice certified class the right to sue a scab union, and that any delay or frustration of the merger is more the fault of a bunch of whining malcontent a-holes determined to make the DFR "unquestionably ripe" than it is from a group defending their rights with their right to legal recourse.

C'mon Pullup.......they really really really deserve all those Billions in damages due AND their rightful place at top for saving all of us.


Who exactly is asking to be on top?

You are full of it FA.

The Nic is a ratioed list that gave the top to the east. But not good enough for the scab union, because the West was ratioed into the bottom, instead of just being put below the entire east.


Another thing, you and Greeter keep saying the West is not going to put a new hire next to your bottom guy, or even your furloughed guys.

Well, here is a clue. The arbitrator did that,and I am tired of explaining why Monda hit the jackpot with the Nic, but the West did not put him there, but that is where he will stay!

Proper Inerpretation:

"Actually a federal judge believed the case was ripe also.
Read the filing in AZ. Get back to me about what we filed? It is ripe."

Refer to DFR I:......blah blah blah blah blah
Dude, where have you been? Addington I dismissed for RIPENESS.
No injury, no ripe. simple and sweet.
What's more, not only was the case dismissed, but ERADICATED like it never even happened.
Why? Because the judge screwed up and proceeded with the case instead of dismissing it before it started.
Gotta do better than this!!! I give u a c-, mostly because you are not paying attention in class.
Dude, where have you been? Addington I dismissed for RIPENESS.
No injury, no ripe. simple and sweet.
What's more, not only was the case dismissed, but ERADICATED like it never even happened.
Why? Because the judge screwed up and proceeded with the case instead of dismissing it before it started.
Gotta do better than this!!! I give u a c-, mostly because you are not paying attention in class.

For having been "ERADICATED" it sure gets quoted a lot

I give you a D for being ustupid.
Your righ,t most of the west unterstand that this is over what's coming up is just one more formality.

Wow, in addition to knowing what's going to happen in the future, you can also read the minds of most of the West pilots.

Is there a neon "Psychic Readings" sign in your living room window?
For having been "ERADICATED" it sure gets quoted a lot

I give you a D for being ustupid.
Quoted a lot as in like the OJ case. An acquittal but was it true justice? Kind of like your Nicolau. A misguided award. You and OJ are very similar in your windfall of misguided justice. The endings are similar.
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