On 4/15/2003 10:52:48 PM eolesen wrote:
Bears, I''ve lost all respect for you with that last comment... Why not ask people to start slashing tires while you''re at it?...
Or better yet, get managers to harass flight attendants at the gate. Flyers under the door at the hotel. I wonder exactly how many faxes will go out to hotels to night and at what cost. On 4/15/2003 10:52:48 PM eolesen wrote:
Bears, I''ve lost all respect for you with that last comment... Why not ask people to start slashing tires while you''re at it?...
This too is a play right out of the BC handbook. Like the heavy handed take or leave it negotiations, in 93 that failed. When will management learn this is not the work group to try to intimidate or raise ultimatums too.