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Feb / Mar 2013 IAM Fleet Service Discussions

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sounds familiar... now i dont know if he told you this.. but accrding to what frank told my shop steward was that there are 4 greivance/arbitration hearings and the company want to clear as many backlogs as possible... does that sound like they truly want to? i mean how the hell can there only be 4 arb hears a yr?? got no answer when i asked that question.. for your grievance... how long did it take u to get to the local hearing if i can ask? i filed my grievance in july 2009 had local hearin january 2011 yes 2011 a yr and half after i filed the grievance yet it took only a moment for the station mgr to turn down the grievance when i filed it.. but a yr n half to get the local hearing thank you as i wont allow it to bother me about textin frank ill keep doing that. were you ever told a mediation would be held and if so when n where... i was told that my case would go to mediation set for january 21 week... guess what just that monday i was told by frank the company rejected the mediation so much for our 30 dollar union dues goin to hard work... orgac ive never heard of gil thats a name ive never heard of. now i can tell you just last monday my shop steward pulled me to the side and he personelly told me about my case that frank had told him now id have to say why the hell cant frank call me and tell me too my phone works pretty well too... as for the district learning from past mistakes... i dont recall that happening id be shocked if they do learn from it my case is now 3 yr and 8 months and counting along the way....🙂
sounds familiar... now i dont know if he told you this.. but accrding to what frank told my shop steward was that there are 4 greivance/arbitration hearings and the company want to clear as many backlogs as possible... does that sound like they truly want to? i mean how the hell can there only be 4 arb hears a yr?? got no answer when i asked that question.. for your grievance... how long did it take u to get to the local hearing if i can ask? i filed my grievance in july 2009 had local hearin january 2011 yes 2011 a yr and half after i filed the grievance yet it took only a moment for the station mgr to turn down the grievance when i filed it.. but a yr n half to get the local hearing thank you as i wont allow it to bother me about textin frank ill keep doing that. were you ever told a mediation would be held and if so when n where... i was told that my case would go to mediation set for january 21 week... guess what just that monday i was told by frank the company rejected the mediation so much for our 30 dollar union dues goin to hard work... orgac ive never heard of gil thats a name ive never heard of. now i can tell you just last monday my shop steward pulled me to the side and he personelly told me about my case that frank had told him now id have to say why the hell cant frank call me and tell me too my phone works pretty well too... as for the district learning from past mistakes... i dont recall that happening id be shocked if they do learn from it my case is now 3 yr and 8 months and counting along the way.... 🙂
Original grievance was filed in late May 2010. The Step 1 hearing was conducted and a decision was rendered within the time limits set forth in the CBA (7 days of receipt of grievance). Step 2 hearing was not conducted or a decision rendered within the time limits so it was moved to Step 3. The Step 3 hearing took place with Labor Relations on 02/15/11. Gil, who is a DL141 VP at Large, was assigned to be an acting AGC for my station and others to help Frank with his workload. Gil represented the District at the Step 3 hearing. The Step 3 decision was rendered within time limits (15 days). After Gil conferred with Frank they both agreed the grievance had enough merit to be sent to arbitration. This was in early March of 2011. Two years and counting since the Step 3 decision was rendered and we're still waiting. Coming up on the three year mark since the grievance was originally filed. Gil has been the middle man through the past two years. The grievant has spoke directly with Frank on two occasions. Both calls initiated by Gil.
thats incredible.. its my opin that we need more than just the folks to handle the load and a lot of major changes need to come big time there is no excuse for the extended time for all the grievances to be draggin on n on n on 2 plus yrs might as well say 3 or more yrs bec to me it sounds like your grievance is going to surpass the 3 yr mark
Hubs, larger stations, outline stations, East, West all had those who voted yes. As is the case with any adverse agreement everyone voted against it. The end result is the majority of the membership voted "yea" and ultimately chose their fate. Lesson learned. Question is... now that we are in section 6 negotiations will the District Leadership and the NC allow this membership to vote again on inferior contractual language or have they learned from past mistakes. IMO... this is the task at hand for both the NC but even more so the District Leadership. Additionally, it's difficult to compare and assess Transition Agreements and Bankruptcy Final Offers to Section 6 Tentative Agreements. Comparing apples to oranges. Time will tell. I only hope all members... wheather they work in hubs, large stations, outline stations, east or west, our NC and District Leadership have learned from past mistakes. If not... history is sure to repeat itself.
Why do you presume "lessoned learned"? The present leadership has actually signed a contract at United that is worse than their current bankrupt contract and the entire eboard supports it according to Delaney, including Charlie Brown. Of course, Charlie will refuse to say he is against it right here because he talks out of both sides. If Charlie fought and campaigned as hard as myself and some others are to shoot that nasty arse contract down to protect our profession then we could have been sure that the United agreement would not pass. I think it is going down by a big margin, no thanks to Charlie. Charlie is right that CLT voted down the last two contracts though. www.rampworker.com regards,
Are there not time limits? If so and I know there are then get on the union for not pushing it. Force the union to file unfair labor practices and threaten the union with a dfr.
Are there not time limits? If so and I know there are then get on the union for not pushing it. Force the union to file unfair labor practices and threaten the union with a dfr.
Letter was sent by grievant to Delaney with Buffenbarger, Roach and Brickner ccd in mentioning DFR quite awhile ago. Delaney never responded. It was sent certified mail with a signature his office received. Hmmm.
Why do you presume "lessoned learned"? The present leadership has actually signed a contract at United that is worse than their current bankrupt contract and the entire eboard supports it according to Delaney, including Charlie Brown. Of course, Charlie will refuse to say he is against it right here because he talks out of both sides. If Charlie fought and campaigned as hard as myself and some others are to shoot that nasty arse contract down to protect our profession then we could have been sure that the United agreement would not pass. I think it is going down by a big margin, no thanks to Charlie. Charlie is right that CLT voted down the last two contracts though. www.rampworker.com regards,
If... as you predict... the UA TA, agreed to by the NC and the District leadership, is turned down by the membership would it be fair to interpret this as a NC and a District leadership that is out of touch and disconnected with the memberships' true expectations? If this is the case... who's interests are they truly pursuing? An awkward position; to have to return to the table after the members you represent have sent the message, through a ratification vote, this may be acceptable to our NC and District leadership but not to us. Then again... when it's up to the membership it's a coin toss.
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