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Do the Democrats have a plan "B"?

southwind said:
Creating jobs would advance the interest of minority's, something the Dems have no clue how to do!
What is the republicans plan?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I see Dog Wonder could not wait to long on this morning and -1 every post I made.
It is good go have a (pathetic) hobby isn't it Dog?
If I don't get enough negatives, I'm not accomplishing what I set out to do.....keep 'em coming!
southwind said:
Exactly the opposite of the Demorats plans.....get out of the way of private industry!
Kind of hard to do when the fortune 100 companies received over $1 trillion is corporate hand outs.  Kind of hard to make the case against handouts when your party is handing them out as well  At least that is what Rand Paul said if you believe him.
southwind said:
Exactly the opposite of the Demorats plans.....get out of the way of private industry!
Funny.  Several things wrong here.  First, for a plan to be opposite another plan there must be another plan so obviously you think the dems have one.  Make up your mind already.  They have one or they don't.  Secondly, in post #117 you said the topic being discussed was what the dems plan B was if Clinton failed to receive the nomination or did not run.  Given that topic how is your post in any way related to that topic or my question?  Youseem to do this quite a bit.  Don't have an answer .... deflect.
You asked what the plan B was.  I answered by saying I do not know.  Then I asked you what the republicans plan A was.  Meaning who is the republicans hope to win the WH.  I gather from your response that you do not know what the republicans plan A is anymore than I know what the dems plan B is.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Ms Tree was trying to paint a picture of exclusivity.
No political group I know of excludes people like the Black Caucus.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I have yet to see you comment about the Black Caucus.
You try to paint the Republicans as a "Good Ol Boy" club, but wont even acknowledge the rampant racism of the Black Caucus. Typical liberal double standards.
Ms Tree said:
What specifically would you like to discuss about the Black Caucus? 
Just keep playing stupid Ms Tree. You are good at it.
Ms Tree said:
Funny.  Several things wrong here.  First, for a plan to be opposite another plan there must be another plan so obviously you think the dems have one.  Make up your mind already.  They have one or they don't.  Secondly, in post #117 you said the topic being discussed was what the dems plan B was if Clinton failed to receive the nomination or did not run.  Given that topic how is your post in any way related to that topic or my question?  Youseem to do this quite a bit.  Don't have an answer .... deflect.
You asked what the plan B was.  I answered by saying I do not know.  Then I asked you what the republicans plan A was.  Meaning who is the republicans hope to win the WH.  I gather from your response that you do not know what the republicans plan A is anymore than I know what the dems plan B is.
Great ! Then answer the question. Who's in the batter's box, once Hitlery implodes from all the lies and coverups!
southwind said:
Great ! Then answer the question. Who's in the batter's box, once Hitlery implodes from all the lies and coverups!
I'm not sure, but the longer she holds out, the less time the republicans will have to work up a smear and muck campaign against that person.  Because they can't focus on issues....what do they have?  Cut taxes to spur job creation.  Abolish Obamacare.  Fine talking points, but not much substance there.  And they seem to have forgotten how to run on issues, so they spend their time running on golf, vacations, hatred of America, friendships with Jerimiah Wright and Bill Ayers, birth certificates, e-mails, Benghazi, beer summits....pretty much everything but issues.  
The GOP 2016 campaign will be "cut taxes, cut wasteful spending, create jobs, and abolish Obamacare"...and hope like hell nobody in the audience raises their hand and asks "How"? 
Nobody wants to hear about your sex life Dog........ NOBODY.
You call poking fun at festering boils on the backside of syphilitic feral hogs a sex life? No wonder you troll the internet on Valentine's Day.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Just keep playing stupid Ms Tree. You are good at it.
No answer .... hurl insults...... you are a one trick pony.
Since you are not forth coming with any specifics regarding the CBC I'll take a wild shot and assume that you think the CBC is racist because they only allow blacks to be members. Do you consider them racist in the same way that the federally funded military academy's, Girl Scouts, Boys Scouts ... are sexist? What's your opinion on the Log Cabin Republicans? I have not gone through this list but I am willing to bet there are some that would not pass this test of yours.

KCFlyer said:
I'm not sure, but the longer she holds out, the less time the republicans will have to work up a smear and muck campaign against that person.  Because they can't focus on issues....what do they have?  Cut taxes to spur job creation.  Abolish Obamacare.  Fine talking points, but not much substance there.  And they seem to have forgotten how to run on issues, so they spend their time running on golf, vacations, hatred of America, friendships with Jerimiah Wright and Bill Ayers, birth certificates, e-mails, Benghazi, beer summits....pretty much everything but issues.  
The GOP 2016 campaign will be "cut taxes, cut wasteful spending, create jobs, and abolish Obamacare"...and hope like hell nobody in the audience raises their hand and asks "How"?

BaRacks been on the campaign trail for the last eight years and what does he have to show for it? A law the majority of Americans didn't want, that was passed in the middle of the night, behind closed doors, by all demorats.

Doesn't really matter who the GOP runs, whether against Hitlery or one of the no names behind her.

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