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Do the Democrats have a plan "B"?

I think Clinton would be a vast improvement over Obama and you see how running McCain and Romeny against Obama worked out.  I think I would be a bit more concerned about getting an electable candidate on the ticket this time around.  If not you will end up with someone like Cruz or Paul on the ticket and the GOP will lose the WH yet again.
The "creator" himself could of ran against Obama and lost. People wanted something different and to give a black man a chance. Well they got it..haha
Ms Tree said:
I think Clinton would be a vast improvement over Obama
lol that's certainly a glowing endorsement. Id say about the same at best but then a trained circus bear would be an improvement on obama.
And yet the two candidates the GOP put up in 08 and 12 lost. I'd be looking for a plan A instead of worrying about the dems plan B.
Black Magic said:
The "creator" himself could of ran against Obama and lost. People wanted something different and to give a black man a chance. Well they got it..haha
For me personally I was seriously considering McCain as were many of my friends. That all stopped when Palin stepped up and started to talk. We all were in disbelief. We chose the lesser of two idiots. Come 2012 Romney was not even a viable choice. I think Rove was the only one who thought it could work and Kelly on FOX had to ***** slap him awake to get him to understand that he was wrong. Republicans have a way of snacking defeat out of the jaws of victory.
I know the liberals could trot a crash dummy out there and the minions would vote for it.
southwind said:

BaRacks been on the campaign trail for the last eight years and what does he have to show for it? A law the majority of Americans didn't want, that was passed in the middle of the night, behind closed doors, by all demorats.

Doesn't really matter who the GOP runs, whether against Hitlery or one of the no names behind her.
Because as long as republicans base their campaign on smear and muck, all the no name has to do is focus on something positive.  Remember Reagan?  HOw much muck did he sling at Carter?  Not much.  He focused on "Morning in America".  Clinton won, and ran a positive campaign.  Obama won on a promising, positive campaign.  Republicans run against blowjobs, they run against birth certificates, they run against "socialism".  When was the last positive campaign that the republicans ran....I think that would be Reagan.  Most Americans who aren't on politics message boards want to hear positives.  They tune out negative.  The GOP might win if they offered a campaign that was postive.  The average voter doesn't want to hear a bunch of smear.  Give them something to hope for....not what's so bad about their opponent.  That's my public service for the GOP and their mouthpiece.  They are now free to conduct their smear and muck campaign.  And they will watch another democrat take the presidency in 2016.  
cltrat said:
I know the liberals could trot a crash dummy out there and the minions would vote for it.
It worked for the GOP. Why shouldn't the dems be able to do it also?
Ms Tree said:
Since you are not forth coming with any specifics regarding the CBC I'll take a wild shot and assume that you think the CBC is racist because they only allow blacks to be members.
That's right.
Ms Tree said:
Do you consider them racist in the same way that the federally funded military academy's, Girl Scouts, Boys Scouts ... are sexist? 
Unlike you stupid libtards I realize there is a difference in the genders. I know you try to erase gender identity so you can push your sick gay agenda but there is what you want then there is reality. 
Ms Tree said:
 What's your opinion on the Log Cabin Republicans?
Wolves in sheep's clothing. Thanks for asking.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
That's right.
Unlike you stupid libtards I realize there is a difference in the genders. I know you try to erase gender identity so you can push your sick gay agenda but there is what you want then there is reality. 
Wolves in sheep's clothing. Thanks for asking.
There is a difference between races as well.  For instance, certain races have a history where they were enslaved and/or subjugated by other races.  When did we start to talk about homosexuality? 
I see, dodge the issue yet again.  What do you think about these folks?  Are they sexist?
Is your outrage against them equal to that of the CBC or did you not even know they existed till right now?  
Ms Tree said:
There is a difference between races as well.  For instance, certain races have a history where they were enslaved and/or subjugated by other races.  When did we start to talk about homosexuality? 
I see, dodge the issue yet again.  What do you think about these folks?  Are they sexist?
Is your outrage against them equal to that of the CBC or did you not even know they existed till right now?
Yep! And racism takes place on both sides, yet people like you only want to address one side.
I'm so over the slavery issue. We have a "BLACK" President, in case you haven't noticed.
Where was Sharpton/Jackson when the 2 cops got shot in Ferguson?
southwind said:
Yep! And racism takes place on both sides, yet people like you only want to address one side.
I'm so over the slavery issue. We have a "BLACK" President, in case you haven't noticed.
Where was Sharpton/Jackson when the 2 cops got shot in Ferguson?
they don't count their only white

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