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F/a Sicklist On The Climb!

(This is a serious question, so don't go looking for a "hidden agenda", OK ? )

Whats the "sick count" at now(1/4/04) ???

How does todays(1/4/04) count compare to 1/4/03 ??

Veritas said:

With all due respect, American Airlines Rules of Conduct take precedence over the rules of these forums.
Unfortunately, the long arm of AMR's "Rules of Conduct" (which the company itself violates 24/7) doesn't reach out into the real world, and especially doesn't apply to this forum.

If AMR is actually the owner and operator of this board, making their rules apply, then TPTB at USAviation have some explaining to do.
WingNaPrayer said:
Unfortunately, the long arm of AMR's "Rules of Conduct" (which the company itself violates 24/7) doesn't reach out into the real world, and especially doesn't apply to this forum.
32. Behavior that violates the company's Work Environment Policy, even if intended as a joke, is absolutely prohibited and will be grounds for severe corrective action, up to and including termination of employment. This includes, but is not limited to, threatening, intimidating, interfering with, or abusive, demeaning, or violent behavior toward, another employee, contractor, customer, or vendor, while either on or off duty. Behavior that is also hate-related will result in immediate termination of employment, regardless of length of service and prior employment record.
Wrong yourself!

They can't enforce their rules regarding anything that happens off of company property. They are not a government, and employees don't live in a police state under American Airlines control. The first time they try it, lawyers will be chomping at the bit to clean their clocks.

Get over it, they can put whatever they want in their stinkin' rules, they just can't enforce them when you aren't on company property, and when you're not on the clock, and that pretty much includes this board. Now, if you are on the company dime and you're participating on a private message board at the time without company permission, that's another story, but you still have a modicum of protection for your speech freedoms.

If you want to sit there and tell me that American Airlines, because they wrote some rules, can reach the arm of their own self imposed authority into your home and hold you accountable for what you do or say there - then I'll kiss your ass! I don't give a flyin' frick what they put in their rule book, it does not apply to me.

Here is your key:
Behavior that violates the company's Work Environment

This board does not qualify as American Airlines' "work environment"
WingNaPrayer said:
Wrong yourself!

They can't enforce their rules regarding anything that happens off of company property. They are not a government, and employees don't live in a police state under American Airlines control. The first time they try it, lawyers will be chomping at the bit to clean their clocks.

I think this is the first time I can't agree with you. Veritas, is correct on this. If an AA employee decides to harass another employee (or work group) on the clock or off of it, the are in violation of Rule 32.

To mjk... crew members stay in hotels while they're on layovers. I guess you can't get the joke on that one?
LiveInAHotel said:
If an AA employee decides to harass another employee (or work group) on the clock or off of it, the are in violation of Rule 32.
They may well be in violation, but there isn't anything AA can do about it unless it happens on their property. You can sit at home, or anywhere else that isn't AA property and complain about the sick calls, or even name names and call them a few while you're at it, there just isn't a thing that AA can legally do about it, and if they try, all hell will break loose guaranteed.
Wait just a minute. I seem to remember when NW was able to get a court order to confiscate various f/a hard drives. I believe during that time they were considering a sick out or promoting some type of job action. Perhaps a NW f/a who may read this will elaborate.

My personal opinion is that you are not legally able to harass anyone. Perhaps someone with some legal knowledge can clairify this.
galleyguy4u2 said:
My personal opinion is that you are not legally able to harass anyone. Perhaps someone with some legal knowledge can clairify this.
From this site's Rules, Policies And Etiquette For Forums:

We at USaviation.com also reserve the right to reveal your identity (or whatever information we know about you) in the event of a complaint or legal action arising from any message posted by you.
OK, who has deeper pockets for legal bills, USAviation or American Airlines?
I'm with you on this one,
BUT(and to some folks it would be a $$$ BIG but)
one would need a good attorney, at their own expense.

Sadly, AA knows ALL TO WELL, that this company is LOADED with a zillion employees(AND THEIR UNIONS) who have ZERO "intestinal fortitude"

Back to the topic....Can anyone confirm the latest news that the current F/A Sicklist is over 2800? If so, how is this company able to get flights out?
Flyboy4u said:
Back to the topic....Can anyone confirm the latest news that the current F/A Sicklist is over 2800? If so, how is this company able to get flights out?
C'MON, Garfield, we know your reading ALL these posts, on this thread.
What's the latest SK Count ??????????????///

To view the numbers of F/As on the sick list key in RF9999 SOD in DECS.
I believe this is updated every a.m.

Art Tang
Sorry bear, been out of town for 3 days.

The sick list is down two 1500 so it's back to normal. Not sure how many flight were effected.

Hotel, still waiting for a message from you. Who is it that you think I am?
I did not see the 2003 part of the question.

Not sure about 2003. As I recal it was not so bad due to the fact that capacity was already down but the FA count was still sky high so we did nt have a rough time. 2000 was the bench mark year for us. We had 2072 on the sick list at the hight water mark. This year was far far worse than that due to the fact that we had 5000 fewer FA's on the line and the sick list was at or around 2400.

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