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F/A Recalls

Holy HELL! ! ! ! If I were a furloughed f/a contemplating a return and asked a currently flying friend for advise or input and I DID come back I'd beat them with my emergency manual. WHO in their right mind (I don't care HOW much you love the job) would come back here? I mean there may be some EXTREME instances where this could be advancement for you but I'm not sure from what. Maybe cleaning out impacted cows or something. :lol:
I agree with Travelpro......

If you have a love of flying you should have moved on by now to another airline. This one SUCKS!!!!!!!!
You will be lucky if you make $20.000 a year and you will NOT be home. Unless of course you go to a base were you live.
We are not going to see any light at the end of the tunnel until Mike Flores is out of the picture. He has NO intensions of helping the reserves and he made that very clear at the last union meeting from what I am told.

So, unless you want to spend the next several years miserable DO NOT RETURN!!!!!!
Interesting on ABC15 news report on the AZ 10pm news, the anchor stated " USAirways is recalling hundreds of FAs due to being fired when they closed down the PIT hub". I find it amazing how the media will put a spin on any subject and not provide the facts!
If you are interested in being a flight attendant for a major US airline again, click here.

Much as it'd be nice to see some of the old (well, young) faces, like FlightChic said, US has been transformed into a trashy regional airline that is emarrassing to represent. The airplanes are filthy, tackily decorated, and have none of the tools a F/A needs to provide even basic service- whats tools you do have are stuffed in every nook and cranny as galleys and closets have been removed The customers are either appalled and angry or mountainfolk who can't figure out how to open the lav door. The 'brand' seems to be trailer park/carnival worker chic/desert casual, with (delayed) exercise wear for uniforms and plastic cups and potato chips considered premium- and don't even ask about the international side of things. The operation is a three ring circus. The classless, small-time management gets headlines every week with endless blunders large and small... Just scroll through this forum or google... drunk driving, cultrally ignorant emails, tin can on a string technology, powdered cream, it goes on and on and on...

The CEO was on a flight, and the crew asked him where they were supposed to put the excess trash now that the planes have been butchered to stuff in more seats. He suggested putting it in an overhead bin and couldn' understand why they were horrified. Pretty sums up the ideology of the place from the top down.

The contract is dreadful, your frozen pay is on par with express carriers, and your status as "a reserve" (as opposed to a flight attendant that is on reserve) has you treated like either a slave or a new hire. The company is stagnant, all the growth went to express carriers, and it's such a joke the possibility of being on the good side of consolidation is dimming.

If US Airways was a celebrity, it would be Britney Spears.

If US Airways was a Philadelphia mall, it'd be the Macdade Mall.

If US Airways were a hotel, it would be the Lagoon.

If US Airways were a hairstyle, it would be a mullet. With lice.

If you're on furlough, you have the travel bennies already anyway. Stay away or go to a better airline with a future. I'd imagine most have, so it will be intersting
E that is pretty spot on. I'd RUN in the other direction or go back to helpin' dem cows. 🙄
I'm in PHL and I got 35 hours for Nov. and 54 hours for December. I did break guarantee once this summer (notice I didn't say anything about timing out, just making it past the 73 mark), but most f/as tell me they haven't broken guarantee in 2 or 3 years. I normally fly around 40-50 hours a month. I guess it will only get worse. Welcome to the "new" US Airways!
If they could count on RSV's being in base not calling out on x-mas last day on call etc. maby they could get the staffing in-tac...my take on the recall is after the no show factor over x-mas they (mgmt) feel they can't count on the current RSV's to be AVL when needed, so they are adding staff to back fill...remember a reserve is something that sits on a shelf untill needed...if EMBFA & FLIGHTCHIC would make themself AVL for a QCK call they might get there time in and get a life...sorry but I don't feel for a jr. F/A that has time to whine on this board and sit in a crash pad all day when they could work if they REALLY wanted to...when I was jr. and yes I did commute I would go on QCK and would get a trip 8 out 10 times...but back in the day we did not have the whiney board to fill time...
If they could count on RSV's being in base not calling out on x-mas last day on call etc. maby they could get the staffing in-tac...my take on the recall is after the no show factor over x-mas they (mgmt) feel they can't count on the current RSV's to be AVL when needed, so they are adding staff to back fill...remember a reserve is something that sits on a shelf untill needed...if EMBFA & FLIGHTCHIC would make themself AVL for a QCK call they might get there time in and get a life...sorry but I don't feel for a jr. F/A that has time to whine on this board and sit in a crash pad all day when they could work if they REALLY wanted to...when I was jr. and yes I did commute I would go on QCK and would get a trip 8 out 10 times...but back in the day we did not have the whiney board to fill time...

Ya, back in the day we had spelling bees too...... 😱
Sorry PHL BULL, the system you worked under was paradise compared to LTO. Reserves DO put themselves on quick call with no result but ulcers. This is a different beast.

We aren't going to agree with the reserves wish for rotation, but that doesn't mean that they don't have legitimate complaints. The system, like US is broken. Unfortunately, this is just one of the major debacles currently in play.

For the recalls,

Will you live in base? Otherwise, forget having a life.
Can you live on $1300?
Do you mind being tied to a beeper/phone 24/7 with no relief?
Does it bother you to work for a very badly thought of company? Eg. "Worst Airline in the World"?
Does it bother you to not have proper tools to work with?
Are you able to smile, say nothing and shake off legitimate customer complaints?
Are you able to schlep around a lunchbox for four days? Not because you can't afford food, although that's a possibility, but because this airline has scheduled its flights so that you can't get any food. This is not a lie or exagerration.
Can you handle a hostile working environment?
Finally, do you accept that you will be on call for at the very least, the next ten years? Senior mamas are going nowhere until then, and they are the ones that currently own your "ten years from now" block.

If so, welcome back! There are nice people here and we could use fresh faces. Just consider your life carefully before you jump into what is not a pretty situation.
If they could count on RSV's being in base not calling out on x-mas last day on call etc. maby they could get the staffing in-tac...my take on the recall is after the no show factor over x-mas they (mgmt) feel they can't count on the current RSV's to be AVL when needed, so they are adding staff to back fill...remember a reserve is something that sits on a shelf untill needed...if EMBFA & FLIGHTCHIC would make themself AVL for a QCK call they might get there time in and get a life...sorry but I don't feel for a jr. F/A that has time to whine on this board and sit in a crash pad all day when they could work if they REALLY wanted to...when I was jr. and yes I did commute I would go on QCK and would get a trip 8 out 10 times...but back in the day we did not have the whiney board to fill time...

OK PHL BULL S**T! Let me tell you something! Whose fault was it that there were 150 trips and -90 available reserves before Christmas? The other day there were only 2 available reserves and many of us made ourselves available on our days off. Just about every reserve was available and working! Many had to double up, got reassigned, and were basically screwed because the company didn't plan accordingly! We did nothing to cause the Christmas chaos! Actually, we were the ones whole bailed the company out of the mess, once again, like we always do, year after year after year! Where were all the block holders who called in sick and refused to come in and help? So honey, we were all available and willing to work. The reserve's sick calls were not any more than usual (actually less than what I counted over the summer and we have way more reserves for Dec than in July). As for making myself available for quick call, I am actually always on quick call and I am always available in base for a trip! Many times I am number 1 or 2 for being quick called. I do know some people senior to me who put themselves on quick call every single day and guess what? They don't make their time either! They aren't even close!

And speaking of reserves sitting on a shelf, I guess I'll take it as a compliment because I have a very large selection of books and so I do "sit on the shelf" when I am not flying in a trashy metal tube and I better myself! I read tons of educational books, business related, and financial books as well as sit on my computer and work on things to better my future so I am not a bitter blockhead like you who has to come on here and piss on a couple of poor reserves. I would actually much rather sit on my shelf and read, work on business plans and arrangements for future business ventures, work on my website I am creating, and take classes in which I have time to study now that I am not flying so I can have a much better life and future. I don't rely on this moronic airline to pay for all of my bills and to take care of my future. I do have other things going on. As for the not needed part, in the real world I could leave this job and probably have a much more rewarding and higher paying job within a week or two since hmmm, I have a BA and an MA in education and foreign language which is my career before this place. I took the recall just so I could take advantage of all the free time so I could work on other "ventures" that I didn't have time for as a teacher. If you think I am here for the rest of my life you have got to be seriously demented! I love to travel and I love the free time and I usually have fun the few times that I do fly. I do have a life and I am happy! I'm sorry but I don't feel sorry for a b!tchy, miserable block holder who has no pension, no future, no life, and nothing better to do than make fun of reserves. Why are you on this board anyway? I come here for entertainment because people like you absolutely crack me up!
I'm confused. Are you saying that people are fed up with the reserve system? :huh:
Mr. Blockholder states-----> You people on RSV that don’t think that we care about you should Know that the Farewell PIT Gala will be held on your INV days so all can attend….there will also be food…..Some of you people are sooo skinny!!!

only Stating opinions.
I'm confused. Are you saying that people are fed up with the reserve system? :huh:
Are YOU Kidding Me? This Reserve System, along with the ETB setup that forces Blkhlders to rely on someone else being able to pick up your trip has a DIRECT correlation with the state of Poor Employee Morale. Not all Blkhlders WANT to work 90 hours and many Reserves NEED to work 85-90 hours to sustain a meaningful existence. The previous OPTIONS setup was preferred but certain adjustments needed to be made to make it work for The Company and the F/A work group. Throw in a meddling, vindictive CSimone and you have what we operate under today. (People being on Reserve for as long as they are here at US is absolutely ridiculous. Greedy Blkhlders flying 140 hours when a Reserve barely hits 40 hours is plain WRONG. This system SUCKS B-I-G Time and everyone knows it and that truly contributes to the crap airline that US represents. Morale will NOT change until everyone is treated equally and with respect, BLKHLDER or Reserve.
Yes. I was. 🙄 Just wanted to see if anyone would bite.

:lol: Funny........sometimes under the right circumstances I may bite, scatch , slap or pull hair. throw in a little leather and I am in overdrive 🙄 . Dealing with Tempe and their stupidity........a whip,barbwire and stilletto to the forehead is the CALL of The Day. WHACK!

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