Exactly what should we be apologizing for? Covering a flight so it goes out? We are not the ones calling in sick in droves every single year. Our job is to cover the operation according to the contract. We are doing our jobs. We did not make the contract, we don’t enforce it, we don’t have any say in its content. We are everyone’s best friend when you need something from us but when we say no, we are the enemy. What ever.
Curve talker. Are you going to slam AC AA LA FA for painting all of crew skd with a broad brush or is that ok?
Wing, I agree with you as I said earlier about the sick policy. I do not know anything about the IOD policy so I will reserve comment. As far as the cost of health benefits. Have you not been reading the new the last few years? Health cost are sky rocketing. I have not heard of a company yet who has not increased the cost to it’s employees. Companies are in business to make money. Companies have to provide more at less cost. The bulk of the cost is labor. You, me and anyone else wearing a name tag. We all have to work more for less. There have been more bankruptcies in the last year than in recent history. No one likes it. For every company you fond me where the employees are getting a raise, I’ll find you 5 or 10 where cuts are taking place. I took a 20% cut in pay NOT including the 3 raises I never received. You think you were screwed? That may be. What is your suggestion to fix it? You want to start all over and call AA’s bluff? There were 2 airlines in BK already. Do you think UA’s employees thought it would happen? Do you think they are better off? Would you want to be working there? I sure as hell would not. Are you willing to bet the farm on AA coming out of BK if it went in? I’m not. Given the current administration and the federal judges that he appointed do you really believe that they would be friendly to labor and protect you from the company in BK court? Most financial articles I have read say avoiding BK was a good move. That if it went the other way it would not be pretty and we would not be doing as well as we are now. We will never know the answer to that because time cannot be reversed. Personally I think you are asking for too much. Times have changed. For the next several years we will all actually have to earn our pay.
Is AA a great company? Who knows, and to be quite honest I do not care. It pays my bills. If you can find a better company to work for, go for it. I will say that while I am working here I will fight to keep it alive because for me, right now, it’s the only game in town.
Curve talker. Are you going to slam AC AA LA FA for painting all of crew skd with a broad brush or is that ok?
Wing, I agree with you as I said earlier about the sick policy. I do not know anything about the IOD policy so I will reserve comment. As far as the cost of health benefits. Have you not been reading the new the last few years? Health cost are sky rocketing. I have not heard of a company yet who has not increased the cost to it’s employees. Companies are in business to make money. Companies have to provide more at less cost. The bulk of the cost is labor. You, me and anyone else wearing a name tag. We all have to work more for less. There have been more bankruptcies in the last year than in recent history. No one likes it. For every company you fond me where the employees are getting a raise, I’ll find you 5 or 10 where cuts are taking place. I took a 20% cut in pay NOT including the 3 raises I never received. You think you were screwed? That may be. What is your suggestion to fix it? You want to start all over and call AA’s bluff? There were 2 airlines in BK already. Do you think UA’s employees thought it would happen? Do you think they are better off? Would you want to be working there? I sure as hell would not. Are you willing to bet the farm on AA coming out of BK if it went in? I’m not. Given the current administration and the federal judges that he appointed do you really believe that they would be friendly to labor and protect you from the company in BK court? Most financial articles I have read say avoiding BK was a good move. That if it went the other way it would not be pretty and we would not be doing as well as we are now. We will never know the answer to that because time cannot be reversed. Personally I think you are asking for too much. Times have changed. For the next several years we will all actually have to earn our pay.
Is AA a great company? Who knows, and to be quite honest I do not care. It pays my bills. If you can find a better company to work for, go for it. I will say that while I am working here I will fight to keep it alive because for me, right now, it’s the only game in town.