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F/a Sicklist On The Climb!

Exactly what should we be apologizing for? Covering a flight so it goes out? We are not the ones calling in sick in droves every single year. Our job is to cover the operation according to the contract. We are doing our jobs. We did not make the contract, we don’t enforce it, we don’t have any say in its content. We are everyone’s best friend when you need something from us but when we say no, we are the enemy. What ever.

Curve talker. Are you going to slam AC AA LA FA for painting all of crew skd with a broad brush or is that ok?

Wing, I agree with you as I said earlier about the sick policy. I do not know anything about the IOD policy so I will reserve comment. As far as the cost of health benefits. Have you not been reading the new the last few years? Health cost are sky rocketing. I have not heard of a company yet who has not increased the cost to it’s employees. Companies are in business to make money. Companies have to provide more at less cost. The bulk of the cost is labor. You, me and anyone else wearing a name tag. We all have to work more for less. There have been more bankruptcies in the last year than in recent history. No one likes it. For every company you fond me where the employees are getting a raise, I’ll find you 5 or 10 where cuts are taking place. I took a 20% cut in pay NOT including the 3 raises I never received. You think you were screwed? That may be. What is your suggestion to fix it? You want to start all over and call AA’s bluff? There were 2 airlines in BK already. Do you think UA’s employees thought it would happen? Do you think they are better off? Would you want to be working there? I sure as hell would not. Are you willing to bet the farm on AA coming out of BK if it went in? I’m not. Given the current administration and the federal judges that he appointed do you really believe that they would be friendly to labor and protect you from the company in BK court? Most financial articles I have read say avoiding BK was a good move. That if it went the other way it would not be pretty and we would not be doing as well as we are now. We will never know the answer to that because time cannot be reversed. Personally I think you are asking for too much. Times have changed. For the next several years we will all actually have to earn our pay.

Is AA a great company? Who knows, and to be quite honest I do not care. It pays my bills. If you can find a better company to work for, go for it. I will say that while I am working here I will fight to keep it alive because for me, right now, it’s the only game in town.
WingNaPrayer said:
orwell said:
WingNaPrayer said:
They have the sick time, but this "one occurrence per calendar year" crap has them in fear for loss of their jobs. What happens if you take a few days off for the flu, and then 3 months from now you get seriously ill and all you have to look forward to is being canned by your employer?
And of course this occurrence "crap" arose spontaneously out of the pure, unilateral cruelty that is Evil Management, and is not in any way a reaction to unbridled abuse of sick policy, right?
The fact is, employees earn sick time, and they earn it for a reason. When they DO get sick, the last thing they should have to worry about is getting fired from their job for calling in sick because they happened to get sick more than once in a calendar year.

That's about as ascinine of a policy as one can be and AMR's use of this policy is nothing more than a direct threat and a means of cracking the whip on the backs of the sick and injured employees.

Now, should we discuss AMR's new rules for IOD related light duty? You know, that one where when you get injured on the job, you damn well better be healed and off of light duty in 20 days or less or you're out the door! Or, even if you aren't healed you have to come off light duty and go back to full duty even if you're injured and if you don't. . .likewise you're out the door.

People are not can openers, you don't throw them away when they break, but AMR thinks it's ok to double and triple up your work loads with their "more productivity" BS and when you do get worn out because of it . . . they have new rules in place that let them throw you away. You want to talk about abuse? THAT is abuse right there and it's not being done by the employees.

Oh . . . and while we're at it, lets jack up the cost of the healthcare and blow those co-payments for medications right out of the water, that way, when employees DO get sick, they won't be able to pay the higher cost of getting well, and AMR will get to fire them.

Am I onto something here, or are you just being a corporate supportive idiot?

What a great company!
Actually the new IOD policy (of 20 days) is'nt so bad, after all. Previously AA's old policy had a lot of really injured people, forced back to "lite duty", when they should have been home re-habing.
Now, if a worker CAN'T be back full duty in 20 days, they just stay home, and wait for the mail-man, every other week.

I'm not sure about non-union folks, but contract employees have their jobs held in tack for "5" years, without loss of pay, seniority, or "benny's".

After working around the system, and talking to employees from different stations, state work-comp laws, vary significantly.

I wonder why the northeast region of states(NY,NJ,CT,RI,MA are FAR better about Work-Comp laws, than others ?????????????????????????

Garfield-Please, dont misunderstand me..I have no quarals with crew sked. They have a job to do as anyone else here...and its not to be f/a therapysts...
There are times i have been less the cordial to my co workers/pax-its something that happens..but I dont make a habit of it..as I am sure you dont either.

I have been around long enough to know where the REAL problem is-
Management has created this distrust and disrespect-to us as a whole as labor-not just f/a, agents, pilots admin ect.....ALL OF US HAVE SUFFERED as a result of greed.

I just feel that it is AAs responsibility, if they want to save this airline from doom to step up to the plate with some heart felt, honest-pro active ideas on turning morale around. Our hands are tied-what more can we do?
Flights go out short-but with content pax-on time(for the most part) and safely....and 99% of the time you get a group of smileing employees at the end of the flight to thank you for flying AA ( some with less than 15hrs of sleep in 3 days..)....we are doing our part and more....its time for the parents to step in and show some responsibility for their loving, yet upset kids... :unsure:
WingNaPrayer said:
orwell said:
WingNaPrayer said:
They have the sick time, but this "one occurrence per calendar year" crap has them in fear for loss of their jobs. What happens if you take a few days off for the flu, and then 3 months from now you get seriously ill and all you have to look forward to is being canned by your employer?
And of course this occurrence "crap" arose spontaneously out of the pure, unilateral cruelty that is Evil Management, and is not in any way a reaction to unbridled abuse of sick policy, right?
The fact is, employees earn sick time, and they earn it for a reason. When they DO get sick, the last thing they should have to worry about is getting fired from their job for calling in sick because they happened to get sick more than once in a calendar year.

That's about as ascinine of a policy as one can be and AMR's use of this policy is nothing more than a direct threat and a means of cracking the whip on the backs of the sick and injured employees.

Now, should we discuss AMR's new rules for IOD related light duty? You know, that one where when you get injured on the job, you damn well better be healed and off of light duty in 20 days or less or you're out the door! Or, even if you aren't healed you have to come off light duty and go back to full duty even if you're injured and if you don't. . .likewise you're out the door.

People are not can openers, you don't throw them away when they break, but AMR thinks it's ok to double and triple up your work loads with their "more productivity" BS and when you do get worn out because of it . . . they have new rules in place that let them throw you away. You want to talk about abuse? THAT is abuse right there and it's not being done by the employees.

Oh . . . and while we're at it, lets jack up the cost of the healthcare and blow those co-payments for medications right out of the water, that way, when employees DO get sick, they won't be able to pay the higher cost of getting well, and AMR will get to fire them.

Am I onto something here, or are you just being a corporate supportive idiot?

What a great company!
You can continue to spin this in a way that suggests that the notion that the use of sick time must have some rules/oversight arose as an action and not a reaction. If you expect us to buy that, then your idiot comment was right on track - because anyone who believes that massive increases in sick calls around holidays are driven by honest health issues IS an idiot.

No one wants to "crack the whip on sick and injured employees" but that whip IS being cracked on them - by the healthy jerks who abuse the policies and bring the heavy - but necessary - hand of rules/regulations down on everyone.

It's just like in grade school - all it takes is a few dumb jerks/slow learners to make life harder for everyone. Reasoning such as yours is why we have things like idiot-proof lighters. Most people can handle them safely but, since some can't -
everyone has to deal with the annoyances put in to protect us from "lowest common denominator." Most people don't think it's right to abuse a sick policy, but enough do to necessitate rules.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Is that before drinking 1, 2, or 3 cup's of AA KOOL AID ??????????

I couldn't have said better myself. I wonder what color his Kool-Aid is? I know it's RED and BLUE as in AA!

I need some more "FLU" remedy, because I'm sick and enjoying my holidays. It's funny how Garfield b*tches that flight attendants call in sick. But, when our so called great AA leadership like Arpey and his cronies are off on December 25, 26, 27, 28 and January 1, 2, 3 and 4 (paid for it). While us flight attendants put our lives on the line during the Code Orange alert to fly people around the world.

AA could careless about the flight attendants. I was stuck in NYC during 9/11 on a layover. The only thing AA Crew Scheduling was concerned with was calling us and assigning trips to us to fly after being stuck for 4-7 days. They didn't give a rats ass about getting us home after that terrible day. It was all about the dollar signs for AA and with no union Scheduling had to do it or be FIRED! After this took place I lost all the respect I had left (which wasn't much) for AA Screw Scheduling.

Garfield, it takes a lot to get fired as a flight attendant. Even if one abuses their sick time, they will still have a job. Why fly over the holidays, when calling in sick and staying home with family and friends pays the same.
Geez louise Hotel. Get a grip on reality will you.

Management is not operational. If you want to be of on the holidays then get a desk job if you think you can handle it. You, me, pilots, ramp, ticket agents .. etc are operational. With out us on the job the airline does not operate. That is the way it works in the corporate world. You think the CEO of Nordstroms was at his/her desk the day after X-mass? Do you think the CEO of any company was at his/her desk on the 26th? It does not work that way. I know it’s a shock to your sensibilities but we will all try and walk you through it.


OK, again. Get a grip and try and think about something other than your self. First of all no one threatened to fire anyone at crew skd. We worked 12 hour days with out even being asked to do so because we knew what had to be done. Yes I know you wanted to go home. But again, I remind you, you work for and AIRLINE!!! We transport passengers (the people sitting in the seats on the skinny metal tube you fly on). There were 10’s of thousands of them in places that they had no intention of being. If we (that’s all of us) did not get the airline back on it’s feet as son as possible, then there would be huge losses. By the way. If we as scheduling did not find people such as your self to crew a plane, then no one, including your self would be going anywhere.

I remember during the California fires there was a fire crew who lived in the same area. Most of their houses burned down. The saw their house burn down. They said c’est la vie and went on to fight the fires. They picked up the pieces after they were done.

It was your job. It was my job. If you want a brownie button for doing your job then go back to kinder garden school where they will give you a star for taking a sh!t and pulling up your pants after ward.

Sorry for sounding bitter folks but it’s self centered entitlests like hotel that just really piss me off.
"Well, what do you know".
I just came from the US board, and was reading their "equivilant" thread(F/a shortages, during the holidays), and the thread IS " 13 " PAGES LONG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It sure looks like to me that no matter WHAT paint scheme is on an "aluminum Bird", that people are all pretty much the same.



My spouse(1/2 hour ago) came home from her nursing job "SICK/FLU", and she NEVER(99.9% of the time) gets sick.

I think this 2003/2004 season is going to the HIGHEST, in AA history.
What do you mean "seems too". We hit over 2,400. in 2000 it was 2072 with 5000 more FA's on the line.
Garfield1966 said:

OK, again. Get a grip and try and think about something other than your self. .
Please show me Garfield at what point I was talking about myself. I said it was "us" not "I" after 9/11!! I really wonder if you're truly an AA Screw Scheduler? It's people like you who need a taste of reality. You have no idea what we as flight attendants deal with day in and day out. Just in case you can't read, I said "we" as in all flight attendants!!

I have dealt with you on the phone several times in the past...Yes I know who you're! First thing I would suggest to you is read the APFA contract, that sits on your desk, from front to back. Second, learn some RESPECT! I invite you to come fly with us on the line. Notice I said "us." This will give you a taste of reality at its finest.

If you want respect from flight attendants, you need to give respect. Oh and one other thing, it's not just the flight attendants who hate the way things are going at AA! Being that you're non-union, you might want to keep you mouth shut about AA! It would be sad to see you get fired...NOT! :up:

Maybe I should copy your posts and give them to you supervisor. Maybe I should report you to AA and see what they think about your attitude towards flight attendants. I guess you will have to wait and see. :lol:
LiveInAHotel said:
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Is that before drinking 1, 2, or 3 cup's of AA KOOL AID ??????????

AA could careless about the flight attendants. I was stuck in NYC during 9/11 on a layover. The only thing AA Crew Scheduling was concerned with was calling us and assigning trips to us to fly after being stuck for 4-7 days. They didn't give a rats ass about getting us home after that terrible day. It was all about the dollar signs for AA and with no union Scheduling had to do it or be FIRED! After this took place I lost all the respect I had left (which wasn't much) for AA Screw Scheduling.
Well, lets see. You said “I was stuck on a lay over†then you said that crew skd was only worried about “was calling us and assigning trips to us to fly after being stuck for 4-7 days.†That to me implies that you are part of the us. You never used the word “we†in the paragraph. You only used the words “I†and “usâ€.

I would like to see things changed at AA as well. I just do not believe that screwing over the company or my fellow employees is the way to do it.

Respect is earned not given. And I do not “give†mine easily. If you do your job, make an effort to look things up, be responsible … etc, you will have my respect.

Read the contract? For the several years I have been at crew skd, I have not had a pay claim against me. The way I look at that is it means one of two things. Either I have not made a mistake (at none which anyone has found) or I know the contract as well as most others. When you say I should read the contract, you imply that you have some personal knowledge that I screwed up. Why did you not file a pay claim?

I am not too concerned about taking part in a forum on the internet. I have never plotted the demise of AA, AMR or anything else. I am partaking in open discussion. I fail to see how that hurts anyone. I am well like by most of my co-workers. Anyone who looks at the history of my posts will see that I have been even handed in my opinions. Just because I think a few people on here are self centered idiots does not make me a bad person. Besides, this would be coming from someone who has just admitted to abusing the sick policy over the holidays. By the way, who is it you think I am? Given what you think the company thinks of you anyway, how would turning me into those same people help your cause in anyway. Hell, according to your line of thinking, they might give me a promotion.

I never implied that you had an easy job. I have shadowed FA’s before by the way. Dealing with passengers face to face on a regular basis takes a unique personality. That is why I chose not to be an FA. If you can no longer hack being a FA then perhaps you should move on to a different position in AA. There are several former FA’s in Crew skd. You can always come over here if you think you have what it takes.
Garfield1966 said:
Respect is earned not given. And I do not “giveâ€￾ mine easily.

Read the contract? For the several years I have been at crew skd, I have not had a pay claim against me.

I am not too concerned about taking part in a forum on the internet. I have never plotted the demise of AA, AMR or anything else.

If you can no longer hack being a FA then perhaps you should move on to a different position in AA. There are several former FA’s in Crew skd. You can always come over here if you think you have what it takes.

1. RESPECT- That's obvious you don't have any RESPECT for flight attendants.

2. Are you sure you have never had a pay claim?

3. Like I said, you might want to watch who you "flame" on this site. Your actions here can effect your job at AA!

4. I can hack my job and that's why I still fly and I would never sit behind a desk and screw my fellow co-workers over. The reason you have so many former flight attendants in Crew Skd, is they couldn't hack it. I would never want your job. One reason is no union. The second is, you can't beat the life when you "Live Free or Die" in the Northeast!

A little FYI for you...Shadowing a flight attendant crew is not working as a flight attendant. You sat in your seat and watched, but didn't have to put up with the crap we do. Just drink the Kool-Aid as NHBB referred to and you will be just fine.

Almost forgot, I do know your name and employee number. But, I will not start a "flame" against you on this BB by posting your true identity.
LiveInAHotel said:
Almost forgot, I do know your name and employee number. But, I will not start a "flame" against you on this BB by posting your true identity.
That would be a wise choice since it would result in a permanent ban for you.

Just a note of caution to all those who post here- be careful about the threats you make on the board regarding the actions you will take about someone who posts something on the board unless you can be sure that you havent committed the same offense and/or havent done something or posted something that could get you in the equal amount of trouble at work if someone decided to try to find out your identity.
The purpose of the board is to share ideas and thoughts about the job and industry. It shouldnt be used by someone to get another person in trouble at work just because you dont agree with their ideas or opinions. Lets all just lay of the "I'm going to get you in trouble" rhetoric for a while, ok?

With all due respect, American Airlines Rules of Conduct take precedence over the rules of these forums.


As an American Airlines employee, you can expect a safe and productive workplace that ensures your ability to succeed and grow with your job. The rules listed below represent the guidelines and principles that all employees work by at American.

Personal Conduct:

32. Behavior that violates the company's Work Environment Policy, even if intended as a joke, is absolutely prohibited and will be grounds for severe corrective action, up to and including termination of employment. This includes, but is not limited to, threatening, intimidating, interfering with, or abusive, demeaning, or violent behavior toward, another employee, contractor, customer, or vendor, while either on or off duty. Behavior that is also hate-related will result in immediate termination of employment, regardless of length of service and prior employment record.
LiveInAHotel said:
The second is, you can't beat the life when you "Live Free or Die" in the Northeast!
I thought you lived in a hotel?
LiveInAHotel said:
Garfield1966 said:
Respect is earned not given. And I do not “giveâ€￾ mine easily.

Read the contract? For the several years I have been at crew skd, I have not had a pay claim against me.

I am not too concerned about taking part in a forum on the internet. I have never plotted the demise of AA, AMR or anything else.

If you can no longer hack being a FA then perhaps you should move on to a different position in AA. There are several former FA’s in Crew skd. You can always come over here if you think you have what it takes.

1. RESPECT- That's obvious you don't have any RESPECT for flight attendants.

2. Are you sure you have never had a pay claim?

3. Like I said, you might want to watch who you "flame" on this site. Your actions here can effect your job at AA!

4. I can hack my job and that's why I still fly and I would never sit behind a desk and screw my fellow co-workers over. The reason you have so many former flight attendants in Crew Skd, is they couldn't hack it. I would never want your job. One reason is no union. The second is, you can't beat the life when you "Live Free or Die" in the Northeast!

A little FYI for you...Shadowing a flight attendant crew is not working as a flight attendant. You sat in your seat and watched, but didn't have to put up with the crap we do. Just drink the Kool-Aid as NHBB referred to and you will be just fine.

Almost forgot, I do know your name and employee number. But, I will not start a "flame" against you on this BB by posting your true identity.
I have not flamed anyone.

Send me a personal email then. I amvery curious who it is you think I am.

I have respect for FA's Jus tnot for people like you.

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