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European Polution Law

GW which has been proven to be a boat load of merde.....

What these global warming wonks need is a coupe good volcanic events then what?

Ooooo yeah, tax Mother Nature for an unregulated output of carbon..

When they going to cap the amount of CO2 that we exhale?
What these global warming wonks need is a coupe good volcanic events then what?

What a bit like getting radiation on the US west coast from a Japanese Reactor ? Any chance it could fall on you?

And when we fine you for the amount of CO2 that you exhale, heated of course, our financial worries would be over.The Greeks would even put up a statue of you. LOL
Good bye
China is refusing to let their airlines pay the tax. What does the EU plan to do about this? The EU will look really stupid if they make everyone BUT the Chinese pay the tax.
Nice to know that the Chinese are now the good guys. If we are so evil, why do you all want to come here. If the Chinese won't pay the fine. they won't be allowed in. No Problem !!
What these global warming wonks need is a coupe good volcanic events then what?

What a bit like getting radiation on the US west coast from a Japanese Reactor ? Any chance it could fall on you?

And when we fine you for the amount of CO2 that you exhale, heated of course, our financial worries would be over.The Greeks would even put up a statue of you. LOL
Good bye

Lets paraphrase this cognitively and correctly.
Just because you EuroMarxist Swine bought into AL Gores Inconvenient Lies doesn't mean the rest of the lemmings have to follow you off the cliff.
Aside from the leaked BS from the driving force GW climatologists involved in your fairy tail vision.....the world seems hell bent on screwing the US which is a global leader in pollution control technology. Why is that? Penis envy? Or maybe the dreaded success of Capitalism?

Don't worry about radiation falling on you from us.....Iran has your ass targeted right now with deliverable weapons to make your wake up a memorable one. But alas you EuroSwine will want an Uncle Sam guarantee to pay to protect your stupid butt.
This thread is still going on??? To me it's simple - the EU can pass whatever laws it wants for the EU countries, but has no right to tell other countries what they must do in their country. If the EU wants to tax the portion of flights in it's airspace, it has every right. Just don't try to tax the portions of flights outside the EU airspace.

Maybe the U.S. could start charging PFC's, security fees, etc on tickets departing/arriving at EU airports. Tack on an ATC fee too. Collect excise taxes, fuel taxes, whatever taxes on tickets sold in the EU. Heck, charge landing and ground handling fees for flights into/out of EU airports. Add a tax on ground facilities - ramps, ticket counters, etc - used at EU airports. The sky is the limit on charges the U.S. could impose on flights that never get close to the U.S. We could solve our budget problems almost overnight...

The conversation continues because the denizens of the Water Cooler can't resist some one without a sense of humor.
Nice to know that the Chinese are now the good guys. If we are so evil, why do you all want to come here. If the Chinese won't pay the fine. they won't be allowed in. No Problem !!

They won't be allowed in, then what? Do you think the Chinese are just going to sit there and do nothing? They will without a doubt respond in kind, and then some.
This thread is still going on??? To me it's simple - the EU can pass whatever laws it wants for the EU countries, but has no right to tell other countries what they must do in their country. If the EU wants to tax the portion of flights in it's airspace, it has every right. Just don't try to tax the portions of flights outside the EU airspace.

I don't know about others but myself I've never said otherwise. I'm just poiting out the hypocrisy of it and that it has more to do with making EU politicians feel good about themselves and making a quick buck than actually accomplishing anything.
I, and most of the Europeans, would preferr that you were not fined, and are within the carbon limit of Europe. The engine manufacters have had at least seven years to try and improve their engines to get nearer meeting the standard required, but it would seem that they have done little. When they do, then there will be no fine to the airlines.

You do know that it's just not the engines that determin how much fuel an aircraft burns. How light and aerodynamically efficent an aircraft is plays a part as well. So you might want to call the folks in Toulouse and let themknow they are not up o standards. Whatever that standard is.
They won't be allowed in, then what? Do you think the Chinese are just going to sit there and do nothing? They without doubt respond in kind, and then some.

Nah, I think the Chinese are quite satisfied being isolationist. They know the mountain will find a way to come to Mao.

The reality is that it will be far more damaging to Lufthansa, BA, and Air France to have their landing rights revoked than it will be for the Chinese carriers to be locked out of the EU.

Europe needs to trade with China more than China needs their currency. I lived in France for a couple months last year, and just about everything I saw at the stores that was non-perishable had a "fabrique' en Chine" tag on it. Even at the airport souvenir stands, trying to find something other than wine or cheese which was actually "fabrique en France" was a bit difficult.

The hypocrisy over the EU emission tax scheme is that it doesn't do anything at the global level where the problems lie. When it comes to how all the stuff on their store shelves gets made or where it is coming from, they turn a blind eye.

And the US is no better -- gimme free healthcare, cheap gas, but don't touch my $4.99 tools at Home Depot & $1.99 DVD's at Wal-Mart.

If the EU were really serious about the environment, they'd be sin-taxing goods and services originating in non-compliant states. If nothing else, it would be on-par with what the Chinese do with tariffs on foreign goods, no?
Tell you what Meat Ball.......you should watch who you diss......those nasty Chinese are going to bail the EuroMarxists out of their financial doom when the time comes. They already were tendering offers to Angie and Nickie.
Europe is already owned by Saudi Arabia.
GW which has been proven to be a boat load of merde.....

What these global warming wonks need is a coupe good volcanic events then what?

Ooooo yeah, tax Mother Nature for an unregulated output of carbon..

When they going to cap the amount of CO2 that we exhale?
Next bogus tax by the Euro-trash will be a UFO tax, because somebody has to pay for their pollution ofEurope :lol:
Nice to know that the Chinese are now the good guys. If we are so evil, why do you all want to come here. If the Chinese won't pay the fine. they won't be allowed in. No Problem !!
Wake up. We don't want to be there. Statistically, Europe will be the least travelled continent in the next decade. Seeing that your economy thrives on tourism, because brains are far and in between, you will get your wish and not get our money 😛

No Problem 😛 😛 😛
YO! Meat Bag!

Posted on: January 9, 2012
The carbon caper
If the U.S. airlines were writing the history of the world, the villain for the chapter on 2012 would have to be the European Union for its decision to apply its emissions trading scheme to international aviation.

From the airlines' perspective, this is a villainous act for two reasons.

First, it's going to cost them. The estimates vary, but one number you see a lot is that the cap-and-trade system could raise U.S. airline costs by about $3 billion over the next nine years.

Airlines for America calls that "an exorbitant tax."

Second -- and even worse than the $3 billion price tag, if you can believe it -- the airlines are outraged that the E.U. defied all of the global airline industry's conventional niceties and applied its policy unilaterally.

Whole Story

Hopefully the Empty Suit will fight back,

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