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F/a Sicklist On The Climb!

When I see one of our birds on the overpasss at DFW I still get goose bumps. I hope that never goes away.
Is that before drinking 1, 2, or 3 cup's of AA KOOL AID ??????????


Believe it or not garfield, before April/03, I still had a "smidgeon" of that pride in me.
However, AA CORPERATE GREED, and ILLEGAL union leadership Betrayal, extinguished that pride forever !!!!!!!


I know you'll read it, so I'm hopeing you'll respond to the question I directed to you, on the topic "EARLY BRAKE RELEASE" !!!
Gee! I used to go to work for the pay, not anymore.... (we know that's a joke)
Why, I go to work is " because I feel so dAAmn good when I get off shift" :up:
Its a natural high (getiing off 😉 ) I don't get when I go to the bank with smaller paycks or when I arrive at the airport. Oh the drudgery 🙁
A good portion of work place "pride" is bought and paid for. It's recognized by your employer in your paycheck.

IMHO, most employees "pride" was the better part of what was taken away in the concessions. The only thing left appears to be that sucking up to AMR every day is just a way to pay the bills anymore.

I don't see the pride in AA employees anymore. I used to, it was easy to spot, but no more.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Is that before drinking 1, 2, or 3 cup's of AA KOOL AID ??????????


Believe it or not garfield, before April/03, I still had a "smidgeon" of that pride in me.
However, AA CORPERATE GREED, and ILLEGAL union leadership Betrayal, extinguished that pride forever !!!!!!!


I know you'll read it, so I'm hopeing you'll respond to the question I directed to you, on the topic "EARLY BRAKE RELEASE" !!!
Not sure why I should respond to someone who continues to insult me but as far as the brake release is concerned, I have no opinion since I do not have all the facts. I do find it humorous that the members of one union (the pilots) are at least according to you, not backing your people. It would appear to me that most of you are in for your selves rather the betterment of all. I guess that is how 2400 FA’s can go on the sick list and not be concerned about the ones who will pick up the slack.

Think about it.
You and I(non f/a) are having a good natured "give and take", and you IMMEDIATELY "switch gears", and start ATTACKING F/A's.

You've got a lot of BALLS saying I'm a disgruntled employee, when you CONSISTANTLY ATTACK another work group.

So(BY YOUR STANDARDS), your no better than me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NewHampshire Black Bears said:

Think about it.
You and I(non f/a) are having a good natured "give and take", and you IMMEDIATELY "switch gears", and start ATTACKING F/A's.

You've got a lot of BALLS saying I'm a disgruntled employee, when you CONSISTANTLY ATTACK another work group.

So(BY YOUR STANDARDS), your no better than me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


First off, AA pilots HAVE only, and WILL only, care about themselves. They are what I call "unionists of convenience." They chant a pro-union mantra when it comes time to negotiate a contract (remember all those buttons with "SCOPE" and stickers saying "DEFENDING THE PROFESSION?"), but at all other times, they more readily identify themselves as management. These individuals would throw their own mothers under a bus if it would benefit them.

Regarding Garfield and his/her continued attacks on flight attendants, I have accepted the fact that s/he is, indeed, to be pitied...bitter, frustrated, and, obviously, this is the only place where s/he can come to vent. I guess s/he has nobody else who will listen.

Quite frankly, his/her continued rants are more indicative of his/her personal frustrations, than of the reality of the situation which s/he describes.

I, too, LIKE ALL OF US, want AA to succeed, but I want to be valued for my contribution, and for the job I do. I do not think that Garfield realizes that s/he, as the flight attendant's interface with the company, no doubt does more damage to flight attendant morale than s/he could ever imagine. It is people like him/her that makes me realize just how UNvalued we really are as employees.
StraaightTaalk said:
They are what I call "unionists of convenience."
There is at least one other independent union at AA that fits this description.
<_< My, my, my! All this hypicritical bickering!!!!! Venting people? Or is any of this constructive? Signed: "Just another redheaded step child"!!!!!
Veritas said:
There is at least one other independent union at AA that fits this description.
Same could be said for a group of furloughees who would like to put pre-acquisition AA flight attendants on the street.

I guess life is full of hypocrisy.
OK Bear, I am really getting tired of being told that I am attacking a work group. I did no such thing. I attacked the 2400 FA's that are on the sick list, most of whom are not sick. I said I felt bad for the rest of the FA's ( about 15,000 or so) who had to pick up the slack for those on the sick list. That is not an attack on FA's as a whole. I have also stated on numerous occasions that I am against anyone, FA or not, who abuses the sick policy. FA’s happen to mentioned most in my posts as I am a crew scheduler for FA’s and that is what I deal with on a day to day basis.

As far as you’re being disgruntled, I do not see how you can deny that. I am not saying it is bad or good, but by reading your various posts it seems that you are very angry. I am not angry. I am disappointed in my fellow co works both management and non management for the way this airline has been run, but I have never condemned a work group as a whole. I only condemn those who are abusing the system and taking a free ride on their fellow employees.

Are you saying that the 2400 FA’s are on the sick list are doing it out of principle? I have a friend who is a FA. He was with AA during the FA strike way back when. He admitted to me that he had very little knowledge of what the strike was about. He just looked at it as a way to have 5 or how ever many days off. He said most of the FA’s he worked with felt the same way. Given the general knowledge and apathy of the general public, I see no reason to doubt what he told me. I asked a few other FA’s I know and they response was the same. So, I am sorry but I think most people are out for them selves. FA’s are no different, no better or worse than anyone else. I firmly believe that most of the 2400 FA’s on the sick list and most of the other people who are out sick (both FA and non FA) are there because they did not want to work on the holiday.

As far as the pilot issue is concerned, I am not sure what you want from me. I doubt the pilots would do something that was not in their self interest. It is my opinion that if they would not loose anything by not releasing the brakes early, they would not do it just to screw your work group over. Most people in my opinion would not. I would think that unions of different work groups would want to stand behind each other. To me it appears that it is not the case. Hence the comment that I think the unions are into to protect their own self interest.

I am guilt of a lot of things. Think what you will, but I am not, have not and will not condemn an entire work group. I condemn all those who abuse the system and their co workers.
Garfield1966 said:
I condemn all those who abuse the system and their co workers.
And I condemn an employer who has abused labor so badly, that they are left with no other choice.
I come to work to collect a paycheck. What does pride have to do with showing up for work?

completely agree with MiAAmi, the paycheck and the time off is all that matters. I don't take any pride in the job I do or the company I work for.

You know folks, managment really has made their fair share of boneheaded decisions over the years, but if this attitude is prevalent among the rank and file, then it's pretty easy to see why AA is in dire straits. But what do I know...I'm just a lowly customer and not one who is "in the industry", although I'll tell you this, though the industry I'm in has it's fair share of boring days, I still take pride in what I do and who I work for.
Garfield1966 Posted on Dec 27 2003, 06:02 PM
I firmly believe that most of the 2400 FA’s on the sick list and most of the other people who are out sick (both FA and non FA) are there because they did not want to work on the holiday.

Whoa Garfield.....and the flu we've all been hearing about on the news were the "disgruntled" employees from other businesses...right? MOST did not want to work on the holiday??? omg...you must be joking Nobody wants to work on the holiday but MOST of them were probably sick. Did you get the flu this year? It was horrible. Did you realize that infected people are in the planes and the flight attendants are serving them? Did you realize that the way to catch the flu is having contact with infected people? Did you realize that long days, short layovers and "b.s. employee relations" rundown a persons immune system? Did you snicker to your little crew desk "buddies" when you reassigned that flight attendant AGAIN and she started getting teary trying to get out of it? Ooops, sorry, got carried away...me bad. Think about it anyway.

When you start using key words "MOST, ALL, NEVER, ETC"...you are going to alienate more people than not.

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