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Do the Democrats have a plan "B"?

southwind said:
Yep! And racism takes place on both sides, yet people like you only want to address one side.
I'm so over the slavery issue. We have a "BLACK" President, in case you haven't noticed.
Where was Sharpton/Jackson when the 2 cops got shot in Ferguson?
You're over the slavery issue? Good to know. Anything else you are over? I can start a list. News flash. Just because we have female CEO'S does not mean sexism does not exist in the work place. Just because Obama is a minority does not mean that racism is over. They were hanging out with Limbaugh and O'REILLY. Who cares?
Dog Wonder said:
The White Al Sharpton lives.
Somebody needs to stand up for white people, difference being, in the politically correct, libtard world, that makes me racist....if so, guilty as charged!
Ms Tree said:
You're over the slavery issue? Good to know. Anything else you are over? I can start a list. News flash. Just because we have female CEO'S does not mean sexism does not exist in the work place. Just because Obama is a minority does not mean that racism is over. They were hanging out with Limbaugh and O'REILLY. Who cares?
Great! So when do you start to address racism with races other than Caucasian?

When you, your libtard friends, race pimps Sharpton/Jackson do, I might listen to what you have to say!
Ms Tree said:
There is a difference between races as well.  For instance, certain races have a history where they were enslaved and/or subjugated by other races. 
I got news for you... slavery existed LONG before America. There is also the fact that all races have taken part in slavery in their history. The difference is most have moved on and don't piss and whine about it for political gain.
Ms Tree said:
When did we start to talk about homosexuality?
Liberals have done their best to try to erase gender identity. Why do that except to support "transgender" people or same sex marriages. 
After all to erase the concept of marriage first the libtards have to destroy the concept of a "husband and wife". 
A child does not need a mother and a father when there is no difference...... people are people.... right?
Ms Tree said:
I see, dodge the issue yet again.  What do you think about these folks?  Are they sexist?
Send me something that is not from a leftist political rag then we will talk. A mission statement from the ACTUAL group would be a good start.
Ms Tree said:
Is your outrage against them equal to that of the CBC or did you not even know they existed till right now?  
When you have a CWC, , A Miss White America pageant, and a NAAWP and no one calls racist come back at me with that noise.
When I minority does it, it's for equality.
When whites do it, it's being racist.
southwind said:
Great! So when do you start to address racism with races other than Caucasian?

When you, your libtard friends, race pimps Sharpton/Jackson do, I might listen to what you have to say!
I agree.
Racism in this country has been branded and marketed by the liberal media.
People like AL Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan depend on racism and fuel it whenever they can. After all without marketing and selling it they become irrelevant.
Democrats stay in power by dividing this country and pushing socialism as a form of "equality". They are the only true benefactors of racism in this country. For everyone else it just tears them down.
The 10 most dangerous cities in the United States with populations over 200k.
CITY                                       MAYOR                             PARTY
Detroit, Michigan                      Mike Duggan                     Democrat
Oakland, California                    Libby Schaaf                     Democrat
Memphis, Tennessee                 A C Wharton                     Democrat
St. Louis, Missouri                     Francis G. Slay                  Democrat
Cleveland, Ohio                        Frank G. Jackson               Democrat
Baltimore, Maryland                  Stephanie Rawlings-Blake    Democrat
Milwaukee, Wisconsin               Tom Barrett                       Democrat
Birmingham, Alabama               William A. Bell                   Democrat
Newark, New Jersey                  Ras J. Baraka                    Democrat
Kansas City, Missouri                 Sly James                         Independent
I see the Dimocrats are doing a bang up job.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I agree.
Racism in this country has been branded and marketed by the liberal media.
People like AL Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan depend on racism and fuel it whenever they can. After all without marketing and selling it they become irrelevant.
Democrats stay in power by dividing this country and pushing socialism as a form of "equality". They are the only true benefactors of racism in this country. For everyone else it just tears them down.
Reminds me of the congressional black caucus holding their hands up for the Mikey Brown thing....
Wasn't it Eric Holder who said Brown never had his hands up?
southwind said:
Great! So when do you start to address racism with races other than Caucasian?

When you, your libtard friends, race pimps Sharpton/Jackson do, I might listen to what you have to say!
Right.  Because whites are so oppressed.   Sharpton and Jackson are as relevant as Limbaugh and Beck.  :et me know when they speak out.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I got news for you... slavery existed LONG before America. There is also the fact that all races have taken part in slavery in their history. The difference is most have moved on and don't piss and whine about it for political gain.
Liberals have done their best to try to erase gender identity. Why do that except to support "transgender" people or same sex marriages. 
After all to erase the concept of marriage first the libtards have to destroy the concept of a "husband and wife". 
A child does not need a mother and a father when there is no difference...... people are people.... right?
Send me something that is not from a leftist political rag then we will talk. A mission statement from the ACTUAL group would be a good start.
When you have a CWC, , A Miss White America pageant, and a NAAWP and no one calls racist come back at me with that noise.
When I minority does it, it's for equality.
When whites do it, it's being racist.
I have several friends who have been stopped while not being white.  They are finding it a bit more difficult to move on.
The nerve.  Advocating for people to have the right to live their life as they choose.  
The 50% divorce rate has done far more harm to the idea of husband and wife than anything else.
You are correct.  A child needs loving parents and a safe environment.  
Has to do with minorities v majorities and who holds the power.  We still live in a male dominated society so womens groups are seen as a ballinging agent.  Same goes for other minorities.  Until people are treated as equal groups to support minorities will always be present.  White males have held power for quite a long time.  They do not need protection.  Whites had affirmative action for close to 200 years till it was officially banned in 1964.  It takes a long time to dig out of that hole and to reverse the mind sets that go with it.  By the way, the first black woman to win the Ms America title was Ms WIlliams in 1983.  Whites held/hold the power so I am unclear how they can advance more.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I agree.
Racism in this country has been branded and marketed by the liberal media.
People like AL Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan depend on racism and fuel it whenever they can. After all without marketing and selling it they become irrelevant.
Democrats stay in power by dividing this country and pushing socialism as a form of "equality". They are the only true benefactors of racism in this country. For everyone else it just tears them down.
Why did you leave out Limbaugh, Beck and others?  Not convenient for your argument?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
The 10 most dangerous cities in the United States with populations over 200k.
CITY                                       MAYOR                             PARTY
Detroit, Michigan                      Mike Duggan                     Democrat
Oakland, California                    Libby Schaaf                     Democrat
Memphis, Tennessee                 A C Wharton                     Democrat
St. Louis, Missouri                     Francis G. Slay                  Democrat
Cleveland, Ohio                        Frank G. Jackson               Democrat
Baltimore, Maryland                  Stephanie Rawlings-Blake    Democrat
Milwaukee, Wisconsin               Tom Barrett                       Democrat
Birmingham, Alabama               William A. Bell                   Democrat
Newark, New Jersey                  Ras J. Baraka                    Democrat
Kansas City, Missouri                 Sly James                         Independent
I see the Dimocrats are doing a bang up job.
Michigan - republican governor, Senate and House
California - democratic  governor, Senate and House
Tennessee - republican governor, Senate and House
Missouri -  dem governor republican Senate and House
Ohio - Dem governor  republican Senate and House
Maryland - republican Gov  dem House and Senate
Wisconsin  - republican gov, Senate and House
Alabama - republican gov, Senate and House
New Jersey - republican gov dem Senate and House
Cities do not operate in a vacuum.  
Ms Tree said:
Why did you leave out Limbaugh, Beck and others?  Not convenient for your argument?
maybe because they don't show up on tv every time a black guy kills a white guy?
That's because they are on the radio. Do a web search with their name and what ever topic you choose. Then sit back and read all the incendiary crap they spew.
Ms Tree said:
That's because they are on the radio. Do a web search with their name and what ever topic you choose. Then sit back and read all the incendiary crap they spew.
Funny, Beck was one of the first on the scene out west , after some of those horrendous tornado's struck. Organized food and clothing contributions from all over the country, right out of your back yard. What did you contribute?

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