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AA Supervisors now meeting flts urging to change votes

On 4/15/2003 10:52:48 PM eolesen wrote:

Bears, I''ve lost all respect for you with that last comment... Why not ask people to start slashing tires while you''re at it?...

Or better yet, get managers to harass flight attendants at the gate. Flyers under the door at the hotel. I wonder exactly how many faxes will go out to hotels to night and at what cost.

This too is a play right out of the BC handbook. Like the heavy handed take or leave it negotiations, in 93 that failed. When will management learn this is not the work group to try to intimidate or raise ultimatums too.
On 4/15/2003 8:21:30 PM NewHampshire Black Bears wrote:

When No one is looking,
"You should "SPIT" right in there faces" !!!! (SERIUOSLY) !


Bears, I''ve lost all respect for you with that last comment... Why not ask people to start slashing tires while you''re at it?...
Bears I wonder with that comment and attitude ...how many people did you threaten to vote your way.

I do not condone that sort of behavior in response to a scAAb...makes me sick to my stomach (much like the past 2 weeks.) Social pariah is the way to go!

I do not feel I have a voice in that issue since I was hired in ''95.

I still stand by my vote.

do not bring up 93...I have some very nice flight attendant friends that had their animals killed and put on their doorsteps because they crossed the picket line...i had a friends house set on fire by your so called union brothers...i had friends assaulted and cars keyes and tires slashed....you acall that something to be proud of ....that was a horrible time in 93
On 4/15/2003 11:47:33 PM A77IGW wrote:

You should not be afraid of the extension in voting. If the flight attendants really meant no than they will not change their vote and the result will be the same.

Why extend? We had two weeks no one cared about the bugs or lack of language until the NO vote came.

The results are in and the No''s have it. There should be NO extensions. Its shameless attempt to harass the f/a''s in to voting a different way.
On 4/15/2003 11:38:15 PM flydcoop wrote:

it''s ok A77,

I feel sorry for level 2''s who blame unions for our current crisis

i.e. those that only have worked in HDQ and not an actual airport!

Trust me, if this F/A is mad, you will know it!!!

Coopp Coop Coop
are you threatening me or something. Number 1 i am not a level 2. Number 2 I have worked at the airport a number of them and have been in a union at AA. # I do not blame the unions for the situation the company is in right now. In a nut shell it is fuel cost..(not managements or unions fault)..over capacity (managements faul at all the airlines) greed from union work groups wanting industry leading pay just because another airline makes more (unions fault)...not seeing the bif picture and only wanting to hurt management by acting harshley (typical unions record).

You should not be afraid of the extension in voting. If the flight attendants really meant no than they will not change their vote and the result will be the same.
leave NHBBs alone!

While I don''t condone spitting on anyone, MGMT chooses to proverbially spit through its press releases and actions.

He''s a good guy from BOS who I have probably smoked in front of in the ramp "smoke" room. He is frustrated and p....offed. This is how he vents.

If this airline were in the mode of BOS (real love and support, every dept supports the other) we would be unbeatable.

HDQ has not and apparently, never will, figured this out.

God, I am on my soapbox tonight.

NHBBs, love and support you. Spent 14mos in BOS.

Love the base, hate the weather!

OK coop maybe we should leave us alone. He may decide to come to Dallas and bring the union baseball bat and spit on all of us that do not agree with him
On 4/15/2003 11:53:29 PM FA Mikey wrote:

On 4/15/2003 11:47:33 PM A77IGW wrote:

You should not be afraid of the extension in voting. If the flight attendants really meant no than they will not change their vote and the result will be the same.

Why extend? We had two weeks no one cared about the bugs or lack of language until the NO vote came.

The results are in and the No''s have it. There should be NO extensions. Its shameless attempt to harass the f/a''s in to voting a different way.

your APFA leadership requested it and the company granted that request
in 93 you walked and we replaced you with scabs and management flight attendants. we still flew cargo and you all crumbled
On 4/15/2003 11:54:27 PM A77IGW wrote:

do not bring up 93...I have some very nice flight attendant friends that had their animals killed and put on their doorsteps because they crossed the picket line...i had a friends house set on fire by your so called union brothers...i had friends assaulted and cars keyes and tires slashed....you acall that something to be proud of ....that was a horrible time in 93

Did I say it was something to be proud of? It a horrible thing to have to with hold service to the company you help build. To not come to work to the job you love so much. The so called acts are folk lore. AA thoroughly investigated and harassed a number of flight attendants. Until it got to the point they realized they were being played by the strike breakers themselves. Of the few flight attendants fired during and shortly after the strike. Only 2 were upheld in arbitration. Both employees were returned to work in the final TA between the company and union prior to the final binding arbitration award.
On 4/15/2003 11:52:48 PM A77IGW wrote:

in 93 you walked and we replaced you with scabs and management flight attendants. we still flew cargo and you all crumbled

...do you even work for AA? I''ve been observing this BB for some time now, and I can''t even begin to understand where you''re coming from! "you all crumbled"???...to what? Crandall?
I would NEVER spit in anyone''s face (well, at least not literally), but I would love to .......yours, you freak!
...the disdain for AA Flight Attendants in this company has been running rampant among passengers, mgt, and even co-workers like you, if you even are one.....
...we''ll see tomorrow who has the balls in this organization.
On 4/15/2003 10:52:48 PM eolesen wrote:

On 4/15/2003 8:21:30 PM NewHampshire Black Bears wrote:

When No one is looking,
"You should "SPIT" right in there faces" !!!! (SERIUOSLY) !


Bears, I''ve lost all respect for you with that last comment... Why not ask people to start slashing tires while you''re at it?...


I''m PISSED beyond belief !!!!!!!!!!!!
I would have thought that you would have seen through my ANGER, to realize that I would NEVER do that, to ANYONE. EVEN a NON-UNION person.
I admit, I used the word "SERIOUSLY" in the post, so you comment was justified.

On 4/15/2003 11:54:27 PM A77IGW wrote:

do not bring up 93...I have some very nice flight attendant friends that had their animals killed and put on their doorsteps because they crossed the picket line...i had a friends house set on fire by your so called union brothers...i had friends assaulted and cars keyes and tires slashed....you acall that something to be proud of ....that was a horrible time in 93


WOW, I''m curious to know what happened to the people who did those things. Accusations such as those no doubt carry heavy legal penalties.

Care to cite the legal cases and outcomes. If not then its all just rumor, no basis for anything more.

1993 was regarded as a HUGE victory for American flight attendants, and an inspiration for us at United.

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