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In general, and in hindsight, here's what should have happened.
Heck, before it ever went to arbitration I said it would be better (and a lot cheaper) to lock both merger committees in a room, allow no tv/radio/phones, give each person $20 a day for room service, and not let them out till they had an agreement.

I still think it would have been better.....

Heck, before it ever went to arbitration I said it would be better (and a lot cheaper) to lock both merger committees in a room, allow no tv/radio/phones, give each person $20 a day for room service, and not let them out till they had an agreement.

I still think it would have been better.....


I agree...

Except, maybe send them to BTV in the middle of winter, with all the snow, slush, and cold. I guarantee, it wouldn't have taken long.

Just my opinion...
Juries deadlock all the time. Compromise isn't always possible and if it's forced you run into the whole "who has more leverage?" issue that arbitration avoids.
The Westies are not interested in a solution, only what the think is their new found windfall.


Will you buddy bid w/ me when we all start flying together? I need some time off!!!!

Looks to me like you either need to change your signature or find a new place to work, dude(ette)!!!

I can see it now if the shoe was on the other foot....
The shoe would be on the other foot...you easties would be saying, "Tough luck/Shove it!!"

Admit it.
If you are a pilot employed at LCC you would be extremely foolhardy to not have an alternative "career" in place to subsidize your flying hobby !

Every time (every time) in the past, the East pilot group makes a ton of noise about "shutting 'er down." It's not going to happen. If it was, it would have already (BKI, BKII).

As a practical matter, the 50 year old F/O who is never going to upgrade is not going to walk away from East or try to kill it, because if he could do better, it would have happened already.

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