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F/A Recalls

Just heard that only about 130 f/a's out of the involuntary list opted to come back. I'm not sure if they will start forcing the involuntary from bottom of the list up or go to the VFLR list for the remainder needed.

How many do they need again?

I think next they start assign-or-resign from the bottom of the invol list, clear that, then go into VFs, then finally VFLRs (no chance there), then they have to hire.
How many do they need again?

I think next they start assign-or-resign from the bottom of the invol list, clear that, then go into VFs, then finally VFLRs (no chance there), then they have to hire.

They need 216 f/as.
In case you're interested here is a list of f/as who are involuntarily furloughed. No names are mentioned, just employee number and order.

Recall Order

Wow, 1339 flight attendants still involuntarily furloughed... that's what, half, of America West? And that's not even counting voluntary furloughs, anyone have a definitive number on that? Again, I wouldn't count VFLRs in that.
Wow, 1339 flight attendants still involuntarily furloughed...
What is the date of that list? I thought I saw somewhere only 900+ on involuntary at this point-I could be wrong.
What is the date of that list? I thought I saw somewhere only 900+ on involuntary at this point-I could be wrong.

I'm not sure about the exact date but I believe it was created in 2007 before the last group of recalls returned. I checked the numbers of some people who came back in June 07 and their numbers are still on the list. It will still give you an idea though. How many were recalled this summer anyway? Does anybody remember?
I'm not sure about the exact date but I believe it was created in 2007 before the last group of recalls returned. I checked the numbers of some people who came back in June 07 and their numbers are still on the list. It will still give you an idea though. How many were recalled this summer anyway? Does anybody remember?
I want to say that it was like 40 or 50 that came back Aug. 1. Wasn't there also a recall in June? That list has to be from before the summer because there are some people on that list that came back in the summer. Consider however many came back this summer and the amount that fell off because of not responding and EMB is right it should be around 900 or 1000.
I am hearing PHL made it to people in June 2001. Next to the last class hired I think. I know for sure they are in assignment mode at this point and some have been told they were 86 short out of the 216 needed. If that is not a statment I don't know what is. :shock:
If I were furloughed and had a friend currently working here that gave me advice to come back I'd kill them once I got here. Who in hell would want to come back here? Certainly those that, out of the passion of the job went to other airlines would not. Sorry nothing to entice anyone here. I LOVE how they say either you come back in assignment mode or "your out". Who F'n cares. Those from 2001 that were furloughed are probably LINEholders or (BLOCKholders) for US people at their current carrier. The company has gone to crap and the future is grim for anyone THAT junior here.
I know a few are lawyers, nurses and have discovered life after USAirways. I think it's telling they got right at 60% to willingly come back. A lot will just say screw it. A lot of those 216 will show up and walk right back out. It's been 7 years for some. The company got their wish to get rid of the INVOL list once and for all. They may even get rid of the VF list and shortly after, the VFLRs. Better get the new hire training program together.
I am hearing PHL made it to people in June 2001. Next to the last class hired I think.

June 01 was the last class, ever. They graduated in early August and were on the line for about a month before 9/11. In June 01, all later classes scheduled for tthe year were cancelled and the company stopped interviewing because the US/UAL merger did not go through and the WolfGang gang was deciding what to do with the company, having no plan B.
If I were furloughed and had a friend currently working here that gave me advice to come back I'd kill them once I got here. Who in hell would want to come back here?
As for me, I don't have to come back. It will be fun to choose the door instead of being told to leave although I took the voluntary before they got to me with the involuntary. I am coming back to make sure I can vote to change the AFA leadership and put the pressure on the company in any way I can. I certainly hope to see a national movement to put the pressure on the execs in the worst possible way and I want to participate.
The recalls with start with number 1 and will go down the the list until they get enough then they will come back up the list and say come back or resign. The company can then claim that "We have no Flights Attendants On Involuntary Furlough". The they would go to Voluntary List and do the same thing come back or resign. Their are flight attendants that have been gone for over 6 years. Then they will go to the VFLR these Flight Attendants will have to start as new hires. You will never see these people. Then they can hired off the streets
There are some coming back that have absolutely NO idea what they are about to get into. They are out there somewhere in left field. What a rude awakening they will experience when they get their first call from scheduling. Oh my word. Many of these folks flew very little before even being let go. Many of can barely stand the change we have all endured gradually. Talk about WHAAAAM...right in the kisser.
There are some coming back that have absolutely NO idea what they are about to get into. They are out there somewhere in left field. What a rude awakening they will experience when they get their first call from scheduling. Oh my word. Many of these folks flew very little before even being let go. Many of can barely stand the change we have all endured gradually. Talk about WHAAAAM...right in the kisser.

I feel so sorry for these people who are coming back.